1 Displays program, registration and version information\nAbout 10 Creates a new document\nNew 20 Opens an existing document \nOpen 30 Saves the active document \nSave 31 Closes the active document \nClose 100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version. 102 Failed to create object. Make sure the object is entered in the system registry. 103 Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nCut 104 Copies the selection to the Clipboard\nCopy 105 Inserts the Clipboard into the document\nPaste 106 Deletes the selection\nDelete 107 Date 108 Time 110 Selects all objects 128 Are you sure ? 178 Prints the active document\nPrint 249 Save this document as: 250 Save a copy in: 251 Show Clipboard 252 Hide Clipboard 253 &Undo 254 &Redo 255 Unable to display contents at the moment 256 Untitled #%i 257 closing 258 quitting 259 Can't Undo 260 save 261 revert 301 Invalid value 302 The value is less than the allowed minimum 303 The value is greater than the allowed maximum 304 The value contains non-numeric characters 305 Exporting Video for Windows 911 Displays the tutorial\nTutorial 912 Displays help on keyboard commands\nKeyboard Help 990 Simple Palette 991 Big Palette 992 &RunCtrl+R 993 &StopCtrl+R 994 Attach &Picture 995 Detach &Picture 996 Publisher Options 997 Subscriber Options 998 Show Borders 999 Hide Borders 1002 &CopyCtrl+C 1003 &Copy DataCtrl+C 1005 Customizes the interface and changes default layouts 1006 Erases the track 1009 Creates a new reference frame 1012 Attaches/Detaches selected picture to selected body 1014 Scales the world view\nView Size 1015 Changes how numbers and units are displayed\nNumber and Units 1018 Attaches/Detaches selected points to selected body 1025 Changes the background color\nBackground Color 1026 Toggles lock controls on/off\nLock Controls 1031 Runs the simulation\nRun 1032 Resets the simulation\nReset 1034 Stops the simulation\nStop 1039 Changes simulation accuracy 1045 Duplicates selected objects 1047 Splits selected constraints and split constraints attached to selected bodies\nSplit 1048 Joins selected constraints and join constraints attached to selected bodies\nJoin 1050 Toggles hot point snapping on/off\nSnap to Hot Points 1053 Enables all menus and features 1054 Hides editing features 1056 Controls when simulation pauses, stops, resets or loops 1077 Changes workspace settings\nWorkspace 1089 Toggles lock points on/off\nLock Points 1094 Moves selected bodies to the front 1095 Sends selected bodies to the back 1105 Shows or hides the system center of mass\nSystem center of Mass 1107 Makes selected bodies collide 1108 Makes selected bodies pass through each other 1110 Toggles grid snap on/off\nGrid Snap 1111 Data From 1112 at: 1113 Exporting Meter Data... 1114 Making DXF file... 1115 Making DXF files... 1121 V 1122 A 1123 FT 1124 FG 1125 FAir 1126 F 1127 FG 1128 FE 1129 F 1130 FN 1131 FF 1132 x 1133 y 1160 Toggles auto-erase tracking on/off 1161 Toggles retain-meter values on/off 1162 Erases all retained meter values 1205 FOR 1206 A possible circular reference has been detected in ^0. Results may be unpredictable if you continue. 1228 Could not ^2 because ^0. ^1 1229 Could not complete the '^2' command because ^0. ^1 1230 Could not complete your request because ^0. ^1 1231 Save changes to '^0' before ^1? 1232 Revert to the last saved version of '^0'? 1233 The disk copy of '^0' has changed since you last opened or saved it. Do you want to ^1 anyway? 1234 There is not enough disk space to save the document unless the existing copy is deleted first 1235 '^0' is already open 1236 Memory space is low. Some commands may be disabled. 1237 Your computer lacks the required hardware or system software to run this application. 1238 '^0' can't be opened for writing. Do you want to open it anyway? 1241 This DXF file contains too many objects/lines and would drastically reduce simulation speed. 1242 Please re-edit your CAD document to contain key geometries only. 1249 Could not save this document in its current form because it contains features not supported in the Student Edition. Features not supported include ???. Please refer to the Release Notes for more information. 1250 Cannot add any more characters here. 1251 Cannot remember the styles associated with the text. The text is intact, however. 1351 This document has no pages within the requested range. 1399 ^0. Previous value substituted. 1401 Shows every frame when running 1402 Shows every other frame on playback 1404 Shows every 4th frame on playback 1408 Shows every 8th frame on playback 1416 Shows every 16th frame on playback 1501 Tracks every frame for those objects who's tracking is on 1502 Tracks every other frame for those objects who's tracking is on 1504 Tracks every 4 frame for those objects who's tracking is on 1508 Tracks every 8 frame for those objects who's tracking is on 1516 Tracks every 16 frame for those objects who's tracking is on 1532 Tracks every 32 frame for those objects who's tracking is on 1599 Turns tracking off 1700 Exports the document to other files types 1753 Imports other files into the document 1801 Converts selected polygons and curved slots to line elements 1802 Converts selected line elements into a polygon 1803 Converts selected line elements into curved slot element 2000 Selects, drags or manipulates objects\nArrow tool 2003 Selects and rotates bodies, points and constraints\nRotate tool 2005 Zooms in by a factor of 2. Hold down the shift key to zoom out\nZoom in 2006 Zooms out by a factor of 2. Hold down the shift key to zoom in\nZoom out 2010 Creates and edits text objects\nText tool 2012 Toggles polygon and curved slot reshape mode on/off 2500 Circle\nCircle 2501 Separator: Prevents two bodies from coming together\nSeparator 2502 Square\nSquare 2503 Rectangle\nRectangle 2504 Rod: Keeps two bodies a fixed distance apart\nRod 2505 Point element: Join with another point to create a pin joint\nPoint element 2506 Force: Applies a force on a single body\nForce 2507 Torque: Applies a torque on a single body\nTorque 2508 Rope\nRope 2509 Spring\nSpring 2511 Polygon\nPolygon 2512 Actuator: Applies a force between two bodies\nActuator 2513 Motor: Applies a torque between two bodies\nMotor 2514 Pulley: Click to create points. Double-click the final point\nPulley 2516 Damper: Applies a force proportional to velocity\nDamper 2517 Rotational Damper: Includes a built in pin joint\nRotational Damper 2518 Rotational Spring: Includes a built in pin joint\nRotational Spring 2523 Rigid joint: Locks 2 bodies together\nRigid joint 2524 Pin joint: Joins 2 bodies with a hinge\nPin joint 2525 Keyed Slot joint: Constrains a body to slide along a slot\nKeyed Slot joint 2526 Slot joint: Constrains a body to pivot along a slot\nSlot joint 2527 Keyed Slot joint: Constrains a body to slide along a slot\nKeyed Slot joint 2528 Slot joint: Constrains a body to pivot along a slot\nSlot joint 2534 Anchor: Prevents the body it is attached to from moving\nAnchor 2536 Slot element: Join with a point to create a slot joint\nSlot element 2540 Square Point element\nSquare Point element 2543 Spring Damper: A combination spring and damper\nSpring Damper 2545 Slot element: Join with a point to create a slot joint\nSlot element 2546 Curved Slot joint: Constrains a body to pivot along a curved slot\nCurved Slot joint 2548 Curved Slot element: Join with a point to create a curved slot joint\nCurved Slot element 2552 Gear\nGear 2553 Closed Curved Slot joint: Constrains a body to pivot along a curved slot\nClosed Curved Slot joint 2555 Closed Curved Slot element: Join with a point to create a curved slot joint\nClosed Curved Slot element 2557 Curved Polygon\nCurved Polygon 2602 ^0. Substitute previous value? 2603 You must Reset to initial conditions before making changes. Reset now? 2604 The tape player is full. Keep running and write over the beginning of the tape? 2605 There is not enough memory for flicker-free animation. 2606 There is not enough memory for flicker-free animation.\n\nTry choosing fewer colors in the ÒMonitorsÓ control panel. 2610 There is not enough memory to undo ^2. Do you wish to proceed anyway? 3438 dx 3439 dy 3440 dl 3441 T 3442 |F| 3443 x 3444 y 3445 Gx 3446 Gy 3447 Fx 3448 Fy 3449 Ø 3450 r 3451 l 3452 w 3453 h 3454 ScriptEditor.X 3455 ScriptEditor.Y 3456 ScriptEditor.W 3457 ScriptEditor.H 3458 Geometry.X 3459 Geometry.Y 3460 Geometry.W 3461 Geometry.H 3462 Appearance.X 3463 Appearance.Y 3464 Appearance.W 3465 Appearance.H 3466 Properties.X 3467 Properties.Y 3468 Properties.W 3469 Properties.H 3475 Reading DXF objects... 3476 Translating DXF objects into Working Model objects... 3477 Merging new objects into Working Model... 3478 Number of Working Model objects created : 5503 Opens the script editor\nScript Editor 5515 Runs a script\nRun Script 9684 &Measure 10000 Opens the object properties window 10010 Part of: 10100 Opens the object appearance window 10200 Opens the object geometry window 10414 Changes the coefficient of restitution of selected bodies 10416 Changes the friction of selected bodies 10420 Changes gravity 10421 Changes the air resistance model 10422 Changes the electrostatics model 10423 Changes the custom force field 11004 &Attach To BodyCtrl+B 11005 Det&ach From BodyCtrl+B 11200 Changes the text appearance of selected objects 12190 Export 12191 Export &to: 12192 Export &filename: 12193 Export t&ype: 12194 &Export 12195 Import 12196 Import f&rom: 12197 Import &filename: 12198 Import t&ype: 12199 &Import 24339 Knowledge Revolution 26002 kCOMCursor 26003 kPlusCursor 26004 kMinusCursor 26005 kSysCOMCursor 26006 kSysCOMXCursor 26010 kBasePointCursor 26011 kPointCursor 26012 kPinCursor 26013 kRCnstrCursor 26014 kRPCnstrCursor 26015 kRPistonCursor 26017 kEyeCursor 26018 kTorqueCursor 27003 kRotateCursor 27004 kZoomInCursor 27005 kZoomOutCursor 27010 kStopCursor 32513 Try closing a document to make more memory available. 32514 Use the 'Get Info' command in the Finder to give 32579 of a program error 32580 the file is bad 32581 the clipboard is bad 32582 some data is bad 32583 the QuickTime extension is not in your System Folder 32584 of an unsupported type 32585 your computer lacks the required graphics software 32586 it requires a newer version of Interactive Physics 32587 You must Reset to initial conditions before making changes. Reset now? 32588 a simulation error has occurred 32589 either the document has been moved or its name has been changed 32590 Try reducing the time-step in the 'Accuracy' dialog box. 32591 A simulation error has occurred. Physical values may not be accurate 32592 Unable to achieve the desired accuracy with variable time step integration. The time step has become too small 32593 Two bodies have a large overlap 32594 This polygon has lines that intersect. Polygons with intersecting lines will not collide with other objects. Area will be approximate. 32595 Accelerations are high. 32596 Velocities are high. 32597 Some force(s) are large. You may be using formulas that give infinite forces. High forces may also indicate numerical overflow 32598 A bifurcation condition has occurred 32599 Redundant constraints have been detected. Some constraints may be ignored. 32600 Objects are overlapping beyond the specified tolerance. 32601 Inconsistent constraints or physical instability has been detected. Some constraints may be ignored 32602 A body has a mass or moment of inertia that is less than or equal to zero. Results will be unpredictable 32603 The ratio of masses between two bodies is extremely high. Numerical inaccuracies may result when these objects collide, or are connected with a pin, slot or rod 32604 A motor or actuator is being adjusted so that its formula value equals its current rotation or length. A constant will be added to the formula value. 32605 Try using your backup copy of Interactive Physics. 32606 Interactive Physics needs System 7 or 32-Bit QuickDraw version 1.2 or greater. 32607 Try choosing fewer colors in the 'Monitors' control panel. 32609 the document contains an invalid equation 32610 compute the next frame 32611 open the tape recording 32613 of a program error 32614 the disk is full 32615 the disk is locked 32616 there is not enough memory 32617 of a disk error 32618 the file is locked 32619 the file is already in use or was left open 32620 of a problem writing the print file 32621 the printer could not be found 32622 of a problem communicating with the printer 32623 its disk copy was deleted 32624 that document is currently open 32625 its disk copy was changed 32626 of a problem with the file server 32627 you do not have the necessary access privileges 32628 the selected printing resource could not be found 32629 of a problem with AppleTalk 32630 AppleTalk is not connected 32631 it is not the right kind of document 32632 the disk is not available 32633 there are too many files open 32634 the required resources were not found 32635 this feature is not implemented 32639 Use the ÒGet InfoÓ command in the Finder to unlock the file. 32640 Use ÒChooserÓ to select a printer and try again. 32641 Save using a different name, or close the document and try again. 32642 Try closing some windows and try again. 32643 Please contact the developer. 32644 start the application 32645 save ^3 32646 revert to the previous version of ^3 32647 print ^3 32648 create a new document 32649 open ^3 32650 save as ^3 32651 save a copy in ^3 32652 display the contents of the window 32653 make the clipboard available inside the application 32654 make the clipboard available outside the application 32655 it is connected to other objects. You must split the constraints on the body first 32657 this is a demo version of Interactive Physics 32658 the demo version of Interactive Physics allows only one meter to be constructed 32659 the demo version of Interactive Physics allows only 5 bodies to be constructed 32663 another constraint would have to break. Re-arrange your simulation and try again 32668 the document could not be read. The document may not be a DXF file or it may be damaged 32669 no recognizable objects were found in the document. The DXF file may not contain any circles or polygons 32673 the Smart Editor cannot handle such a complex system. Try reducing the number of objects or connections in your system 32686 resize the body 32688 perform this action 32692 move the object 32693 move the objects 32694 join the objects 40430 it is connected to other objects. You must split the constraints on the body first 52000 kAnchorCursor 52001 kAnchorVCursor 52015 New &Control 52065 --- 57345 Ready 57346 Select an object on which to get Help 57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup 57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup 57607 Prints the active document\nPrint 57609 Displays full pages\nPrint Preview 57610 Updates the container to show any changes\nUpdate 57611 Saves a copy of the active document with a new name\nSave Copy 57616 Opens this document 57617 Opens this document 57618 Opens this document 57619 Opens this document 57620 Opens this document 57621 Opens this document 57622 Opens this document 57623 Opens this document 57624 Opens this document 57625 Opens this document 57626 Opens this document 57627 Opens this document 57628 Opens this document 57629 Opens this document 57630 Opens this document 57631 Opens this document 57632 Deletes the selection\nDelete 57633 Deletes everything\nDelete All 57636 Finds the specified text\nFind 57638 Inserts Clipboard contents and a link to its source\nPaste Link 57639 Inserts Clipboard contents with options\nPaste Special 57640 Repeats the last action\nRepeat 57641 Replaces specific text with different text\nReplace 57642 Selects the entire document\nSelect All 57643 Reverses the last action\nUndo 57644 Redoes the last action that was undoen\nRedo 57648 Opens another window for the active document\nNew Window 57649 Arranges icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons 57650 Arranges windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows 57651 Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows 57652 Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows 57653 Splits the active window into panes\nSplit 57664 Displays program information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Quits the application; prompts to save documents\nExit 57666 Opens Help\nHelp Topics 57667 Lists Help topics\nHelp Topics 57668 Displays instructions about how to use help\nHelp 57669 Displays help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp 57670 Displays help\nHelp 57680 Switches to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switches back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 57856 Inserts new embedded object\nNew Object 57857 Edits linked objects\nEdit Links 57858 Converts object to different type\nConvert Object 57872 Activates embedded or linked object 57873 Activates embedded or linked object 57874 Activates embedded or linked object 57875 Activates embedded or linked object 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Shows or hides the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar 59393 Shows or hides the status bar\nToggle StatusBar