#+ LEZLISOFT Windows Software Pack -the DTP utility pack- Included softwares: 1, TipoMaker V:2.0 - the professional typebook-maker 2, Selector V:1.0 - fontselector like Macintosh Suitcase 3, WinSpeed V:1.0 - fast speedtest for Windows 4, IntList Maker V:1.0 - You can create internal list for WinSpeed 5, Cassa V:1.0 - Financial software for Hungarian users 6, Board Game for Windows - free boardgame for whole family 7, GraphMaker V:1.0 - simple to use graphcreator 8, How to register WSP? - register info about WSP If you need more info or help about softwares, ask the developer! E-mail: 100324,2766@compuserve.com Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/lezlisoft Visit this homepage for User Manual! Address: LEZLISOFT Computer Graphics Budapest, 1399 PO BOX: 701/15, HUNGARY Tel/fax: 00-361-1631-771 Copyright, all rights reserved! - 1995 - # LEZLISOFT Windows Software Installer V:1.0 When the WSP is installed successfully, maybe the INSTALLER cannot delete temporary directory for installation files. Check, and delete the directory on the default drive named !LSETDIR.TMP with included files. The LEZLISOFT Software Installer is useful for installation of other softwares, the usage is independent of the development kit. If you are developer, and if you would like to use the INSTALLER, contact with LEZLISOFT Computer Graphics on the 100324,2766@compuserve.com by E-mail, or write to the address: Budapest, 1399 PO BOX:701/15, HUNGARY. You can get the sourcecode, and you can modify free for your products! Visual Basic 3.0 is required. # TipoMaker 2.0 the professional typebook maker By this software you can define many layouts for your typebook. You can create short rowsamples, or one letter-one page full page samples. The demo version is useful only in the screen, and in the Typographic features window you can work with the first 12 pcs. fonts. The printing routine is tested by many PostScript and PCL printers on local and network environment. Otherwise this program is useful for exact count of typographic features of letters, e.g.: count n by page layout and styles of text, count the difference of defined and printed fontsizes, the exact sizes of one character or string on the printer. # Selector 1.0 the fontselector and installer program This software is working like Macintosh Suitcase. You can modify the installed TrueType fonts on the running time by several respects. By the Selector you can reduce the number of fonts, therefore you can get systematic fontusage, more free resources. Otherwise on the Windows-start installed only selected fonts to the system. Because the Selector loads fontresources, the fontaccess of DTP softwares will be faster. (PhotoShop, Illustrator, PageMaker, Word, Corel...) If you change the fontusage of system by S lector, you have to quit from application, but the Windows can stay! # WinSpeed 1.0, fast speedtest for Windows You can test the speed of system by 16 several respects. You can test not only the speed of hardware devices, but you can get info about speed of Windows system and device drivers. You can compare the speed of products of software and hardware developers, like video subsystems, printermoduls, and the speed of systemsoftwares and operating systems, if you installed more than one system on one hardware. The original 16 respects are reduced to 7 overall performances by special function. You can compare the results by 2D or 3D graph, or numbers. You can copy the graph to clipboard, or you can save to file as BMP bitmap or WMF vector. By the WinSpeed you can detect the problems and incompatible devices, and the low speed devices and modules. The WinSpeed s counting testresults by sec., instead of relative indexes. # LEZLISOFT Internal ListMaker V:1.0 This is the special add-on for WinSpeed V:1.0. You can modify the internal listfile of WinSpeed. For example you can insert the testresults of your machine, or you can delete machines from current list. The internal list created by saved datafiles *.dat and *.cfg. You can save datafiles by WinSpeed. You can compare testresults with internal file. You can insert special descriptions to internal list, for example machine name, the name of cards, the address or phone numbers of dealer, etc. # Cassa 1.0 kisvállalkozók pénztárkönyvi programja Financial software for Hungarian users only. The English version in next year! A pénztárkönyvet utánzó táblázatban a vállalkozással kapcsolatos és azon kívüli jövedelmek és kiadások összefoglalhatóak, ezért a program alkalmas családi költségvetés készítésére is. Az adatok alapján a program számolja a különböző áfakucsokhoz tartozó ÁFA-t és annak alapját a negyedéves bevalláshoz, valamint az aktuális adóalap bármikor lekérdezhető, nem kell e célból külön zárást kérni. Könyvelők számára egyedi szolgáltatás, hogy az adatbázisfile-k különböző szempontok szerint csoportokba szervezhetőek, így egy-egy cég adatai, időszakai könnyen szétválogathatóak. A file-k tetszőleges időrendi sorrendbe állíthatóak, ez alapján számítódnak a mindig aktuális zárások, áthozatok, és totális pénzügyi állapotok. A program az adatok tárolására rendkívül kis helyet foglal. Képes feldolgozni meglévő, szabványos DBase, Foxbase, Paradox, Access adatbázisokat, amelyek a konverzió után törölhetőek, így régi DOS felületű programból is áthozhatóak a meglévő adtok. A program az adatok alapján sokoldalúan definiálható grafikonokat készít, amelyek vágólapon keresztül, ill. file-ba mentés után szövegkörnyezetbe integrálhatók. # BoardGame for Windows A free game for Windows. Four players at one screen. Use 1024x768 resolution, or virtual desktop for BoardGame! # TipoMaker version 2.0 What is the TipoMaker? TipoMaker is the most powerful application of Windows Software Pack. This application is creating the typebook by installed or non installed fonts under Windows. You can print TrueType and Adobe Type 1 fonts in one step. Recommended for DTP and printing offices, working with several types and fonts. Otherwise you can count exact sizes and features of the fonts. You can use Pica and Didot typographic measures. Start the TipoMaker Create Typebook Print Rowsamples Print Pagesamples The Typographic Features Set your National characters How to print uninstalled fonts? Print Fontname-fontfile list # Start the TipoMaker Doubleclick to the TipoMaker icon labelled TipoMaker V:2.0. You have to start the job with the read of fonts. You can read the TrueType and Adobe Type 1 fonts only. Read TrueTypes by READ TRUE-TYPE, read Type 1 by READ TYPE 1, read both by READ ALL command button. The available fonts are displayed by list under buttons. On the third list you can read uninstalled TrueType fonts by READ UNUSED FONTS button for example if the source is on the CD-ROM, or in another directory. Choose the source directory by displayed dialog box, set the location by drive-list and directory-list of TTF files, and the list on middle, labelled SOURCE LIST, you can see the useful files. Because maybe you would like to use the part of files, you have to move the source files to print to the list on the right side, labelled TARGETLIST. Use INSTALL AL button to move to the right all files. If the ALWAYS DELETE... checkbox is checked on the top, when you change the source directory, and click again to INSTALL ALL button, the targetlist will be deleted, and the sourcelist will be moved to the target. If you uncheck this box, you can insert new TTF files to the targetlist. The other checkbox on the top labelled REMOVE INSTALLED FONTS BEFORE... kill the selected, but already installed fonts from targetlist when you quit from this dialog box. Read installed onts by first or second button on the first window! If this box is checked, the application will check the targetlist, and remove the installed fonts. If this is unchecked, all fonts moved to the third list of starting window from targetlist. You can remove installed font before exiting this dialog box, if you click to REMOVE INSTALLED command button. If you click to the listitem of sourcelist, you can move step-by-step the fontfiles to the targetlist by INSTALL SELECTED button. Doubleclick to listitem if you don’t want to use command button. If you have copied fonts on the targetlist, you can delete all by REMOVE ALL button, or you can kill only selected font by REMOVE SELECTED button. The doubleclick is working like REMOVE SELECTED button. You can read the number of fonts under lists. If you click once to targetlist, you can see the name and style of the font stored on the selected fontfile. If the targetlist included uninstalled fonts what you want to print, use OK button to back to first screen. If the targetlist is empty, you can cancel the installation of uninstalled TTF files. If the targetlist is not empty, you can see the name and style of selected fonts on the third list. Before you read fonts to list, you can try to use the INFO BOX button, by the “?” you can get help, or you can click to the logo of TipoMaker for about box. If your list are not empty you can use other command buttons. If you want to print Adobe fonts, ATM.INI is required on the Windows directory, and installed Adobe Type Manager powered ON. If you have PostScript printer, you need softfont list in the WIN.INI under label [SOFTFONTS] to print Type 1 fonts. The TipoMaker reads the TrueType fonts by system resources instead of WIN.INI. Therefore this is a slow procedure, but the results are saved to file, to read in future very quickly. If you change the installe fonts, the fontlist will be rewritten. All style of fonts [REGULAR], [ITALIC], [BOLD], [BOLD ITALIC] read as one item. If you cannot display the selected font, error message is displayed, no systemcrash. All lists are rereadable with READ... buttons, or you can delete all fonts with CLEAR ALL button. The CLEAR SELECTED button kills only selected fontnames from list. This command is deleting fonts only from list, the system and fontfiles are not modified. You can remove all selections of list by CLEAR ALL SELECTIONS button, the listitem will stay and with the CLEAR SELECTION button you can cancel the selections of the list under button. If you have selected fontfile on the list, you can read the filename and fontname on the bottom of window. Otherwise you can see the statistic of listed, readed, and selected fonts by SHOW GRAPH and STATISTICS buttons. You can print the fontname-fontfile list by PRINT FONT-FILE LIST button. Use the PRINT button to print list, or the OK button to back to first screen. If you click on the listitem on the first window, you can see the “face” of selected type by radio buttons on the right-top corner. The SHOW FONT NAME AS STRING displays the fontface on this screen by short string with or without national characters. If you doubleclick to the listitem, this button activated automatically. The next radiobutton labelled SHOW ASCII CHARACTERS displays ASCII character set with/without your national characters. The checkbox under radiobuttons labelled ADD YOUR SPECIAL... and the command button on the ASCII window labelled SHOW SPECIALS/HIDE SPECIALS show or hide your national characters. When you click at first time on these objects, you can redefine your string by input field. If you change the string use ACCEPT button to back to previous screen, or save by SAVE STRING TO FILE to permanently change the string. If you want to get back the default string, use CLEAR SAVED STRING button. For the second click you will not get this dialog box. Push the SHIFT key and click on this object if you want to redefine your national string in the future! The next radiobutton labelled SHOW ALL CHARACTERS shows all letters in the selected fontfile by two windows. You can switch the windows by SHOW FROM... TO... button. You can see the typeface with large size, if you click on the little command buttons, push the key on keyboard, or doubleclick under command buttons to little label. You can hide large typeface, if you click on the big label. Use OK button to back to first screen! By the next radiobutton in the corner labelled SHOW USER DEFINED STRING, you can see your personal string on the window. You can set the size by arrows. The first button, DON’T SHOW STRING hides all pictures of letters. If the TipoMaker founds error, this is the active button. You can choose the second, SHOW FONT NAME AS STRING button permanently. You can quit from TipoMaker with EXIT button. You can make the real typebook by PAGE SAMPLES or ROW SAMPLES buttons. You can find on the typebook only the listed fonts. If you deleted items from list your typebook will shorter than system, but you have to delete from list, if you want to print the part of fonts! # How to make typebook? Row samples, Page samples You can choose two buttons on the first window. By these buttons, labelled ROW SAMPLES and PAGE SAMPLES you can see the second window, where you can create and set the layout of typebook. This window is labelled as FONTLIST... You can see the fonts step by step by command buttons on the left-top corner. Use SHOW NEXT for next, SHOW PREV. for previous, SHOW FIRST for first, and SHOW LAST command button for see the last font. You can change the ROWSAMPLES/PAGESAMPLES mode by double function command button. This button shows the actual mode. Use PRINTER SETUP button to change the printer descriptions. You can print all listed fonts by PRINT ALL, but you can check before print all by PRN. PREVIEW on the screen. (You can print only by full version!) Now the styles cannot be seen in the fontlist, but certainly you can check available styles. The useful fonts are on the bottom list. The content of list on left-bottom corner included all readed fonts. Separate this list to the SYMBOLS and OTHERS. The readable LETTERs stay on the left! You can define several layout for all lists. You can move fonts from list to list: - If you want to separate the fonts step-by-step, select the fontname, set the targetlist by command button under label SELECT TARGETLIST. After use MOVE SELECTED > command button. - You can move fonts from right to left by < MOVE SELECTED button. - The buttons labelled MOVE SYMBOLS >> and MOVE OTHERS >> separate letters automatically to symbols and others from left to right. - If the automatic separation is not exact, then you have to separate once the letters to two others step-by-step. by MOVE SELECTED button, and use SAVE LIST command button. This command is writing to file the content of lists, and if you’ll use MOVE SYMBOLS >> and MOVE OTHERS >> command in the future, you can find your manually separated list. If you have saved list, the TipoMaker always use saved separation. - If you want to use the internal routine for separation, clear the saved listfile by CLEAR LISTFILE command button. - The button labelled MOVE ALL >> move all letters from left to right by the setting of button under label SELECT TARGETLIST. - The button labelled << MOVE ALL moves fonts from all right lists to one left. You can see info about fonts on the right side, under label STATISTIC, and you can see the selected font by SHOW SELECTED button. Same as the doubleclick on the fontname. On the frame, labelled SELECT NEW STYLE... on the top-right corner, you can format the label of the typebook. On the label you can see the printed fontname and fontsize. Choose font by combo for label. The default fontname, - MS SANS SERIF - cannot be printed by PostScript printer! Make sure, that the selected labelfont is printable on the current printer! Otherwise you will got error message before printing! So you have to change the labelfont by combolist! However you can resize the label by arrows, set the style by radio buttons, you can create shadow by SHADOWED LABEL checkbox, and by the LABEL FONT SAME AS SAMPLE checkbox the labelfont will be same as the printed font. For symbols and others not recommended. You can go back to the first window by EXIT button. For example if you want to delete or reread the fonts to print the typebook. The QUICKTEST command button reads all printable and displayable fonts, otherwise try to display and print the listed fonts. The problems are listed on the bottom of new window. If you find too much problems, check your fontusage! For example, maybe your ATM is power off, the Adobe fonts are not installed for PostScript printer on WIN.INI to the current printerport, etc... Under QUICKTEST button, on the field you can see the type of selected font. LETTER, SYMBOL, or OTHER. Before you print the typebook, use the SETTINGS... command button to set the layout! # How to set the layout? For ROW SAMPLES Use SETTINGS... command button on the FONTLIST window! If you choose the first window by the current command button the Row Samples (more than one letters on one page) layout, you can set the page-design: - In the frame labelled SELECT FONTTYPE choose what you want to set (letter, symbol, or other). - In the frame labelled DISPLAY you have to decide, whether you want to print the ANSI characters. If you want to print all letters of fontfile, use ADD 127-255 button. You can reduce the number of printed letters by FROM... TO... input fields. You can set the first and last ANSI code of additional characterset. Don’t forget to use the ADD FROM-TO button to take effect! If you use ASCII ONLY command button, you can print ASCII characters and your special national characters only. - You can set the alignment of printed rows by buttons on the frame labelled ALIGNMENT. - You can decide on the frame labelled SELECT LAYOUT, wether you want to print two rows/font, or you want to print four rows/font. If you choose the button under label USE NORMAL AND BOLD, then you will see four rows: two rows on normal style, and two rows on bold style. If the bold font file is not installed, the third and fourth rows changed to italic. If you push another button under label USE NORMAL ONLY, you can print only two rows on normal style. - You can redefine your national characters by SPECIAL CHARACTERS input field. You can save by SAVE STRING button, or by the CLEAR STRING button you can reset the default string. If you have saved string, you will get saved version. You can set this string for all fonttypes. - If the checkbox is checked labelled PRINT ALL PLAIN FONTS WITH ALL INSTALLED CHILDRENS, then you can print all installed styles of current normal fontfile. If not all fontstyles are installed, then TipoMaker prints a short message instead of letters. If this function is checked, the buttons on the frame labelled SELECT LAYOUT is disabled. You can check the printing layout on the bottom of this dialog box. The paper of current fonttype is shadowed. All your settings are redefineable, but you have to choose any button on the frame labelled SELECT FONTTYPE. If you set all your design, use OK button to back to previous window. # How to set the layout? PAGE SAMPLES Use SETTINGS... command button on the FONTLIST window! If you choose PAGE SAMPLES command button on the first window, or in the frame of second window, you can print one font-one page samples. You can set the page design as follows: In the frame, labelled FONTSTYLE SETTINGS you can choose, do you want to see more than one fontstyle on the page, or do you want to print all several fontstyles to separated pages. If the ONE PAGE-ONE FONTSTYLE radio button is checked, all installed fontstyles (normal, bold, italic, bold-italic) will be printed to different pages. So you can’t set the fontstyles in this dialog box by command buttons and dropdown lists. If the another radiobutton, labelled PRINT ALL STYLE TO ONE PAGE is checked, you can prin more than one fontstyle to one page. So you can decide, what will happen with missing fontstyles: choose CREATE UNINSTALLED... button, if you want to print the missing fontstyles created by operating system. (This is not exact!!!) Or you can choose PRINT ONLY VALID... button, if you want to print only installed, valid fontstyles. If the fontstyle is missing, the TipoMaker will change the settings to valid style, because this function uses only installed fontstyles. On the frame, labelled ROW SETTINGS FOR SAMPLE PAGES you can set the sample rows on the page: - Under the button PRINTED ROWS set the numbers of sample rows from 0 to 12; - By RESET button you can reset the settings to default; - By the SET SAMPLE TEXT you can overwrite the content of row. You can save the new string by SAVE STRING TO FILE button, or you can reset the string by CLEAR SAVED STRING button. You can go back to setting window by ACCEPT button. If you stored string by SAVE STRING TO FILE, the TipoMaker will use your string in the future! - By the small white labels, you can set the size of rows. Click to white label with left mouse button, if you want to set down, and click with right mouse button, if you want to set up the fontsize. You can set the size of rows from 4 to 40 pt. Otherwise you can set the fontstyle of sample rows by small command buttons: N-normal, B-bold, I-italic, BI-bold-italic. In the frame, labelled SAMPLE BOX SETTINGS you can set the long sample string. The string is printed to 4 or 2 pieces textboxes. Under label FIRST..., SECOND..., THIRD..., and FOURTH... you can set the fontstyle by drop down list, the fontsize, and the alignment by command button. At the bottom of this frame you can reset the settings by RESET button, you can change the text by REDEFINE TEXT button, max. 1000 characters, you can save the new content of textboxes by SAVE TEXT TO FILE BUTTON, or you can reset to default by CLEAR SAVED TEXT button. Back to previous screen by ACCEPT button. You can choose the number of textboxes by PRINT 2/4 TEXTBOXES button. Otherwise you can find the frame labelled OTHER SETTINGS: - If the PRINT THE NAME OF FONTTYPE checkbox is checked, the type of current font (TrueType or Type 1) will be printed; - If the CHECK FONT BY PRINTER checkbox is checked, the TipoMaker will try to print the current font. If the font is non-printable, you can’t see the typeface on the page. - If the CHECK FONT BY DISPLAY checkbox is checked, the TipoMaker will try to display the font. - If the SEARCH SOURCE FONTFILE checkbox is checked, the TipoMaker prints the filename of current font to page; - If the CHECK VALID FONTSTYLES checkbox is checked, the TipoMaker will print about installed and missing fontstyles; - If the PRINT COVERPAGE checkbox is checked, you can print a coverpage. (Internal graphics, if this is unprintable, the coverpage cancelled without prompt!); - If the MAKE FRAME FOR BOXES checkbox is checked, you can print the frame for 2 or 4 longer sampletexts; - If the MAKE FRAME FOR PAGES checkbox is checked, you can print the double border for page; - If the PRINT „Éfng AV ÁV” checkbox is checked, you can print special string to check the fontsizes, and the kerning for US (AV) and national (ÁV) characters; - By the SIZE OF „ÉFng...” STR. label, you can set the size of special string from 12 to 120 step 4, by left and right mouse button. - If the PRINT LINES TO SEPARATE checkbox is checked, you can print lines for textblocks - If the PRINT LONG TEXT TO 4/2 BOX checkbox is checked, you can print 4 or 2 pcs. long text to textboxes. If this is unchecked, you can disable this function. If you set all, use OK button to accept all settings, or use CANCEL to forget. # Typographic features By the TYPOGRAPHIC FEATURES command button you can display and print the features of selected font. On the left side of the dialog box, you have to set the page layout. Margins, columns, gutter width, paper size, like in other DTP softwares. Choose measure for typographic sizes and for physical sizes of page. The WHAT IS THE command button shows the features by pictures. You can print the feature of current font by PRINT THIS FEATURE, or the features of all listed fonts by PRINT ALL FEATURES button. In the right side of this window, you can see the result of typographic features: - Text width; - Text height; - Column width; - Row per column; - n per page; - n per column; - n per row; - Width of em; - Paper size before print; - Height of 1 row; - Width of 80 characters; - Height of descent; - Height of CAPS; - On the field, labelled SAMPLE TEXT, you can type a string for features; - On the filed, labelled SAMPLE CHARACTER you can type only one letter; - In the last frame you can see the difference between defined and printed fontsize. Use OK button, if you want to back to previous window. # Print fontname-filename list The command button on the first window you can PRINT FONT-FILE list. You can print the list by PRINT LIST command button on the next window, or you can see the list. Use OK button to back to first window. # Print uninstalled TrueType fonts You can read the uninstalled TrueType fonts by READ UNUSED FONTS command button for example from the CD-ROM or from the other directory. On the new dialog box, you have to choose the sourcepath of uninstalled TTF files by directory list and drive list, and after in the middle of this dialog box you can see the fontfiles (SOURCE LIST). Because you can select files from this sourcelist, you have to move the files to the TARGETLIST (in right side). Use INSTALL ALL button, if you want to print all fonts what yo can see in the sourcelist. If the ALWAYS DELETE... checkbox is checked, the targetlist will be deleted if you change the source directory, and click to the INSTALL ALL button to install new fontfiles. If you uncheck the ALWAYS DELETE checkbox, you can insert new sourcefonts to the current targetlist. By the checkbox, labelled REMOVE INSTALLED FONTS BEFORE... will delete or leave all installed fonts in the targetlist if you accept all settings by OK button. If this checkbox is checked, the targetlist will e checked, and the installed fonts will be removed. If unchecked, all targetfonts will be inserted to the 3rd list of first window. Otherwise you can use REMOVE INSTALLED command button to delete installed fonts from targetlist before you use the OK button. If you click one to the sourcelist, you can move the fonts to targetlist step-by-step with INSTALL SELECTED command button. But you can doubleclick to the list. You can remove fonts from targetlist by REMOVE SELECTED button, or you can doubleclick to the listitem. Under the list you can see the numbers of listitems. If you click one to the targetlist, you can see the fontname and style stored in the TTF fontfile. If your targetlist containing all fonts what you want to see on the typebook, use OK button. This is the end of this job. If the targetlist is empty (for example by REMOVE ALL button), you can cancel all your job. If not empty, you can see the name and style of selected fonts on the list. # Set your national characters You can set your special national characters by ADD YOUR SPECIAL... checkbox on the first window, or on the window of ASCII characters by SHOW SPECIALS - HIDE SPECIALS command button. When you click at first on these objects, you can redefine the default string. Type to the field your new string. This additional string will be display after the sample string. Use ACCEPT button to accept your new string and back to previous window, or use SAVE STRING TO FILE if you want to change the additional sting permane tly. If you want to get back the default string, use CLEAR SAVED STRING button. If you want to change the string later, push the SHIFT button, while click on the SHOW SPECIALS... button on the ASCII window or ADD YOUR SPECIAL... checkbox in the first window. # Winspeed version 1.0 Fast speedtest for Windows Why use LEZLISOFT WinSpeed 1.0? You can get the REAL value of the installed hardwares and the speed of devices. Otherwise you can see the speed of the software resources, for example the speed of fontusage and printerusage. You can optimize your software settings by WinSpeed, you can find the slow components of system. Otherwise you can compare all your testresults with internal or saved datafiles. More than 50 testresults included to WinSpeed from 386 SX to Pentium 133 computers. Otherwise you can get more results from developer, if you end your results to me! How to use WinSpeed V:1.0? Start to run test! About tests Overall performances Save testresult Compare testresult Save graph as picture Modify the content of internal list # How to use WinSpeed V:1.0? You can use WinSpeed with 600X800 resolution with small fonts, or with 1024X768 with large or small fonts. You can see the several testresult of different resolutions, because the testobjects will be large or smaller. If the testobject is out of screen, the result will fail. It’s very simple to use this program, but if you click with right mouse button on the objects, you can see help or info about selected object. Otherwise if you click to the numeric datafileld, you can see the joined bar in the graph! # Start the test! After loading the WinSpeed, you can start the test by START SELECTED SPEEDTEST command button. You can choose the test by checkboxes. You can save the value of checkboxes by SAVE command button, you can load the saved values by LOAD command button, or you can check all checkboxes by TEST ALL command button. At the end of test, you can exit by EXIT command button. # The respect of test If your checkboxes are checked, you can test the following devices: - Count INTEGER: This test is working with numbers, counting by CPU. The result of this test talk about your CPU speed. Using operator +, -, *, /, and X^2 with all numbers. All result is integer without decimals. This test makes 800.000 several calculations with 160.000 different numbers. - Count DOUBLE: This test is working with numbers, counting by numeric processor. The result of this test talks about your FPU (math coprocessor) speed. Using operator +; -; *; /; X^2; X^Y; COS(X); SIN(X); and TAN(X) with all numbers. All result is double, this is 8 byte (64 bit) / numbers with decimals. This test makes 3.000.000 several calculations. You can’t use this test without math. coprocessor! If you have math. coprocessor, then test will run very fast. - Write to file: This test is working with files for write to disk. 1; The test creating 10.000 rows, and writing to file RTEST.DAT; 2; Deleting the file. This routine is running at 20 X. All rows (sum. 200.000) in the routine are several. The result of test talk about your disk I/O, but the result of test depend on used diskcache. For testfile required 350 kB free diskspace only. If the test is too slow, use diskcache! - Read from file: This test is working with files for read from disk. The test is creating 10.000 rows, and writing to file RTEST(x).DAT. 1, Reading from disk all rows of testfile step by step; 2, Renaming the file to RTEST(x+1).DAT; 3, Deleting original testfile named RTEST(x).DAT. 4, Reading again the contents of renamed testfile. This routine is running at 20 X. The result of test talks about your disk I/O, but the result of test depends on used diskcache. For testfile 350 kB free diskspace is required. If the test is too slow, use diskcache! - Read fonts: This test is working with fonts. For this test, install min. 20 displayable fonts for your system. This test READING ONLY 20 displayable screenfonts from your system. Don’t try to display, don’t try to print. The result of this test depends on the selected fontnames, therefore do not use this test for comparison with other systems. The result of test talks about your fontusage. This routine running at 1000 X. - Display text: This test is working with fonts. For this test, install min. 20 displayable fonts for your system. This test is reading 20 displayable screenfonts from your system. Creating a short string with 20 letters. Displaying this string with 20 several screenfonts step by step in the hidden space. The result of this test depends on the selected fontnames, therefore do not use this test for comparison with other systems. The test tries to display sum. 40.000 characters. The result of test talks abou your fontusage. Routine running at 100 X. - Print text: This test tries to print your fonts. For this test, install min. 20 printable fonts for your system. This test READING ONLY 20 printable fonts from your system. Of course you need default printer! The test tries to print text with 5 selected fonts of readable 20. The result of this test depends on the type of default printer, and the selected fontnames. For example the PostScript printer is slower than PCL, ATM or INTELI-FONT is slower than TrueType. Therefore do not use this test for comparis n with other systems. The result of test talks about your font and printer usage. Routine is running at 40 X. - Print draw: This test tries to print drawing objects like circle, box with and without fill, lines and points. All objects are drawing to the virtual printer objects instead of screen. Creating 50 several draws. The result of test does not depend on default printer, because this is not font, therefore you can use the result for comparison with the result of other system. The result of test talks about your printer usage. Routine running at 400 X. - Display draw: This test tries to display drawing objects like circle, box with and without fill, lines and points. All objects are drawing to the hidden object like screen. The picture is in the memory for automatic redraw. Creating 50 several draws. The result of test talks about your screen usage. Routine running at 400 X. - Format text: This test is formatting a short text. Creating rows with 30 several characters. Filling 20 rows to the hidden textbox. Formatting the contents of textbox with 20 command. The result of test talks about your fontusage. Routine is running at 100 X. - Load objects: This test loading standard objects of Windows to the hidden screenobject. 1, the test is loading 10 objects; 2, the test is unloading 10 loaded objects; The result of test talks about your system speed. Routine running at 500 X. - Load pictures: This test is loading and displaying 2 pictures to the screen. 1, loading first testpicture (BMP bitmap). 2, loading second testpicture (WMF vector). The result of test talks about your monitor card, driver software and databus-speed. Routine running at 30 X. - Colorize: This test colorizing the part of your screen. The test uses 10.000 several colours. The result of test talks about your monitor card. This test is the best to check your monitor card. The CPU doesn’t work so much under this test. This is the REAL hardware speedtest under graphics system! If this testresult is too slow, change your monitorcard! Otherwise you can see your adapter power with high colours or true colours. Routine running at 1 X. - Scroll: This test is moving the part of your screen. The routine uses several variations to scroll the part of screen or object. The result of test talks about your monitor card and driver software. Routine is running at 1 X. - Animation: This test is displaying animation on your screen. The cells of first animation is 18. The routine is running in 12 objects simultaneously. Routine is running at 500 X. The cells of second animation is 12. The routine is running in 3 objects simultaneously. Routine is running at 1000 X. The result of test talks about your monitor card and driver software. - System calls: This test calling 500.000 Windows API. The test uses 100 several API-calls. Routine is running at 5000 X. The result of test talks about your operating system. The testresults - because all testmethods is new - are displayed by sec. instead of relative performance index. Otherwise I can use relative performance index only to test the CPU, (relative to PC-XT 4.77 MHz) because other hardware devices cause new standard very often. And who knows all devices, what I can set to relative indexes??? The testresult cancelled the time to “talk” with other devices, for example the video test cancelled the time of read testfiles from harddisk. All results are displayed on the blue fields in second, and graph in the middle of window. In the red field and column you can see the average, in the yellow field displayed the summary of all test. The sum. is not displayed by graph. You can save the testresult to file by WRITE RESULT TO FILE command button, the file extension will be “DAT”. You can save and read resultfiles to/from the application directory. You can load the testresults to the fields and graph by LOAD RESULT FROM FILE command button. Together with datafile the configuration file is saved with extension “CFG”. You can see the content of CFG files by SHOW CONFIG command button. Under the graph, you can change the graphstyle from 2D to 3D by 2D/3D command button. Otherwis you can see the current configuration by ABOUT THIS SYSTEM command button. The button “?” is the HELP. Under the blue fields you can compare the saved or internal testresults by COMPARE RESULT WITH command button. More than 50 machines are in the internal list! When you choose the second machine from saved or internal list, you can see the configuration and the address of dealer. Any dealers, machines and logos wanted for internal list! Contact with developer if you are a hardware dealer! After selection, use OK button. After, you can see the testresult of compared machine in the graph by purple columns, the original testresults are in blue. You can change the results in the fields by the color button under label CURRENT DATA. You can see the source of compared machines in the bottom of window, under colour labels. # Overall performances Because, the original 16 pcs. respects maybe too much, you can reduce the numbers and columns to 7 by OVERALL PERFORMANCE button! This new method is counting by all testresults, but the end of job only 7 columns on the graph: 1; Summarize the CPU and FPU power (blue column); 2; the power of monitorcard (green column); 3; the HDD speed (cyan column); 4; the speed of operating system (red column); 5; screen usage by system software (purple column); 6; fontusage (yellow column); 7; the speed of printerusage (dark-blue column). One result of original tests counted more than once by overall performances, this results are very good to characterize your system and machine! By the DISPLAY ALL TESTRESULT button you can back to original 16 results. # Save and load testresult You can save the testresult to file by WRITE RESULT TO FILE command button, the file extension will be “DAT”. You can save and read resultfiles to/from the application directory. You can load the testresults to the fields and graph by LOAD RESULT FROM FILE command button. Together with datafile the configuration file is saved with extension “CFG”. You can see the content of CFG files by SHOW CONFIG command button. Under the graph, you can change the graphstyle from 2D to 3D by 2D/3D command button. Otherwis you can see the current configuration by ABOUT THIS SYSTEM command button. The button “?” is the HELP. # Compare testresults Under the blue fields you can compare the saved or internal testresults by COMPARE RESULT WITH command button. More than 50 machines are in the internal list! When you choose the second machine from saved or internal list, you can see the configuration and the address of dealer. Any dealers, machines and logos wanted for internal list! Contact with developer if you are a hardware dealer! After selection, use OK button. After, you can see the testresult of compared machine in the graph by purple columns, the original testresults is are blue. You can change the results in the fields by the color button under label CURRENT DATA. You can see the source of compared machines in the bottom of window, under colour labels. # Copy graph to clipboard, save graph to file Not far from graph you can see the command buttons COPY and SAVE. Use COPY, if you want to copy the current graph to clipboard as WMF vector. Otherwise you can save this picture to file, if you use SAVE command button. After, you can decide about picture format. The WMF is vector, the BMP is bitmap. If you want to insert graph to texteditor from clipboard, use EDIT/PASTE menu in the target application, or use EXPORT, INSERT or GET PICTURE function to import saved picturefile. All pictures are stored on the application directory. # IntList Maker V:1.0 Modify or create internal listfile for WinSpeed V:1.0! You can create internal listfile of this simple add-on. This software working with Lezlisoft WinSpeed only. If you are a computer dealer or reseller, this function is very useful to public the power of your products by WinSpeed 1.0. To use this software is very simple, but look at the functions: 1, You must copy your saved datafiles to the application directory of Intlist Maker. This directory name is IMAKER under the rootdirectory of other Lezlisoft products. You can find saved datafiles in the application directory of WinSpeed 1.0. The filenames are FILENAME.DAT and FILENAME.CFG. You must copy booth to the directory of Intlist Maker. You can use COPY ALL FILES command button to copy all data and configuration files from WinSpeed directory to the IMAKER directory. 2, If you have *.CFG and *.DAT files on the application directory, you can find sourcefiles on the list of first window (only the *.DAT files visible, but *.CFG files required!). If you click to the listitem, you can see the content of saved datafiles. The testresults on the grid, the configuration on the white frames. 3, You can modify the testresults, if you click to the grid, overwrite the field of button MODIFY RESULT, and after push this button to apply modification to grid. You can change the original result of datafiles. But the datafiles will not modified, only the internal list will be another than original datafile. You can set the logos to your machine by four list of first window. These graphics will be displayed on the WinSpeed if the user select current listitem for comparison. 4, If you have results with 0 values (this value mean the respect is not tested!), you can change zeros by FILL ZERO VALUES FROM... command button. For example if you test machine by all respects only once, and you’ll test only the speed of video later, (because other part of machine not changed) you can fill data from another saved datafile to fill the untested parts. In the ZERO FILLER dialog box you can choose the filename with full testresults. You can see the content of selected file on this box. 5, If you have internal list for WinSpeed 1.0, you can check and modify the content of internal listfile by CHECK/MODIFY LIST command button. Select listitem from list, and you can see all features and contents of selected internal listitem. You can modify all properties of internal listfile by input fields. You can modify the long description, (max. 400 characters) and the result values, if you click to the grid, you can overwrite the input field of button MODI RES., and push this button to apply the modif cation. You can fill zero values from another datafiles, same as above. You can save all your modifications to the internal list by WRITE command button, or you can delete the selected listitem from internal list by DELETE command button. If you made all modifications use OK button to back to the first window. 6, If you want to create or fill selected result to internal listfile, use JOIN TO INTERNAL LIST command button. This command inserts the content of your selected datafile to the current list. But the new listitem visible only in the another window. Use CHECK/MODIFY LIST command button after join. You can’t join saved datafile to the internal list, if the original datafile already exist in the internal list. You can leave this program by EXIT command button. Public the power of your hardware products by WinSpeed! Fill descriptions with your company name, address, and phone numbers! # Board Game for Windows WHO LAUGHS IN THE END? A BOARD GAME FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! This game can be played by no more than 4 people. After you have chosen the number of players, the first player can start throwing the electric dice. The first player always starts from the light-blue field. In what follows, the next player will be indicated by the color of the dice. Every single player will have 4 pieces to start with, and the winner is whoever first reaches the target fields. The only way to exit the start field and enter a play field is to throw a 6 with your dice. At this point you have to go round towards the target fields. In case so eone throws a 6, he is entitled to repeat the throwing of the dice. Your piece will automatically be forwarded by the program itself, according to your scores. In case that there is more than one piece on the playground, the piece to move with can be chosen with the help of the numbered command buttons under the pieces. If someone else’s piece is already on the field you want to step on, it will have to be moved back to the start field and from there, it can start all over again with a 6. All pieces should be placed on each of the target fields. The winner is the player who reaches the empty target fields first with the last piece. At this point, the game is over. HAVE A GOOD TIME! GOOD LUCK! # Selector Version 1.0 What is the Selector V:1.0? The Selector V:1.0 working like Macintosh Suitcase on the PC. You can use this software with 640X480 if you want! You can install and uninstall the groups of fonts at runtime. If you change the fontusage, you have to restart the application only! If you load only required fonts to system, then you can see the fonts for current job only instead of all, otherwise the systemresources more free. The Selector 1.0 uses only TrueType fonts, the Selector for Adobe Type 1 and TTF fonts coming soon! (ATM 2.6 or later will be request!) This will be free upgrade for registered users! If you use Selector for systemstart, the Windows starts quickly! Start the Selector V:1.0 Start the job Modify the fontlist Load Selector with Windows Example how to use Selector Error correction by Selector # Start the program You can see 2 icons for Selector in the programgroup labelled LEZLISOFT. Don’t use the Loader’s icon! Use the icon with socket to start! The loader will install the fonts to the system in future, by another icon you can modify the settings. Otherwise don’t drop the loader’s icon to startup window! Use Selector carefully, because this software will modify the system! This program is not tested under WINDOWS 95! The settings modify the WIN.INI and the fontmanager resources. But you can restore your system, because at the first start the original WIN.INI will be saved to the Selector’s application directory as WININI.SEL filename! Other files, System.ini, Autoexec.bat, Config.sys, are not modified by Selector! Good luck to use Selector! :-) # Start the job, fill Bubbles with fonts! The Setup Window of Selector 1.0 you can see the list for several respects. After the first start, the list is disabled. In this version you can use 9 respects to install or deinstall fontgroups. On the right you can see the useful commands, in the middle you can see the useful bubbles, on the left you can see the list of installed respects. The installed bubble gets the number instead of “X”. On the bottom you can see the list of letters of the selected respect. In the left-top corner, you can power ON/OFF the selector, but if you switch OFF the Selector, the Selector’s Loader module cannot load selected fontfiles to system. You can start the job by ADD NEW BUBBLE command button. On the new window type the name of respect, this text will be the name of bubble. In the second row you can type the longer name, and more bottom type the more longer memo. You can continue by OK button to the fontselector window, you can cancel the process by CANCEL button. This dialog box is working like TipoMaker, when you want to install uninstalled fonts. Choose the sourcedirectory of TTF fontfiles by drivelist and directory list. Move fonts from OURCE LIST to TARGETLIST. Move all by INSTALL ALL button, step-by-step by INSTALL SELECTED button or doubleclick. The REMOVE ALL button kills all fonts from targetlist, the REMOVE SELECTED and the doubleclick kill only selected listitems. Now you can’t use the REMOVE IF LISTED. If your targetlist is containing necessary TTF fontfiles for first respect, use OK button! If you click one on the targetlist, you can see the fontname. If the ALWAYS DELETE TARGETLIST IF “INSTALL ALL” checkbox is checked, the target ist will be deleted, if you use INSTALL ALL command button. If unchecked, you can install fonts from several directories and drives. You can cancel the job by CANCEL button. But if you click to OK button, you can see the name of bubble (respect) on the list (left side of window). Click to the new listitem (first!) and you can see the selected fonts on the bottom. Use HIDE FONTFILES - SHOW FONTFILES to set the content of list. If in the list under label INSTALLED BUBBLES you have selected listitem, you can use the following functions by command buttons: - You can delete all fonts from bubble by DELETE BUBBLE command button. Only the content of selected respect will be deleted, the original fontfile will stay on the disk. - You can see the long memo by SHOW MEMO command button. - You can modify or create memo for bubble by EDIT MEMO command button. Otherwise you can modify the long name of bubble. - See the program-logo by ABOUT button. - You can accept all your settings by OK button. If you see the question, you have choices: By the CANCEL button you can go back to the previous window. Choose the NO button, if you don’t want to run the Selector’s Loader module. Only the Loader module installs/deinstalls fonts to the system, the Setup Window does not do it! Now maybe you will get second question about restart Windows. Therefore you can choose: You can back to current job by CANCEL button. You can restart Windows by YES button. You can leave Selector without restart by NO button. Choose YES button only for first start of Selector! The Loader does all job in future! If you choose YES button on first messagebox, the Loader module will run. The Loader shows the result of job if you want. If the Loader founds problem, you can correct the errors by YES button, - so you will be back to Setup Window - or you can leave Selector without problem solving by NO button. - You can leave Setup Window by Cancel button. Now you can cancel all changes! - You can choose HELP button. - If you want to add more fonts to selected bubble, use ADD NEW FONTS command button. The new dialog box is not unknown, only the REMOVE IF LISTED button is new. You can delete listed fonts from targetlist. This command is always running if you leave this window by OK button! - You can check the fonts of selected bubble by CHECK FONTS command button. If the Loader founds problem, you can check errors and repair by this button. You can see lists in the new window to help repair problems: PROBLEM IN DISPLAY: the fonts cannot be displayed; GOOD IN DISPLAY: the fonts display without problem; GOOD IN PRINTER: the fonts are printable; ALL PRINTABLE FONTS: printerfonts read by system; ALL DISPLAYABLE FONTS: the screenfonts read by system; PROBLEM IN PRINTER: fonts cannot be printed; You can see the errors and correct fonts in these lists by system and by selector. You can delete all problems from selected bubble by DELETE PROBLEMS FROM BUBBLE command button. The content of bubble will be less. You can end of this job by BACK TO SETUP WINDOW button. Check only bubble powered on, and installed by Loader! Because if the bubble powered off, or the loader is not installed the content of bubble, the FontChecker window will found problem about useful fonts! If the Loader founds error, you hav REAL problems! By this time, check only buttons are powered ON! Back to the first (Selector Setup) window, you can choose the follow commands: - The INFO BOX button get info about your system. - By the DISABLE WIN.INI/RESTORE WIN.INI button delete/restore TTF fonts from WIN.INI under label [FONTS]. You have to disable WIN.INI if you want to use this function! The Loader will not load bubbles to system, if the WIN.INI is not disabled. But if you disable WIN.INI, only the selector’s loader can install/deinstall fonts to the system. Therefore run loader at startup! by LOAD SELECTOR WITH WINDOWS button. All your changes cancelled by these buttons, because the RESTORE WIN.INI is write back all your fo ts to WIN.INI (other labels of WIN.INI not modified!), and the UNLOAD SELECTOR FROM WINDOWS will not start the Loader together with Windows. - You can decide in the frame labelled LOADER’S WARNING, do you want to see the number of successfully loaded fonts if the loader is at end of job (ALWAYS), or only the problems is displayed (IF FOUND PROBLEM). If the Loader founds problem, you can run the Selector’s Setup to correct the problem. The Loader detects the follow problems: (but only the Selector Setup repair!) - If no datafile, because you never run Selector’s Setup; - If the Selector power OFF; - If all bubbles power OFF; - If no fonts to install; - If founds error while install. Maybe your resource files deleted or demaged (*.FOT files). So you have to run Selector’s Setup, use CHECK FONTS command button, remove problems from bubble, and reinstall fonts by ADD NEW FONTS or ADD NEW BUBBLE command buttons. You can recreate demaged or deleted resource files by selector, if you have original TTF fontfile! - If all fonts made error, the loader resets Selector. Delete all FOT files and setupfiles. So you have to start the job with Selector’s Setup. In the frame of bubbles, you can see numbers in the bubble if fontlist available. You have to power ON all bubbles, what you want to use! If the bubble is powered off, the loader will be disabled the content of bubble! Othervise you can print your current settings by PRINT SETTINGS command button. If you use this button, you can see PRINT SETTINGS dialog box. On this box you can change printer settings by SETUP button, you can select printerfont by dropdown list, you can choose, do you want to PRINT FILENAM S by checkbox, and do you want to print the content of bubble if the bubble power off by PRINT IF BUBBLE POWER OFF checkbox. You can cancel print by CANCEL button, or start the print by PRINT command button. You can see the fontlist on the bottom. You can delete selected fonts by REMOVE SELECTED FONTS button from bubble, you can get info about one font by ABOUT SELECTED FONTS, now you can see the face of font. The doubleclick is working like this button. You can CHECK WIN.INI, because maybe the new applications installed fonts to your disabled WIN.INI! Now you can choose: delete all new fonts from WIN.INI permanently by YES button, or you can join new fonts to the fontdata file for RESTORE WIN.INI function by N button. So you can restore new fonts if you want to forget Selector. Or you can save current WIN.INI with new fonts by CANCEL button. The WIN.INI checker runs at the startup of Selector, but get message if founds new fonts only. # Modify the content of Bubble If you have selected listitem under label INSTALLED BUBBLES, then you can modify the content of bubble: - You can delete all fonts from bubble by DELETE BUBBLE command button. Only the content of selected respect will be deleted, the original fontfile will stay on disk. - You can see the long memo by SHOW MEMO command button. - You can modify or create memo for bubble by EDIT MEMO command button. Otherwise you can modify the long name of bubble. - If you want to add more fonts to selected bubble, use ADD NEW FONTS command button. The new dialog box is not unknown, only the REMOVE IF LISTED button is new. You can delete listed fonts from targetlist. This command always running if you leave this window by OK button! You can see the fontlist on the bottom. You can delete selected fonts by REMOVE SELECTED FONTS button from bubble, you can get info about one font by ABOUT SELECTED FONTS, now you can see the face of font. The doubleclick is working like this button. You can CHECK WIN.INI, because maybe the new applications installed fonts to your disabled WIN.INI! Now you can choose: delete all new fonts from WIN.INI permanently by YES button, or you can join new fonts to the fontdata file for RESTORE WIN.INI function by N button. So you can restore new fonts if you want to forget Selector. Or you can save current WIN.INI with new fonts by CANCEL button. The WIN.INI checker runs at the startup of Selector, but get message if founds new fonts only. # Install fonts by Selector - You can accept all your settings by OK button. If you see the question, you have choices: By the CANCEL button you can back to previous window. Choose the NO button, if you don’t want to run the Selector’s Loader module. Only the Loader module installs/deinstalls fonts to the system, the Setup Window does not do it! Now maybe you will get second question about restart Windows. Therefore you can choose: You can back to current job by CANCEL button. You can restart Windows by YES button. You can leave Selector without restart by NO button. Choose YES button only for first start of Selector! The Loader does all job in future! If you choose YES button on first messagebox, the Loader module will run. The Loader shows the result of job if you want. If the Loader founds problem, you can correct the errors by YES button, - so you will back to Setup Window - or you can leave Selector without problem solving by NO button. - By the DISABLE WIN.INI/RESTORE WIN.INI button delete/restore TTF fonts from WIN.INI under label [FONTS]. You have to disable WIN.INI if you want to use this function! The Loader will not load bubbles to system, if the WIN.INI is not disabled. But if you disable WIN.INI, only the selector loader will install/deinstall fonts to the system. Therefore run loader at startup! by LOAD SELECTOR WITH WINDOWS button. All your changes are cancelled by these buttons, because the RESTORE WIN.INI is write back all your fonts to WIN.INI (other labels of WIN.INI not modified!), and the UNLOAD SELECTOR FROM WINDOWS will not start the Loader together with Windows. - You can decide in the frame labelled LOADER’S WARNING, do you want to see the number of successfully loaded fonts if the loader is at the end of job (ALWAYS), or only the problems displayed (IF FOUND PROBLEM). If the Loader founds problem, you can run the Selector’s Setup to correct the problem. The Loader detects the following problems: (but only the Selector Setup repair!) - If no datafile, because you never run Selector’s Setup; - If the Selector power OFF; - If all bubbles power OFF; - If no fonts to install; - If founds error while install. Maybe your resource files deleted or demaged (*.FOT files). So you have to run Selector’s Setup, use CHECK FONTS command button, remove problems from bubble, and reinstall fonts by ADD NEW FONTS or ADD NEW BUBBLE command buttons. You can recreate demaged or deleted resource files by selector, if you have original TTF fontfile! - If all fonts made error, the loader resets Selector. Delete all FOT files and setupfiles. So you have to start the job with Selector’s Setup. In the frame of bubbles, you can see numbers in the bubble if fontlist are available. You have to power ON all bubbles, what you want to use! If the bubble is powered off, the loader will disable the content of bubble! # Example, how to use Selector 1; Start the Selector’s Setup Window by icon in the LEZLISOFT programgroup. 2; At the first start, all listitem (left side) and all bubbles (middle) are disabled. Start the job by ADD NEW BUBBLE button! You can select to first bubble for example the Windows systemfonts, Arial, Times New Roman, and Courier. Therefore type the name of bubble “Systemfonts”. You can type memo or longer name, but this is not compulsory. 3; Choose OK, and select the sourcefiles in the next window. Search Times, Arial, and Courier fonts, but don’t forget to select the styles! Now you have to select and move to targetlist 12 pcs. TTF fontfiles together with normal, bold, italic, and bold-italic styles. If the targetlist is containing required fonts, (you can check on the bottom of window the fontnames) use OK button to back to Setup Window. 4; If you click to the listitem on the first window under label INSTALLED BUBBLES, you can see the content of first bubble in the bottom. Don’t forget to power ON the first bubble in the middle (number one)! If you have failed fonts on bubble, you can add fonts to bubble by ADD NEW FONTS button, (for example for symbols...) or you can delete redundant fonts by REMOVE SELECTED FONT button. 5; Create new bubbles by ADD NEW BUBBLE button, add name, select source, move fonts to targetlist, and don’t forget to power on the bubble, if you want to use selected fonts! 6; Before you quit Selector by OK button, delete fontlist from WIN.INI by DISABLE WIN.INI button, (you can write back fonts by RESTORE WIN.INI later!) If you want to install fonts at startup, use LOAD SELECTOR WITH WINDOWS command button. The Loader will run at Windows startup. Don’t drop Loader’s icon to StartUp group!!! Otherwise you can enable/disable selector by the radio buttons labelled SELECTOR ON / SELECTOR OFF. 7; Use OK button to apply all settings. Answer NO at the first question, because if you use at first time the selector, you have to restart Windows instead of run Selector. Therefore answer YES to second question! So your Windows will restart, the loader will install fonts. Don’t restart windows in the future, run only selector’s loader if you change the fontusage, therefore you have to answer YES to the first question! The Selector 1.0 is tested by many DTP and word-processing applications. It’s working without problem. But if you change the fontusage, you have to restart your applications. Don’t modify the directory and file structure of Selector! The Selector never deletes original fontfiles! By the next version, you can use Adobe Type 1 fonts! # Check fonts by Selector - You can check the fonts of selected bubble by CHECK FONTS command button. If the Loader found problem, you can check errors and repair by this button. You can see lists in the new window to help repair problems: PROBLEM IN DISPLAY: the fonts cannot be displayed; GOOD IN DISPLAY: the fonts can be displayed without problem; GOOD IN PRINTER: the fonts are printable; ALL PRINTABLE FONTS: printerfonts read by system; ALL DISPLAYABLE FONTS: the screenfonts read by system; PROBLEM IN PRINTER: fonts cannot be printed; You can see the errors and correct fonts in these list by system and by selector. You can delete all problems from selected bubble by DELETE PROBLEMS FROM BUBBLE command button. The content of bubble will be less. You can end of this job by BACK TO SETUP WINDOW button. Check only bubble powered on, and installed by Loader! Because if the bubble is powered off, or the loader is not installed the content of bubble, the FontChecker window will found problem about useful fonts! If the Loader founds error, you h ve REAL problems! By this time, check only buttons are powered ON! - You can decide in the frame labelled LOADER’S WARNING, do you want to see the number of successfully loaded fonts if the loader is at the end of job (ALWAYS), or only the problems are displayed (IF FOUND PROBLEM). If the Loader founds problem, you can run the Selector’s Setup to correct the problem. The Loader detects the following problems: (but only the Selector Setup repair!) - If no datafile, because you never runs Selector’s Setup; - If the Selector power OFF; - If all bubbles power OFF; - If no fonts to install; - If founds error while install. Maybe your resource files deleted or demaged (*.FOT files). So you have to run Selector’s Setup, use CHECK FONTS command button, remove problems from bubble, and reinstall fonts by ADD NEW FONTS or ADD NEW BUBBLE command buttons. You can recreate demaged or deleted resource files by selector, if you have original TTF fontfile! - If all fonts made error, the loader resets Selector. Delete all FOT files and setupfiles. So you have to start the job with Selector’s Setup. - You can CHECK WIN.INI, because maybe the new applications installed fonts to your disabled WIN.INI! Now you can choose: delete all new fonts from WIN.INI permanently by YES button, or you can join new fonts to the fontdata file for RESTORE WIN.INI function by NO button. So you can restore new fonts if you want to forget Selector. Or you can save current WIN.INI with new fonts by CANCEL button. The WIN.INI checker runs at the startup of Selector, but get message if founds new fonts only. # Cassa 1.0 kisvállalkozók pénztárkönyvi programja Financial software for Hungarian users only. The English version in next year! A pénztárkönyvet utánzó táblázatban a vállalkozással kapcsolatos és azon kívüli jövedelmek és kiadások összefoglalhatóak, ezért a program alkalmas családi költségvetés készítésére is. Az adatok alapján a program számolja a különböző áfakucsokhoz tartozó ÁFA-t és annak alapját a negyedéves bevalláshoz, valamint az aktuális adóalap bármikor lekérdezhető, nem kell e célból külön zárást kérni. Könyvelők számára egyedi szolgáltatás, hogy az adatbázisfile-k különböző szempontok szerint csoportokba szervezhetőek, így egy-egy cég adatai, időszakai könnyen szétválogathatóak. A file-k tetszőleges időrendi sorrendbe állíthatóak, ez alapján számítódnak a mindig aktuális zárások, áthozatok, és totális pénzügyi állapotok. A program az adatok tárolására rendkívül kis helyet foglal. Képes feldolgozni meglévő, szabványos DBase, Foxbase, Paradox, Access adatbázisokat, amelyek a konverzió után törölhetőek, így régi DOS felületű programból is áthozhatóak a meglévő adtok. A program az adatok alapján sokoldalúan definiálható grafikonokat készít, amelyek vágólapon keresztül, ill. file-ba mentés után szövegkörnyezetbe integrálhatók. # The GraphMaker V:1.0 This software is under development, but the beta test is coming soon! GraphMaker is made for printing offices, who want to create several graph automatically. Many functions are included, mathematical knowledge is not requested! If you are interesting for GraphMaker, contact the developer. You can test at first time this software! # The GraphMaker 1.0 under development! Send E-mail, you will get beta testversion soon! # Why register Windows Software Pack? Because the unregistered shareware version made for try-before-you-buy. The time is 30 days to decide, do you want to pay, or delete WSP from your HDD. If you want to use, then you have to register! Otherwise the shareware is not full version! The registered users get manual, on-line help by E-mail or post, and new beta versions for test (free), new full versions at better price! # How to register WSP? Please register unregistered WSP, because the shareware version is not full! For example the TipoMaker is never printing, and the fonts of Typographic features are reduced. The access for fonts and bubbles of Selector are reduced. Cannot save and copy the graph by WinSpeed. All registered users will receive: - Printed manual; (the text same as help, but pictures included) - Installation disks; - On-line service by E-mail or by post; - Free softwares for beta test; - Full softwares at better price; - Free error correction. You can register shareware version: - Contact with developer by E-mail: 100324,2766@compusrve.com - Contact with developer by post: 1399 Budapest, PO.BOX:701/15 HUNGARY - Contact with developer by phone: 00-36/1-1631-771 - Use SWREG service by CompuServe: 1, GO SWREG; 2, Select Shareware registration; 3, Search by keyword “WSP” TipoMaker V:2.0 - Price: US$ 49; SWREG ID: 11680 WinSpeed V:1.0 - Price: US$ 25; SWREG ID: 11681 Selector V:1.0 - Price: US$ 25; SWREG ID: 11682 The Sourcecode of Installer v:1.0 - Price: US$ 25; SWREG ID: 11691 (Visual Basic 3.0 required to modify!) Cassa V:1.0 - Contact with developer! GraphMaker V:1.0 - Contact with developer! Board game for Windows - FREE with other If you order TipoMaker, WinSpeed and Selector - Price: US$ 79; SWREG ID: 11679 If you order TipoMaker and Selector - Price: US$ 59; SWREG ID: 11684 IntList Maker V:1.0 for WinSpeed 1.0 - Price: US$ 79; SWREG ID: 11928 IntList Maker V:1.0 and WinSpeed 1.0 - Price: US$ 89; SWREG ID: 12028