Cyclocke is a Cycle Clock. You can see roughly! where the planets are, the phase of the moon, and any other event you want to plug in to the cycle box , Birthday , Biorithym , Sub Spot Cycle , That "time of the month" , Friday at 4:30 , 8:00 AM , Whatever. You can see the cycle orbit coming 'up'. You can play a .wav file, anything that your Media Player (mplayer.exe) will accept, or an executable file to announce the occasion. Cyclocke Requires Windows 3.1 in enhanced mode , a mouse , and whatever sound / video hardware the files you want to use as alarms Require. Enjoy ! , but , Whats new in 1.2 The screen now updates automaticaly after a cycle load. 1.1 When you click on the little Cycle Circles it will bring up the drop down parameter list. READ THIS ! ! ! By installing or using Cyclocke you thereby acknowledge your agreement to the following terms I am not responsible for any problems or damage resulting from the use of this software. I SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR OTHER SIMILAR DAMAGES ARISING FROM ANY USE OF MY SOFTWARE BY YOU OR ANYONE. Cyclocke has been recently developed by me, and there may be bugs or irrratic operating characteristics that I am not aware of. You are using this software at your own risk. I have not encountered any problems with this version on my equipment but that is no guarantee that you won't. In particular you should not depend on this software alone to remind you of important appointments etc. For instructions see Help. You may not sell any of the files in this bundle , (except perhaps a small disk and handling fee), without a license from me. If you copy or distribute Cyclocke for trial use by another you must do so in an unmodified form and must include all the original files: Here listed; --------- MICROSOFT FILES -- Copyright By MicroSoft --------- VER.DL_ SETUPKIT.DLL VBRUN300.DLL CYCLOCKE.EXE MMSYSTEM.DLL CMDIALOG.VBX COMMDLG.DLL ------------------------------------------------------------- --------- CYCLOCKE FILES - Copyright (c) 1996 By Bruce Wells - INSTALL.TXT CYCLOCKE.TXT CYCSETUP.EXE CYCLOCKE.EXE CYCLES.YCS ERTHVIEW.YCP CLOCK.YCP DLTSVCLK.YCP MOON.YCE FULLMOON.YCE SUN.YCE STAR.YCE FRIDAY.YCE XMAS.YCE HOURHAND.YCE MINTHAND.YCE JULY4RTH.YCE LEAPYEAR.YCE ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- MIDI ALARMS - Copyright (c) 1995 By Bruce Wells - HU_INTRO.MID REFAMAD.MID JINGLISH.MID ------------------------------------------------------------ If you want you can send me some money. I have a version that will load your favorite default cycle set on start up. I plan, but never know what will happen, to have a version that will have Graphic Planet (photos),and cycle icons (when gotten around to) , and a geocentric planet screen (if ever), for astrologers. If you send me $21.00 I'll send you the custom startup upgrade. Compuserve SWREG# 11865 No telling if I'll ever get anything else done on this or not. If you send me any amount and a request I'll try to notify you of what I've come up with (of course I will need your address or phone number). (If you really wan't the default startup thing, but don't want to spend $21, and have a Compuserve address, we can negotiate.) Anyway If you want to tell me who you are, how you can be reached., what you want, and / or send money :) On CompuServe BRUCE A WELLS 102011,1410 BruceTae on America On Line or To ; Bruce Wells (608) 257-4933 212 Marion St. #406 Madison, WI I don't know how long I'll 53703-1955 be at this address , So it may be best to phone first Thankyou