SendToBack - Send windows to the back Version 2.0 Contents 1. Overview 2. Installation 2.1. Installing for the first time 2.2. Upgrading from version 1.0 3. Uninstallation 4. Basic operation 5. Options 6. Compatibility 7. Operation details 8. Known limitations 9. Copyright and distribution 10. Disclaimer 11. Contacting the author 12. Version information 13. Trademarks 1. Overview Ever had a cluttered display, with some windows totally hidden under other ones? SendToBack is a small utility that will enable you to send any window to the back (or bottom) of the pile of windows on your desktop, allowing you to access windows that were under it. To send a window to the back, simply right-click on its title bar (you can also choose to use the middle mouse button, if you wish). By successively sending windows to the back, you will be able to access all the windows on your desktop without having to minimize or close any of them. Version 1.0 of SendToBack was called "Sendback". The name "SendToBack" was adopted in version 2.0 because it is more descriptive. Version 2.0 has several improvements relative to version 1.0: - It has options for using the middle mouse button instead of the right- hand one, for temporarily disabling the program and for showing an icon in the taskbar. These options can be saved, if desired. - SendToBack is now less obtrusive: it hides itself on startup, but its dialog window can be displayed when desired. - SendToBack won't interfere with Xmouse, Winshade or other similar utilities. - SendToBack won't send the taskbar to the back (at least in Windows 95). 2. Installation 2.1. Installing for the first time To install simply unzip the SENDBK20.ZIP file into an appropriate directory. This will place three files in that directory: SENDBK.EXE - The executable program MOUSEBK.DLL - A dynamic link library needed by the program README.TXT - This file If you like SendToBack and want to use it permanently, you may want to place a shortcut to it in your StartUp directory. 2.2. Upgrading from version 1.0 To upgrade, unzip the SENDBK20.ZIP file into the directory where you had installed version 1.0. You'll be asked whether to overwrite each of the three files mentioned above in Section 2.1. Always answer "y" (or the "yes" response of your unzipper). The new files will replace the old ones, and upgrade will be complete. 3. Uninstallation To uninstall, delete the three files mentioned under "Installation". If you created a shortcut in the StartUp directory, delete it. Finally, look for a file named SENDBK.INI, in your Windows directory. If it exists, delete it too. 3. Basic operation Start the SENDBK.EXE program. Then try right-clicking on the title bars of windows, to uncover the windows that are behind them. SendToBack will start hidden, so you won't see any new window when you start it. In the default configuration, an icon will be displayed in the system tray area (near the clock, on the right-hand side of the taskbar). To stop the utility, open its dialog window by clicking on its icon in the system tray area, and click the "Remove" button. When the dialog is open, you can select several options (see "Options" below). If you click the "OK" button, the utility will stay in operation, and its window will be hidden again. 5. Options To set SendToBack's options, first open its dialog window, in one of two ways: either by left-clicking on its icon in the system tray area, or by starting SENDBK.EXE again. In the dialog, you have the following options: - Choose how to send windows to the back - Right button: Right-clicking on a window title will send the window to the back. - Middle button: Clicking with the middle button on a window title will send the window to the back. This option will only operate if the windows mouse driver that is installed detects the middle button clicks. This option has the advantage of not interfering with other actions triggered by right-clicks. - Disabled: Temporarily disable SendToBack. - Tray icon: If checked, SendToBack's icon will be shown in the system tray area. If unchecked, no icon will be shown. In the latter case, the way to redisplay SendToBack's dialog window once it is hidden, is to start SENDBK.EXE again. There are three buttons in the dialog: - OK: Sets the options that were selected, and hides the dialog window. - Save options: The currently selected options will be saved. The next time that SendToBack is started these options will be set automatically. - Remove: Stops SendToBack. 6. Compatibility SendToBack was developed as a 32 bit Windows 95 utility. I have no possibility of testing it under Windows NT or Win32s. News from some users indicate that version 1.0 operated under those systems, so version 2.0 should operate too. I would appreciate receiving news about the users' experience under those systems. 7. Operation details This utility sends a window to the back of the window pile when a right- click (or middle-click, if that is selected) is made on the window's title bar. However, the utility won't disturb "topmost" windows (windows that have the "stay on top" or "always on top" property). It also won't disturb the taskbar, even if the taskbar is not set as "always on top" (at least in Windows 95 - I have no Windows NT system in which to test SendToBack). In Windows 95, the usual action triggered by right-clicking on the title bar of a window is the display of the system menu. If the right mouse button is the option selected in SendToBack, the display of the menu will be inhibited, because it would be unpleasant to get the menu when sending a window to the back. The system menu will still be available by left- clicking on the icon on the upper left corner of the window. If the middle mouse button option is chosen in SendToBack, the display of the menu won't be disturbed. In some windows, the action triggered by right-clicking on the title bar may be different from what was indicated above, and/or there may be no icon on the upper left corner. If you can't obtain the desired action because SendToBack inhibits it, try right-clicking on the window border (where the cursor becomes a double arrow). In some cases, right-clicking on some places inside the window may also work (e.g. on buttons in toolbars). If necessary, SendToBack can be temporarily disabled to restore the normal right-clicking behavior. Some applications (e.g. word processors) can open several document windows at the same time, within the application's main window. In these cases, if SendToBack is running, clicking on the title bar of a document window will send that window behind all other document windows within that application, but the application's main window won't be disturbed. To send the whole application to the back, click on the main window's title bar. Some applications may behave differently from what is described here. 8. Known limitations There are some known limitations in SendToBack: In some cases, Windows generates a message indicating that a window's title bar has been clicked, when it has not. In such cases, the corresponding window may be sent to the back. If that is not desired, SendToBack should be temporarily disabled. Sometimes, when a window has been sent to the back, left-clicking inside it will activate it, but won't bring it to the front. In such cases, left-clicking on the window's title bar or on its border will normally bring it to the front. The most correct way to store SendToBack's settings would be to use the registry, instead of the SENDBK.INI file. 9. Copyright and distribution This program is copyright of Luis B. Almeida, 1996. It is freeware; it can be freely used, copied and distributed (except as noted below in the "Disclaimer" section) if: - no cost is charged for it, except for the possible cost of the distribution itself, and - the three files SENDBK.EXE, MOUSEBK.DLL and README.TXT are included, unmodified, in the copy or distribution. 10. Disclaimer The author of this program is not, by any means, an expert Windows programmer. It is possible that this program will behave differently from what is described here, and that it will interfere with the normal operation of other programs, although efforts have been made to minimize such possibilities. The program shall be used at the user's own risk. The author of the program shall not be liable for any consequences, direct or indirect, of its use. If you don't agree with these conditions or if your local law is contrary to them, you are not allowed to use the program, and must remove it from your computer. 11. Contacting the author I will be glad to receive comments, and even simple "hello" messages from users. Suggested improvements may be incorporated in future versions of the program, although I have very little time available for working on such matters. To contact me send e-mail to: 12. Version information Version 1.0: - First version, relatively crude. Was named "Sendback". Version 2.0: - Added facilities for using the middle mouse button, showing an icon in the system tray area, disabling the program and saving the user's settings. - The utility now hides itself on startup. - Included instance checking. Starting a second instance of SendToBack will now simply show the first instance's dialog window. - Eliminated a bug that caused this utility to disable Xmouse, Winshade and other similar utilities. - Prevented SendToBack from sending the taskbar to the back. - Changed the name from "Sendback" to "SendToBack". 13. Trademarks Windows 95, Windows NT and Win32s are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.