RESOUR32 Version 2.7 Copyright (C) 1995-1996 SHEES Soft- & Hardware-Engineering All Rights Reserved ********** Installation *************** If you receive this version of RESOUR32 in a self-extracting ZIP file ( RESZIP32.EXE ), you can install as follows: * On Windows 95 / NT: select Run from the Taskbar Start menu, type the full name of the file (e.g., C:\DNLOAD\RESZIP32.EXE), press the Enter key, and follow the prompts. * In a DOS box: copy file into your temporary directory. Change to this directory and type full name of the file and the dirctory to extract the file ( e.g. , C:\TEMP\RESZIP32.EXE ) or create a installation disk with ( C:\TEMP\RESZIP32.EXE A: ). Press the Enter key. * After decompressing the ZIP file you will find a SETUP.EXE file. * Select the Control menu from the Taskbar, go to Install Software menu and install the Software from disk or directory. *** Requirements *** RESOUR32 requires Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51 or later. *** Documentation *** For full documentation read the program description. *** Self-Extracting Archives *** The evaluation "BBS" version of RESOUR32 is distributed as a Windows self-extracting ZIP file. *** List Of Files *** The RESOUR32 2.7 installation package consists of the following files. SETUP.EXE Setup program SETUP.INS SETUP.LST _SETUP.DLL _SETUP.LIB _INST32I.EXE DISK1.ID DATA.1 Packed program data UNINST.EXE Uninstall program _ISDEL.EXE README.TXT This file LESEMICH.TXT German: Diese Datei After installation you will get following files in your directory README.TXT introductory information LESEMICH.TXT German: Einleitung RESOUR32.TXT product overview and program description RESOU32D.TXT German: Produkt Übersicht und Beschreibung RESOUR32.EXE required executable LICENSE.DOC license agreement/warranty disclaimer ORDER.TXT order form ORDERD.TXT German: Bestellformular VENDOR.TXT information for Shareware Distributors FILE_ID.DIZ brief description for bulletin boards DELSL1.ISU delete list to uninstall the program *** Online Registration *** To registrate the software online on CompuServe, GO SWREG ID: 7919 ###