301 AltaVista 401 Blue Squirrel, Inc\n1363 South State\nSLC, UT 84115\ninfo@bluesquirrel.com\n801-484-2225 601 Alta Vista is DEC's WWW Search Engine, offering Simple or Advanced searches of more than 16 million Web pages and more than 13 thousand News Groups. \n 602 Simple query operators include quoted phrases (eg paris museum "mona lisa" louvre). required/prohibited matches (eg dessert treat +cinnamon +apple -pie), constraints for Web pages 603 (title: host: url: link:) (eg link: whitehouse.gov), constraints for News Groups (from: subject: newsgroups: summary: keywords:) (eg newsgroups: rec.humor). \n 604 Advanced Queries use the same syntax as Simple Queries, except that you MUST use the operators AND/and/&, OR/or/|, NOT/not/!, and NEAR/near/~ to combine words and phrases, and 605 parentheses may be used to control nesting (eg sheep AND (ox OR oxen). \nAny capital letters in a query word force an exact match on the entire word. \n 606 Advanced queries also allow selection of a date range for News Groups, and a priority ranking for specified keywords. \n