EasyCal Version 1.0 Copyrighted 1995-1996 Ricky S.F. Lau All Rights Reserved. PROGRAM INFORMATION Program Title: EasyCal Version 1.0 Release Date : March 15, 1996 Description : EasyCal is a slim calculator with 3D apperance, always on top of screen. It comes with metric convertor and let you link EasyCal to the application you are currently using and send the date, time, and/or calculation result to the linked application automatically. Keywords : Calculator, Metric Converor, Date and Time Clock Category : Utility, General Application Operation OS : Windows 3.1 and higher FileName : ECCALV10.EXE DISTRIBUTION Users are granted a limited license to copy EasyCal only for the trial use by others subject to the terms of this software license agreement described herein, and the conditions described below are met: EasyCal MUST be copied in an unmodified form and MUST contain the following files: Cmdialog.VB_ Commdlg.DL_ EasyCal.EX_ EasyCal.HL_ EasyCal.TXT RegForm.TX_ Shell.DL_ Threed.VB_ Toolhelp.DL_ Ver.dll Setup1.EX_ Setup.EXE Setup.LST Sysop.TXT Vendor.TXT No fee, charge or other compensation may be accepted or requested by anyone without the express written permission of the Author. Public Domain Disk Vendors, Shareware Disk Vendors and Distributors of public domain and user supported software may not charge a fee for EasyCal itself. However, you may include EasyCal on a diskette for which you charge a nominal distribution fee. The purchaser of said diskette must be informed in advance that the fee paid to acquire the diskette does NOT relieve said purchaser from paying the registration fee for EasyCal if said purchaser uses EasyCal. Operators of electronic bulletin board systems may post EasyCal for downloading by their users without written permission only as long as the above conditions are met. A fee may be charged for access to the bbs as long as no specific fee is charged for downloading EasyCal files. LIMITED WARRANTY NO WARRANTIES. The author expressly disclaims any warranty for the SOFTWARE. The SOFTWARE and any related documentation provided "as is" without warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the SOFTWARE remains with you. CUSTOMER REMEDIES. The Author entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall not exceed the price paid for the SOFTWARE. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. In no event shall the author be liable for any damages, whatsoever (expressed or implied,including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose, damages for loss of business profit, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use this SOFTWARE product. The author does not warrant that the licensed software will meet any requirements or that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error free. The warranty does not cover any media or documentation which has been subject to damage or abuse by you or others. The software warranty does not cover any copy of the licensed software which has been altered or changed in any way. You Can Contact me at Mail : Ricky S.F. Lau G.P.O.Box 26093 5501 - 204 Street, Langley, B.C. V3A 8J2 CANADA Fax : 1-604-534-2981 Email : CompuServe : 102123,2571 Internet : rastracer@msn.com America Online : RASTRACER