EasyCal Version 1.0 (March 15, 1996) Copyright © 1995-1996 by Ricky Lau Siu Fai All Rights Reserved WHAT'S EasyCal? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EasyCal is mainly designed for any CAD Drawing; Accounting; Spreadsheet and any other application that the users need some calculations done. It has some features that will fit in daily use. FEATURES..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EasyCal is an easy and convenient way to use a calculator in Windows Version 3.1 and higher environment. It comes with a metric converter that lets you perform metric calculations and conversions easier. With it's "Always On Top" feature, you can access EasyCal easier in any application you are currently using, and you have no need to press the ALT-ESC or ALT-Tab switch again and again. EasyCal can also let you display the date and/or the time in various format when EasyCal is in the minimized mode. You can get context-sensitive help by pressing key on any windows screen. EasyCal has an option that lets you link EasyCal to the application you are currently using and send the date, time, and/or the calculation result to the linked application automatically. If your application accepts keyboard input, it will work fine with EasyCal. KEEP UP-TO-DATE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can find a date on the top of this file, if the date exceeds 1 year, there would be a new version released. To obtain a new version of EasyCal, please contact me at: RICKY LAU SIU FAI G.P.O. Box 26093 5501 - 204 Street, Langley, B.C. V3A 8J2 CANADA Email: 120123.2571 (CompuServe) Rastracer@msn.com (Internet) RASTRACER (American Online) FREE SCREEN SAVER OFFER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Free Screen Saver for Windows is offered to each registered user of EasyCal. Do you want to have a Screen Saver that have your favourite photo inside it? Just fill in and send us the registration form with the fee to become a registered user. Remember to send your favourite photos to us, photo size not more than 4"x6", please. You are entitled to 1 free photo to be scanned as your bitmap. If you want to have more photos to be scanned, you will be charged $3.00 for each additional photo you include. If you send a photo more than this size or if you just forget to send us the photo, it will just cause us to ignore your photo and just send you the Screen Saver with our logos on it. INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before you setup EasyCal, make sure you have VBRUN300.DLL in your window system directory, you can download this file in all major BBS or On-line service. In Program Manager, Select File and choose Run, and type a:\setup.exe in command line where a: is the drive of the source disk and follow the on screen instructions. Window 95 users, click Start on Task Bar and Select the Run command. Type a:\setup.exe in command line where a: is the drive of the source disk and follow the on screen instructions. IF EASYCAL RUNS ABNORMALLY AFTER YOU INSTALL OTHER PROGRAMS... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If EasyCal runs abnormally after you install other programs, the problem might be the program write some system files to your Windows' system directory which overwrites the EasyCal's run-time files and are not compatible with EasyCal. To solve this problem just copy the following file to your Windows' system directory. THREED.VBX You can find these files inside the Easycal install directory. If the problem still exists, you will need to re-install EasyCal. REGISTRATION AND LICENSE AGREEMENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CompuServe User can use keyword SWREG to register EasyCal Register ID#11627. The use of EasyCal is subject to the following terms and conditions: EasyCal is a copyrighted software product, protected by the copyright laws of the Canada and international treaties. You may not make any changes or modifications, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse-engineer the software in any way. You can use EasyCal in a 21 day trial period provided that the user does not violate the protection afforded the licensed software by the copyright laws, and the user agrees to the terms of the license agreement. If the user continues to use EasyCal past a 21 day evaluation period, the user is obligated to purchase a license. EasyCal can be used on a Local Area Network provided that a license is obtained for the number of users that may concurrently use the software. A license for the user of EasyCal can be obtained by sending the appropriate registration fee to: RICKY LAU SIU FAI G.P.O. Box 26093 5501 - 204 Street, Langley, B.C. V3A 8J2 CANADA The register form can be printed on-line with EasyCal, or you can use your favourite text editor to print the register form in the file named Regform.txt. Title to the licensed software is licensed to user, not sold.