0 WI: Creation failed! 1 WI: Registration failed! 2 Wallpapers: 3 Wallpaper Manager could not find initialization file pointed to by WPMINIT. 4 Wallpaper Manager could not find help file pointed to by WPMHELP. 5 This copy is not properly installed. Try running Setup again. 6 Galleries|*.gal|All Files|*.*| 7 All Bitmaps|*.foo|Compressed|*.foo|Run Length Compressed|*.foo|LZ Compressed|*.foo|Windows Native|*.foo|Windows non-Native|*.foo|BMP|*.foo|DIB|*.foo|BLZ|*.foo|RLE|*.foo|PCX|*.foo|GIF|*.foo|GLZ|*.foo| 8 Wallpaper Manager Plus Installation Error 9 ThaComOfMoreUnderMisthleothumGrendelGonganGodeYrreBaerMynteSeMan 10 ItiNiSanYonGoRokuSiti 11 Error in Gallery File (RI: CurrentIndex out of bounds). 12 Error in Gallery File (RI: CurrentSequence > No. Wallpapers). 13 Error in Gallery File (RI: CurrentSequence < No. Wallpapers). 14 Error in Gallery File (RI: CurrentSequence keys and wallpaper keys are incoherent or duplicate keys in CurrentSequence). 15 Your initialization file is in an old format. WM can convert it to the current format. Proceed with conversion? (Clicking No cancels the conversion, terminates WM, and gets Help). 16 Wallpaper Manager Convert 17 Error in Old INI File (CV: CurrentIndex out of bounds). Conversion aborted. 18 Error in Old INI File (CV: CurrentSequence > No. wallpapers). Conversion aborted. 19 Error in Old INI File (CV: CurrentSequence < No. wallpapers). Conversion aborted. 20 Error in Old INI File (CV: CurrentSequence keys and wallpaper keys are incoherent or duplicate keys in CurrentSequence). Conversion aborted. 21 Error in Old INI File (CV: Bitmap list error). Conversion aborted. 22 Error in Gallery File (AB: Too many keys). 23 Error in Gallery File (AB: NoBMP > MAXBMBS). 24 Gallery filled up during merge. Stopping at 1000 wallpapers. 25 Error in Gallery File (AB: Duplicate filenames or titles). 26 Bitmap file %s not found. 28 Bitmap file %s not found. Skip to next wallpaper in list? 29 %s not in valid format or could not expand. Skip to next wallpaper in list? 30 Could not find any usable wallpapers. Setting wallpaper to None. 31 Insufficient space on TEMP drive to expand %s into temporary BMP. 32 Windows could not display %s. File maybe corrupted or not in BMP or RLE format. 33 Gallery File Error 34 Merge failed. Restoring gallery to pre-merged state. 35 Gallery must have non-blank title. 36 File %s is not a valid Gallery file. 37 Cannot delete current gallery. 38 Are you sure you want to delete gallery %s? 39 All five hot keys must be different. 40 Hot Keys 41 Add... 42 Can't add anymore wallpapers (max is 1000). 43 Display Order Edit 44 There must be at least two wallpapers to use this option. 45 The character '|' is not allowed in title strings. 46 Wallpaper must have a title before it can be added. 47 File %s was not in a valid format. 48 File %s already in WM's display list. Not adding this file. 49 Title %s aready in use. Enter another title. 50 Edit... 51 Wallpaper File Error 52 File %s has an unrecognized extension and cannot be displayed. 53 WM needs to create the gallery file %s but a file by that name already exists. Proceed and overwrite the file? (Clicking No cancels the operation, terminates WM, and gets Help). 54 Open Gallery 55 Gallery %s opened. Display its currently indexed wallpaper? 56 There is a problem in the gallery file you specified as indicated in the previous message. WM has created a temporary empty gallery, %s, and made it the current gallery. 57 Save Gallery As 58 File %s exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it? 59 Organize Wallpapers 60 Error opening %s for reading. File may not exist or you may not have access rights. Cannot move/copy this file. 61 Error opening %s for writing. Destination device may be read only. Cannot move/copy this file. 62 Could not delete source file %s. File may be read only. File copied instead of moved. 63 Converter Error 64 Not enough free global memory to do normal move/copy operation on file %s. 65 Could not allocate minimum global memory to do normal move/copy operation on file %s. 66 Error opening %s for (normal) reading. File may not exist or you may no have access rights. Cannot normal move/copy this file. 67 Error opening %s for (normal) writing. Destination device may be read only. Cannot normal move/copy this file. 68 Unknown error during read of %s. Cannot normal move/copy this file. 69 Unknown error during write of %s. Cannot normal move/copy this file. 70 Destination file:\n\n%s\n\nA file by this name already exists in the destination directory. Click OK to overwrite the old file or rename the new one. 71 Destination file:\n\n%s\n\nA file by this name is already in the wallpaper list. Rename the current file or skip. 72 File: %s. Source and destination file are the same. Cannot move, copy, or update this file. 73 Converter DLL Error 74 %s not found. Cannot convert or display this file. 75 %s. DLL load failure. Please make a note of this error and report this condition. 76 Set TempDir Error 77 Path %s is invalid. 78 WARNING: If you click Yes, Wallpaper Manager will remove itself from your system. Are you sure that this is what you really want to do? 80 Incorrect name or invalid registration number. Not uninstalling Wallpaper Manager. 81 Wallpaper Manager Uninstall 82 Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 by Curtis Marx. All Rights Reserved. 83 All Bitmaps|*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle;*.blz;*.pcx;*.gif;*.glz|Uncompressed (BMP)|*.bmp;*.dib|All Compressed|*.blz;*.rle;*.gif;*.pcx;*.glz|LZ Compressed|*.blz;*.glz|DIB|*.dib|RLE|*.rle|PCX|*.pcx|GIF|*.gif|GLZ|*.glz|All Files|*.*| 84 The wallpaper file %s cannot be displayed. It is compressed and no converter library is available. 85 All Sounds|*.wav;*.mid|Waveform Files|*.wav|MIDI Files|*.mid| 86 Wallpaper Manager Timer Error 87 No more Windows timers available. Disabling timer switching mode. See 'Error Conditions' section in the on-line Help for more information about this problem. 88 Wallpaper removed from list but could not delete underlying file %s. File may be read only. 89 The Logo Panel bitmap file %s could not be found or was in an unreadable format. Logo Panel will keep its previous BMP. 90 The Logo Panel bitmap file %s could not be found or was in an unreadable format. Logo Panel will be forced hidden. 91 SQWHOOK.DLL not found. WAV Expansion not activated. 92 HooksndPlaySound function not found in SQWHOOK.DLL. WAV Expansion not activated. 93 HooksndPlaySound failed. WAV Expansion not activated. 94 Error Loading SQWHOOK (WAV Expander) 95 Compress/Expand WAV File 96 Could not open WAV file %s. 97 Could not create temporary WAV file %s. 98 Test Play Sound 99 Play %s? (No to skip next, Cancel to skip all remaining). 100 Play WAV or MIDI Sound File 101 File %s is an LZ compressed WAV and SQWHOOK.DLL is unavailable to expand it. Cannot play. 102 File %s in unknown format. Cannot play. 103 Gallery file %s not found or not in correct format. Wallpaper Manager not loaded. 104 %s would %s from %lu bytes to %lu bytes (%u%%). Click Yes to continue with conversion, No to skip this file, or Cancel to skip this and all remaining files. 105 Marginal Conversion 106 Your choice for %s hot key is already assigned to the screen saver. 107 Your choice for screen saver hot key is already assigned to the %s function (see the Hot Keys dialog). 108 Converter %s returned error code %i-%i:\n %s\n\nConversion of %s to %s failed. 109 Gallery Clear 110 Are you sure you want to clear the wallpaper list in gallery %s? 111 Change Start Up Screen 112 Change Start Up Screen Error 113 Start up wallpaper file %s not found or could not convert to RLE. 114 Your display device may not support this option. Attempt to create new WINALT.COM anyway? 115 Could not access %s. File may be missing or you may not have access rights. 116 Start up wallpaper not 16 color. 117 Start up wallpaper larger than 40K limit when RLE compressed. 118 Start up wallpaper too wide (must be 640 pixels or less). 119 Start up wallpaper too high (must be 480 pixels or less). 120 Alternate Windows start up file WINALT.COM created in your Windows directory. To see your alternate start up screen type WINALT next time you start Windows. 123 A WINALT.COM already exists in your Windows directory. OK to replace it? 124 Test Screen Saver 125 No test wallpaper defined. Either you are trying to use the Wallpaper List as Source but it is empty or the Saver Wallpaper but none is selected. 126 Your %s file may not be compatible with this option. Proceed anyway? 127 Your WALL.INI file is earlier than version 0.92 and cannot be used. See the On-Line Help section "Converting old INI files" for assistance. Program will abort. 128 Could not set your choice for %s hot key. This key is already in use by another application in the system. Try setting this function to a different hot key. 129 Could not clear your choice for %s hot key. This indicates an anamolous but probably harmless condition. 130 This is an unregistered copy of Wallpaper Manager. Only registered copies can convert files to %s format. Click Yes if you would like more information about registering Wallaper Manager. Click No to clear this message. 131 Wallpaper Manager has copied the initialization settings from your initialization file, %s, to the system registry. The old INI file must either be deleted or renamed. Click Yes to delete the old file or No to rename it to WALLINI.OLD. 132 WM+ Initialization 133 Could not %s your WALL.INI file. Wallpaper Manager has instead marked WALL.INI as superceded and will no longer use it. You may wish to rename or delete the file manually. 134 Could not rename, delete, or supercede your initialization file, %s. The file may be locked by another application. You will have to delete or rename the file manually or Wallpaper Manager may not function correctly. 256 Could not open source file. 272 %s: Error %u. Continue? 512 Unexpected EOF in source file. File may be corrupted or incorrectly formatted. 768 Format error in source file. File may be corrupted. 1024 Source file is 24-bit. GIF does not support 24-bit images. 1280 Could not open destination file. 1536 Global memory allocation failed. Windows memory may be low. Close some applications and try again. 1792 Could not write to destination file. Destination device may be full. 2048 *Seek error in source file. This may indicate a problem with the source device. 2304 Bad palette data in source file. File may be corrupted or incorrectly formatted. 2560 *Seek error in destination file. This may indicate a problem with the destination device. 2816 LZ decoding error in source file. File may be corrupted or incorrectly formatted. 3072 Converter returned a DOS error code (Dos code is number following dash). 3328 Read error or bad format in source file. File may be corrupted or incorrectly formatted. 3584 Source file is not 4 or 8 bit. RLE does not support other color depths.