8/24/95 Thank you for using NewsCIS !!! If you have not already installed the program, here are the steps necessary to get you up and running... 1) Copy "NewsCIS.Zip" onto your hard drive (if you did not download it from CompuServe). 2) From DOS, type "PKZIP NewsCIS.Zip". This will extract all of the files within NewsCIS.Zip that are necessary for the system to INSTALL. *** NOTE *** If you do not have PkZip.Exe, you can download a file called "PK204G.EXE" from the WinShare forum [GO WINSHARE] Library #1. Once you receive it, type PK204G.EXE, and this self-extracting file will create PkZip.Exe for you. Repeat step #2. 3) From Windows click on FILE, RUN, (from Win95...START, RUN), and enter the drive\path to the location that has the NewsCIS files, and enter "Setup.Exe" Example: C:\TEMP\SETUP.EXE 4) That's all there is to it! The Setup program will install all of the NewsCIS files to the directory you designate, and will also install certain files into your Windows/Win95 directories that enable NewsCIS to run. *** Note *** If your Windows/Win95 SYSTEM directory (usually C:\WIN\SYSTEM) does NOT have "VBRUN300.DLL" and "THREED.VBX", you will need to download these from the WinShare forum [GO WINSHARE] Library #1, Copy them into your Windows/Win95 SYSTEM directory. If you do NOT have these, you will get a message from NewsCIS telling you that it cannot find a file, and you will not be able to run it. Be sure to read the HELP information when you run the program (press F1) ******************************************************************** *********** If you have problems INSTALLING NewsCIS **************** ******************************************************************** You can MANUALLY help install NewsCIS by following these steps... 1) Perform steps #1 and #2 as outlined above. ( I'll assume all of the files are now in C:\TEMP\*.* ) 2) From DOS, go into your Windows/Win95 directory ( Usually located in C:\WIN ) Example: C: CD \WIN 3) Type the following line: EXPAND C:\TEMP\SETUP1.EX_ SETUP1.EXE 4) Go into your Windows/Win95 SYSTEM directory ( Usually located in C:\WIN\SYSTEM ) Example: C: CD \WIN\SYSTEM 5) Type the following lines: EXPAND C:\TEMP\SETUPKIT.DL_ SETUPKIT.DLL EXPAND C:\TEMP\QPRO200.DL_ QPRO200.DLL EXPAND C:\TEMP\CSVLIST.VB_ CSVLIST.VBX EXPAND C:\TEMP\PDQCOMM2.VB_ PDQCOMM2.VBX 6) From Windows click on FILE, RUN, (from Win95...START, RUN), and enter the drive\path to the location that has the NewsCIS files and enter "Setup.Exe" Example: C:\TEMP\SETUP.EXE Your installation should now proceed smoothly. If it does NOT, E-Mail us at 76460,1305 for support. ********************************************************************* ************************* DISCLAIMER **************************** ********************************************************************* This software is provided on an "as-is" basis, with no warranties, express or implied. The entire risk and liability of using it is yours. Any damages resulting from the use or misuse of this software will be the responsibility of the user.