Goetz's File Splitter Copyright 1998 Lawrence Goetz goetz@lawrencegoetz.com http://www.lawrencegoetz.com VERSION 1.0 ************* Introduction: ************* Goetz's File Splitter is freeware. If you find it to be of use to you, please send me e-mail letting me know. This a command line program that runs in Windows 95, 98, NT or higher. It will not work in DOS mode. Goetz's File Splitter is a program designed to take a file and split it up into smaller pieces. This is useful for taking a file that can not fit on one floppy and then splitting it on many floppies. It can also be used where you are limited in file size, such as in e-mail attachments. Some services limit the file size of an attachment. You can now send the large file as many smaller attachments. Goetz's File Splitter will also create a batch file that will restore the split file. Goetz's File Splitter should not be used as a backup program, because in the event the restore does not work, your original would be lost. The file being split is only being read and is not changed. However should Windows lock up, something could go wrong. In any event, I'm not responsible for any damage that could go wrong by using this program. It's best to make a copy of any file your spliting to prevent any such problems. ************* Instructions: ************* It is a command line program (DOS prompt). It's file name is: gfsplit I recommend you copy it to your c:\ directory or place it's directory in your path statement. This way you can run the file in whatever directory you are in. SPLITTING: You run Goetz's File Splitter as follows: gfsplit source destination size source - the file to be split destination - the names of the split files size - The size in K for the split files. I use K to mean 1000, not 1024. You will get an error if the source file does not exist, or if you leave off any of the command line arguments. Also if the split size is invalid, such as larger than the source file's size, you'll get an error. Example: gfsplit mygame.zip mygame 1440 This will take a file called mygame.zip and split it into a series of files mygame1, mygame2, ..., mygamen. Each file will be up to 1440K, the last file will be the slack of 1440K. It will create a restore file mygame.bat that will be used to restore the file. You can now copy the split files and the restore file to floppies or send them over the internet as attached files. In Windows 95 you can easily send them all to the floppy drive with one command. First you go to Windows Explorer and highlight them all with the mouse. Then choose from the File menu: Send To, Floppy. It will prompt you to insert the next disk when the disk is full. RESTORING: To restore a file, copy all of it's split files and it's restore file to a single directory on your hard drive. Now you can run the restore file and it will combine the split files. If a split file is missing you will get an error message and the listing of the missing files. If you are using Windows Explorer to copy your split files from your disks: After swapping disks, press F5 to get the new disk's contents. To restore the example file mygame.zip, you would run mygame.bat. This will recreate the file mygame.zip in your directory. You will get an error message if the file mygame.zip already exists. You can restore to another path by specifing it as a command line argument to the restore file. To restore the file to c:\games\mygame do mygame c:\games\mygame\ You must end the path with a \ or you will create a file called c:\games\mygamemygame I hope you find this program to be of some use to you. Changes since .92: None. Fixed from version .91: Problem with a split size larger than the input size. It would work for a requested size larger than the input size. However if the size was very large the system would run out of memory. Also I didn't check for negitive or zero split size. Fixed from version .90: Had problem with files in paths, it would store path info that would make it restore to the original location. Now works with restoring to any location. Fixed problem with some people not able to restore because the first file would not copy correctly. Thank you, Lawrence Goetz goetz@lawrencegoetz.com ___________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.