WhatÆs New In FileQuest 1.1

PiQuest Software, Inc. is proud to announce a new version for our award winning file manager. FileQuest 1.1 is a result of hundreds of e-mails we got from our users and beta testers. We hope you will find this new version of FileQuest to fit your needs and expectations from PiQuest Software, Inc.

This document is an add-on to the previous documentation. It describes what was changed and updated from version 1.0.

 Table of contents:

Upgrade Information

Registered users of FileQuest and æFileQuest LiteÆ can enjoy this upgrade at no cost. All your current settings will be preserved. Please follow these steps to upgrade:

  1. Download the new version of either FileQuest or æFileQuest LiteÆ
  2. Run the downloaded file and install FileQuest over your current installation (choose the same folder).
  3. Please send sales@piquest.com your new registration number in order to receive your new unlock code.

First time users of FileQuest can enjoy FileQuest for a 30-day trial period. After that, FileQuest can be purchased for $24.95 and æFileQuest Lite for $19.95.

Future Tools

Future tools and utilities from PiQuest software, will be free or discounted for registered users of FileQuest. The next release of FastOpen, æFastOpen ProÆ will be free to registered users of FileQuest. Visit our web site for more information about FastOpen.

New Features

Personal folder can be opened from the Personal menu item. There is no need to switch tabs for opening a personal folder. FileQuest will do that automatically for you. Select æPersonalÆ from the main menu, then select the desired folder from the æOpen Personal FolderÆ sub menu.

The functionality of the Drives toolbar can now be accessed from the main menu as well. To open any drive, select it from the æOpen DriveÆ sub menu under the Disk menu.

A new Edit command was added to the File menu. Simply select a file and press CTRL+E to activate your user defined editor. The default editor can be changed from the Options property sheet, in the General tab.

A new toolbar with commands such as: Filter, Select, New Folder, DOS and Editor was added to File Views. You can turn this toolbar off, from the View menu, æWindow BarÆ menu item.

A new startup page was added to the Options property sheet. S ome options were moved from the General tab. The following options are now available:

    1. Expand a tree node at startup.
    2. Run FileQuest every time Windows starts
    3. Place a short cut to FileQuest on the Desktop

You can select which drives to add to the Drives toolbar. For example add only local drives, but ignore mapped drives. This dialog can be accessed from the View menu under the Toolbars sub menu.

A new dialog for easing the task of managing your personal folders has been added. The æPersonal ManagerÆ can be accessed from the Personal menu item. From this dialog you can view all your personal folders and update them.

Ever wandered if you are still running old 16 bit applications? We have added a new search method for searching for Exe files by type. This option is available from the Edit menu under the æAdvanced FindÆ sub menu.

FileQuest 1.1 let you have more control of the main menu. You can add separators between your favorites and tools.

You can open a DOS command window in a very easy way. Hold down the CTRL while double on a folder or opening a favorite. FileQuest will open a DOS window instead of a Files View.

Select a file or group of files and press CTRL+P to print it.

Your bookmarks will be saved when you close FileQuest

To add a tool or favorite on the fly, simply select the desired item from the Files view and hit CTRL+L


After erasing a disk, there is an option to change the label for it.

Viewing properties for a drive is easier than ever! Select Properties from the Disk menu item

Although we added many new features we work very hard to improve FileQuest and make it smaller and faster. FileQuest 1.1 is 30% smaller than the previous version!

A new æCreate New FolderÆ added to the menu available when right clicking a folder in the tree.

Confirmation message boxes for copying/deleting/moving files are now either plural or single

Looking for only one particular file? Ask the stop to search after finding the first occurrence of the file. This option is now available from any search dialog.

When running tools with run-time arguments an Arguments dialog is presented to the user before to tool is run. This dialog now has a æBrowseÆ button.

Tools can be opened in Minimized, Maximized or normal mode.

Adding a tool is now easier than ever. Most of the options were moved to a separate æOptionsÆ dialog. Select æAdd ToolÆ from the Go menu to see the new version.

When files are selected and the folder refreshes the selection will be restored

Press CTRL+M to switch between modes. It's fast and easy!

The personal folders in the Personal tab, have their own icon, based in the file types that they hold.

For more control on how and when a folder refreshes two check-boxes were added to the Performance tab in the options property sheet.

You can now set your default drop action from the General tab in the Options property sheet/

When searching for files, they are added as they are found at run time. You do not have to wait for the search to be over.

A new æTray Bar OptionsÆ dialog available from the General tab in the Property sheet was added. It let you define what will happen when you right, left or double click FileQuestÆs tray bar icon. When right clicking the icon, there is an option to show a menu with all your tools and favorite. When selecting a favorite it will be open outside FileQuest. To open it in Windows Explorer, hold down the SHIFT key when selecting it from the menu. To open a DOS window, hold down the CTRL key.

You can split confirmation for file operations between Delete, Move and Copy. This option is available under the General tab in the Options property sheet.

Select what default system favorites to add from the æFavorites OptionsÆ dialog, available under the Favorites menu item.

No more support e-mails when you reinstall FileQuest. The æUnlock NumberÆ will be the same unless you move FileQuest to another computer.

A new menu item added under the Help menu: 'Send Suggestion'. Send a reuqest for a new feature for future versions of FileQuest.

You can drag & drop files and folders to the Tools manager, Favorites Manager and arguments dialogs.

You can change the background color of filtered folders to have a better indication when it is a filtered folder. That way, you will avoid deleting a folder that looks empty, but actually can hold hundreds of files. You can turn this feature on from the Options dialog, Folder page.

Changed Behavior

Maximum number of open windows changed to 4 from 15.

Right clicking the white area of the Folders tree will show a context menu for that tab instead of showing a context menu for the node.

When adding new objects like Tools, Favorites, Rules etc. using the manager dialog, the new object will be added under the current selection in the dialog, instead of adding it at the end of the list

Setup will give a warning if FileQuest is running

For a new installation, more than 10 new default personal folders are added to the Personal Folders tab.

The headers in Details file mode are now all left aligned.

Sorting by extension is case insensitive.

Default view mode is set to List instead of æLarge IconsÆ.

New Dialogs

Main Menu Changes

Fixed Bugs

This version has fixes for 20 bugs.