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BASES? MONITOR? DOSSCAN? SCANNER? UPDATES? Software\KasperskyLab\SharedFiles Folder! 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DLL still in memory.A Variants TITLE_APP_DIALOGR MSG_APP_DIALOG_1R MSG_APP_DIALOG_2R CHBOX_SERVICESR 30001a SdAskOptions failedA CHBOX_SERVICESR FOLDER_NAMER INFO_USERR INFO_NAMER INFO_COMPANYR INFO_NUMBERR INFO_TARGETR INSTALLED_COMPONENTSR avpdos32.exe% avpscan.bat% failure.rpt AUTOEXEC_COMMENT_BEGINR if exist b call $ AUTOEXEC_COMMENT_ENDR autoexec.bata autoexec.avpB erase b *- /m- /p- /b- /tF echo AVP DosScanner Failed >b if exist b goto AVP_ContinueF @echo offa * /m- /p- /b- /-F :AVP_Continuea C:\autoexec.bat autoexec.bat autoexec.batb C:\autoexec.avp autoexec.avp autoexec.bata autoexec.avp autoexec.avpb mode con codepage selectR NOREBOOT( MSG_FINISHR FINISH_OPTR notepad.exe% readme.txt avpsetup.ini COMMON FOLDER GROUP SHARED APPTITLE PRODUCT_NAMER PRODUCTID USERNAME COMPANY UPGRADE" AVPCONTROLCENTER FOLDER GROUP AVPSCANNER FOLDER GROUP AVPMONITOR FOLDER GROUP ASSERVICE" ADDICON" AVPBASES FOLDER GROUP AVPUPDATES FOLDER GROUP avp.ini Registration COMPANY Configuration BasePath SetFile avp.set% KeysPath AVP32 LocFile AVP_LOC.DLL% LocFile AVPM_LOC.DLL% SdContOrExit( ResultA B_CONTINUER B_EXITR WARNING_UNINSTALL_3R WARNING_UNINSTALL_4R WARNING_UNINSTALL_5R SdWelcome! 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