================================================== B-Jigsaw for Windows (32 bit) Version 2.1 Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Antony Pranata http://www.sharewaredevelopers.com/valley/antonypr ================================================== B-Jigsaw (short for BMP-Jigsaw) is the electronic version of the classic jigsaw puzzle game, with pieces shaped like the real jigsaw pieces. With B-Jigsaw, you can make your own jigsaw puzzles with your own BMP and JPEG files. There are three levels of difficulty - Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert. Each level corresponds with a certain size of puzzle pieces; Beginner - large pieces, Intermediate - normal pieces, Expert - small pieces. B-Jigsaw is a SHAREWARE program. This means that you may test it free of charge. You may also distribute it without any cost, provided it is not changed in anyway. If you decide to keep this program, you MUST register it (see REGISTRATION section below). Otherwise, you must remove it from your computer. Note: Also available 16 bit version of B-Jigsaw (visit my home page to download it). You can find the newest version of B-Jigsaw on my home page. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS =================== - Windows 95/98 - PC with 80486 processor (Pentium recommended) - 8 Mb of RAM (16 MB recommended) - Mouse - 1 Mb of free hard disk space INSTALLATION ============ If you got the single file installation, setup.exe, just run it. If you got the compressed file, uncompress it to a directory and run setup.exe. REGISTRATION ============ If you decide to keep this program, please register for only US$15.00. Registered users of B-Jigsaw v1.x can upgrade with special price, $5.00. Please use B-Jigsaw v2.x (Upgrade) registration form (do not use B-Jigsaw 2.x registration). Registered user of B-Jigsaw v2.0 do not need to register again. Just install this new version to the directory where you install B-Jigsaw v2.0. After register, I will send you the registration code via e-mail (so don't forget to write your e-mail address). PAYMENT METHOD ============== You can pay this program by: - MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover cards. Visit: http://www.sharewaredevelopers.com/valley/antonypr/bjigsaw.html to register it online. - Check via postal mail Use the registration form below and mail it to: Universal Commerce, Inc. ATTN: Orders PO Box 1816 Issaquah, WA 98027 United States of America Make sure that your check is payable to Universal Commerce, Inc. - Telephone or fax These types of registration should include ALL information contained on the registration form (see REGISTRATION FORM section below). Telephone Toll Free: 877-353-7297 Regular: 425-392-2294 Fax Toll Free: 888-353-7276 Regular: 425-392-0223 REGISTRATION FORM ================= If you want to register by check, telephone, or fax, use this form. ******************************************************* cut here To: Universal Commerce, Inc. ATTN: Orders PO Box 1816 Issaquah, WA 98027 United States of America Product Details =============== __ B-Puzzle (ID: 1716-1) @ US $10.00 = ______ __ RuPuzz (ID: 1716-3) @ US $10.00 = ______ __ Hex Mines (ID: 1716-4) @ US $10.00 = ______ __ TSevenSegment Component (ID: 1716-5) @ US $20.00 = ______ __ B-Jigsaw v2.x (ID: 1716-6) @ US $15.00 = ______ __ B-Jigsaw v2.x (Upgrade) (ID: 1716-7) @ US $5.00 = ______ Mail or fax orders, please add $2.50 per order = ______ Telephone orders, please add $3.00 per order = ______ ====== Totals = ______ Payment Information =================== [ ] Check (made payable to Universal Commerce, Inc.) [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard [ ] American Express [ ] Discover (Novus) Name on card: ___________________________________________ Card number: ___________________________________________ Expiration date: ___________________________________________ Customer Details ================ First Name: ______________________________________________ Last Name: ______________________________________________ Company: ______________________________________________ Address 1: ______________________________________________ Address 2: ______________________________________________ City: ____________________ State/Province: __________________ Zip/Postal Code: __________ Country: ______________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________ E-mail address: ______________________________________________ User name: ______________________________________________ Old Reg. Code: ______________________________________________ (IMPORTANT: Only required for registration of B-Jigsaw v2.x Upgrade. Fill it with the registration code of B-Jigsaw v1.x) ******************************************************* cut here COMMENTS ======== If you have any comments or suggestions please send them to the following e-mail address: antonypr@sharewaredevelopers.com. or antonypr@poboxes.com HISTORY ======= Dec 27, 98: Version 2.1 ----------------------- - B-Jigsaw now support JPEG files. - Added a feature which allows you to arrange pieces in grid or randomly. - Added install/uninstall support. - Fixed some minor bugs. Dec 5, 98: Version 2.0 ---------------------- - The toolbar is dockable. It means that you can arrange it to suit your own needs. - Added a feature to save the current game. Therefore you could continue it in another time. However, this feature is only available in the registered version. - The pieces now is arrange at the edge of the window. - The solved pieces will be locked automatically. - Added shadow effect. - I have optimized some algorithms used in this program. The previous version of B-Jigsaw has slow performance when played at large resolution, such as 1280 x 1024. - Support registration by snail mail, phone, and fax. - The price of this program has been raised to $15. DISCLAIMER ========== B-Jigsaw is distributed without warranty, either expressed or implied. No responsibility is assumed for any consequential loss or damages arising from its use. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Thank you for your support and have fun! Antony Pranata