30/05/98 SplitWin 3.11 Seperate default directories for split and merge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/10/97 SplitWin 3.10 Bug fix (introduced in ver 3.08), when atempt is made to split file on the hard disk which is 6Mb or more and selected chunk size is greater than 5Mb it will complain on not enough space on the hard disk and refuse to split. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/07/97 SplitWin 3.09 1. Tidy up main screen layout. 2. Change to author e-mail address and home page http://www.polbox.com/k/kmazela 3. Decrease size of installation file (remove obsolute binaries). ______________________________________________________________________________ 15/05/97 SplitWin 3.08 1. Free format support added when copying to floppy disks. Have you had bunch of floppies, which some where 2DD, some 2HD, same had some files you preferred not to remove or their size was less than standard 720k or 1.44M, because they had bad sectors? Good News, Yes with this version this is possible. SplitWin will check the free space on floppy and write as much as is free on floppy disk. Sounds good? Check "Try to fill to maximum when copying to floppy disk" check box in Split Dialog to get that. 2. Bug fix : do not work with some NFS drives ( fail to determine file size if file was on network drive due runtime libraries bug). There was no problem with files on local machine. 3. Unregistered version shows now number of split runs. ______________________________________________________________________________ 31/12/96 SplitWin 3.07 1. Improved Split Dialog makes easer to do selections of chunk size. 2. About dialog shows more detail. 3. Install program added. ______________________________________________________________________________ 01/05/96 SplitWin 3.06 1. Continue merge flag - if it set in default dialog merge continues even when checksum errors encountered while merge. Generaly not recomended to use, but it can usefull in case of some diasters. 2. Bug fix in 1024x800 mode statusbar overlaped. 3. In the split dialog value for Kb decreased for each click - fixed. 4. Now when merging file parts may be in different directories or drives. ______________________________________________________________________________ 18/03/96 SplitWin 3.05 Initial version compatible with 1.05 for windows 3.1.