=============== Space Watch Pro =============== v3.0 Network edition Shareware This version of Space Watch pro is intended for 32-bit Windows operating systems - e.g. Windows 95 or NT. If you wish to use Space Watch pro from Windows 3.xx please download Space Watch pro v2 (file Swatch2.zip). Requirements ============ Space Watch pro will work on any 32-bit Windows desktop and any Windows NT or Netware network. However, for full features in the Network edition you require the following configurations: For full features on a NETWARE network you need a Novell 32-bit client installed on your desktop - e.g. Novell Client32. NDS support is provided (e.g. Netware 4.x). For full features on a WINDOWS NT network you need a Windows NT desktop or server. Installation and Registration instructions ========================================== How to Install Space Watch Pro ------------------------------ Select Start -> Settings -> Control Panel. Double click the 'Add/Remove Programs' icon. Click on 'Install'. Click on 'Browse' and select the Space Watch pro directory. You will then be prompted for an installation directory. Space Watch pro will then be installed into your system. Simply double-click on the Space Watch icon. The program will take a few seconds to create the necessary work file, and you will then see a registration notification. Click on the 'I Agree' check box and then OK - you are set to go! Once you have started the program, select 'Quick Start' on the 'Help' menu and follow the instructions, or simply use the QUICK START PANEL displayed. NOTE: Context sensitive help is available by pressing the F1 key. A User Guide is available from the HELP menu. Alternatively try clicking on the 'Tip' buttons that are displayed in most windows. If you hold the mouse over a toolbar button for a short while, help will pop-up displaying the function of that button. Uninstalling Space Watch pro ---------------------------- Windows 95 ---------- Use the 'Add/Remove Programs' icon on the 'Control Panel'. Select 'Space Watch pro' from the list and then click on 'Add/Remove...'. Follow the prompts to confirm that you wish to remove Space Watch pro from your system. Alternatively, you should find an Uninstall icon on the Space Watch pro option on the Start menus. Click on this and all registry settings and files will be removed. Windows NT ---------- Follow the instructions for Windows 95. If you do not have an 'Add/Remove Programs' icon in the control panel then run the following program from the Space Watch pro installation directory: st4unst.exe -n"c:\----\st4unst.log" Where 'c:\----\' should be changed to your application installation path. Polite request! -------------- If you are removing Space Watch pro because it failed to meet your requirements we welcome your feedback - please drop us an e-mail to sharpew@sharpeware.com and we'll try to include any reasonable sugestions in future versions. How to Register =============== To register the software, see 'REGISTER' on the 'Help' menu. This will provide details of how to register by credit card on-line, by 'phone FAX or e-mail or via Compuserve GO SWREG. You can also print out a registration form and post it directly to us. Registered users will receive: - the latest version of software - a full printed User Guide - technical support (via e-mail) - free use of new minor versions. Problems/Queries ================ If you have any problems or queries during your evaluation of Space Watch Pro, please feel free to contact us at the addresses shown below. Please quote your version of Space Watch Pro in all correspondence. This can be found from the FILE menu option 'ABOUT'. The version of Space Watch Pro supplied with this readme.txt file is: v3.0 Network/Shareware Known problems/limitations -------------------------- The latest version of Space Watch pro, incorporating all known fixes and enhancements, is available from our web site: http://www.sharpeware.com/pub/swatch3.zip Office 97/NT 4 If you are operating Space Watch pro on Windows NT with Office 97 installed you may find some File finder icons will not display. This is an ActiveX issue that we are working to resolve. Windows NT If you are using Windows NT to operate Space Watch pro the 'right mouse button' popup menu on File finder will not be available, Print preview is also unavailable on this platform. Windows 95 and File/directory ownership Windows 95 cannot access file/directory ownership information on Windows NT NTFS volumes, either locally or remotely. Windows 95 CAN access file/directory ownership information on Novell Netware servers if you have a Novell 32-bit client installed (e.g. Client32). Viewing file contents If you do not have the Quick View option installed in your Windows then this option will not be available. To add this option see the 'Add/Remove Programs' icon in control panel and select Windows options. ------------------------------------------- Shirley C Sharpe 10 Gallow Hill Peebles EH45 9BG Scotland sales@sharpeware.com http://www.SharpeWare.com ------------------------------------------- This program and the related documentation are copyright and protected by international copyright treaties and all other applicable international laws. The sole owners are A&S Sharpe. Users of SPACE WATCH Pro must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "SPACE WATCH Pro is supplied as is. The authors disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchant ability and of fitness for any purpose. The authors assume no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of SPACE WATCH Pro." Association of Shareware Professionals ====================================== Shirley C Sharpe is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536 (from the Internet: 70007.3536@compuserve.com).