1 Start the backup for the currently selected Jobs. 2 Exit the program. 9 Show help information on the current context. 101 &About GRBack ... 148 Automatically exclude some standard directories 1000 List of the Backup Jobs (double click to edit). 1004 Select all Jobs into the list. 1009 Enter the maximum number of incremental backups. 1010 Create a new complete backup. 1011 Update zip archives with changed and new files. 1014 Do not create zip archives; only copy files. 1015 Use a specified temporary path instead of default. 1016 Select the compression level. 1017 Enter here the custom temporary files path. 1018 The number of remaining incremental backups. 1020 Create the Job list from your current disk drives. 1021 Specify the source disk drive. 1022 Specify the destination disk drive. 1025 Clear the source file archive attribute when backed up. 1037 Edit current selected Job. 1040 Execute all the backup Jobs. 1041 Do nothing and Exit the program. 1044 Cancel current Job edit. 1045 Confirm the current specified Job. 1046 Enter the main program dialog box. 1049 Append a new Job to the list. 1050 Delete the selected Jobs. 1051 Enter here the Delay for the autostart mode. 1052 Map a drive letter to a network connection. 1053 Delete a drive letter disconnecting it from the network. 1055 Enable/Disable these messages. 1057 Insert the addition destination path 1058 All directories whose name begin with these strings will be skipped. 1059 For any source directory include these files 1060 For any source directory exclude these files. 1062 Create the backup.dir file for every source directory 1063 Shows program information 1069 Include into the backup any hidden or system file. 1070 Archive bit logic: backup only files with archive bit on. 1071 Force a full backup recreating all archives. 1072 Eliminate from zip archive the source files that no longer exist. 1073 Specify here the month 1074 Specify here the day 1076 Specify here the year 1078 Exclude file that are older then the specified date 1080 Make the exclude directory option case insensitive 1081 Automatically close the progress dialog if checked. 12320 Select the Backup, Zip or Advanced options. 12321 Update the registry with the current settings. 12322 USE This Program on NOT VITAL DATA at YOUR OWN RISK !\n\nYou can run this evaluation version for a period of 30 days.\nAfter this time period you MUST delete this program or register it.\nTo register and get your personal registration key file, press the\n[Register Info] button and read the instructions, then go to compile\nthe registration form by pressing the [Register Now] button.\n\nPress the F1 key to get the program on-line user manual.\n 12323 USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK!\n\nAlways backup important data before using this program!\nIf you want to suggest improvements or report defects, please email to:\ngrsoft@kagi.com\nOR snail mail to:\nRoberto Grassi, P.O.BOX 48\nLeumann 10096, Torino, ITALY.\n 12324 About 12325 \nRemember that after the 30 days trial period\nyou must register this program if you want\nto continue to run it!\n 12326 Shareware Program Version ! 12327 Cannot Execute the software registration program ! 12328 Message 12329 GRBack Version