-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- +--------------------------------------------------------------+ Eraser 2.1 Readme.txt +--------------------------------------------------------------+ LEGAL Eraser Copyright © 1997-1999 by Sami Tolvanen. All rights reserved. By using this software you accept all the terms and conditions of the licence agreement and disclaimer below. License agreement Eraser is a freeware program and must be provided at no charge. Feel free to share this program with your friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of another system. Disclaimer Eraser is provided on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind either express or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will the author be liable to you for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this program. The user must assume the entire risk of using the software. +--------------------------------------------------------------+ HOW TO INSTALL & UNINSTALL SETUP.EXE is a self-extracting executable containing the program files. Run SETUP.EXE to install Eraser. The setup program will extract the files and copy them to a desired location. You can uninstall Eraser normally via Control Panel. Eraser requires MFC Shared Libraries, MFC42.DLL and MSVCRT.DLL, (you can download them at Eraser home page). BEFORE INSTALLING Be sure to uninstall any previous version of Eraser before installing. If the setup program asks you to reboot Windows after installation, be sure to do that before running Eraser. HELP? After installing, you can open the help file (in the Eraser directory) by double-clicking the ERASER.HLP file. If the help file does not answer your question, do not hesitate to contact the author. +--------------------------------------------------------------+ DESCRIPTION Eraser consists of several utilities built on top of a powerful file wiping library capable of securely removing sensitive data from your hard drive. Three user interfaces are included – a standard wipe utility, a convenient Explorer shell extension and a scheduler which allows you to program the erasing of unused disk space or, for example, cache files to happen regularly, at night, during your lunch break, at weekends or whenever you like. By default files are overwritten several times with carefully selected patterns, based on Peter Gutmann's paper Secure Deletion of Data from Magnetic and Solid-State Memory, which effectively remove the magnetic remnants from the hard disk making it impossible to recover the data. For faster (and less effective) file erasing, Eraser also supports a method defined in the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual of the US Department of Defense. There is also an option to overwrite only with pseudo-random data. +--------------------------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR Sami Tolvanen sami.tolvanen@iki.fi Eraser home page: http://www.iki.fi/st/eraser/ Please use the URL above when linking to the Eraser home page. Thank you. +--------------------------------------------------------------+ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 5.5.3i iQCVAwUBNq+b+i7gK/8/EyMVAQEMaQP9GboZ1DwkjemuTt0A0PwNTUytaQzGq/LT pLBTxAnenp086bA2Vv+EzfRrkriIsOXpgCLVR/9jQNoLMPJjnRC3SfZtIavcQQmP Coz8GP5Kv651uGvJl6mUV89DHkCuH0ks2fKB4ZpO8/SzaHFLmtKWG3rFZvpFEMgr Gz3y064EmSc= =ymFy -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----