BackupLatest 3.0 Readme NOTE: You must have VB5 runtimes installed on your computer prior to installing BackupLatest. You can get them from 'Required components' section of If you have prior version of BackupLatest installed, you should uninstall it. BackupLatest backs up the most recently modified files. After the initialization, it scans the directory selected by the user and finds the files with the most recent time stamp. It then saves them on the drive mirroring the tree structure of the source directory. The amount of saved information can be set by the user, so one can for example save the most recent 1.4Mb of documents to the floppy disk. This small program is useful in case of the computer's crash: the most recently modified files from the user selected directory are available on the floppy or other drive without the hassle of moving the hard drive to a working machine or using tape backups. The backup can be run minimized and can be run automatically when it starts, without the user having to press the Start button. Those features are useful when BackupLatest is run through a scheduling program. If BackupLatest is scheduled to backup to a diskette it will check its identity (the volume label of the target diskette has to be 'LATEST'), unless this option is disabled. This is useful if one schedules BackupLatest for an automatic execution and leaves a diskette in the drive permanently. This new version allows for running BackupLatest with the command line parameters. One can create a batch file that would backup multiple directories to multiple drives. Fine print: BackupLatest is FREEWARE. You can distribute it as long as you do not change it. The program is 'as-is'. No warranty expressed or implied. The author is not responsible for the performance of the program, lack of performance or loss of data. The newest version of BackupLatest is available at: