:Base sa3Lhelp.hlp :Title SA Library Help 1 Overview=ove>big 1 Components 2 Catalog Window=catwin>big 2 Record Window=recWin>big 2 Style Editor=styedi>big 1 User Interface 2 User Interface Overview=UseInt>howto 2 Menus=men>howto 2 Popup Menus=PopMen>howto 2 Speed Bar=SpeBar>howto 2 Status Bar=StaBar>howto 2 Shortcut Keys=ShoKey>howto 1 Quick Start - Step by step tutorial 2 Setting Preferences to start using SA Library=quista1>big 2 Entering data - Using the Record window=QuiSta1_1>big 2 Entering data - Importing data file=QuiSta1_2>big 2 Inserting citations in your document=quista3>howto 2 Migrating Scholar's Aid 2.5 Library data to SA Library=QuiSta5>howto 1 Using SA Library by Subject 2 Using InputAid=UsiInp>howto 2 Catalog Window 3 Searching Sources in the Catalog Window=SeaSou>howto 3 Selecting and Navigating Sources in the Catalog Window=SelandNav>howto 3 Displaying Data in the Catalog Window=DisDat>howto 2 Record Window 3 Entering Authors=EntAut>howto 3 Entering Work Type=EntWorTyp>howto 3 Entering Article Title=EntArtTit>howto 3 Entering Title=EntTit>howto 3 Entering Miscellaneous Data=EntMisDat>howto 3 Entering Publisher=entpub>howto 3 Entering Year=entyea>howto 3 Entering Additional Data=entadddat>howto 3 Entering Source Type=entsoutyp>howto 3 Entering Short Footnote=entshofoo>howto 3 Entering Parenthetical Reference=entparref>howto 3 Entering Bibliography, Footnote, and Reference List Items=entbibfoo>howto 3 Entering Subject=entsub>howto 3 Entering Description=entdes>howto 3 Entering the Current Location of the Source=entloc>howto 3 Entering Date Obtained=entdatObt>howto 3 Entering Place Obtained=entPlaObt>howto 2 Style Editor 3 Setting the First Author Name=setthefir>howto 3 Setting the Next and Following Author Names=setthenex>howto 3 Setting List Authors Upto=setlisaut>howto 3 Setting More Authors=setmoraut>howto 3 Setting Author Name Connectors=setautnam>howto 3 Editing Template=editem>howto 3 To See Preview=to_seePre>howto 1 About SA Library 2 About=abo>big 2 Features=fea>big 2 Registering SA Library=RegSALib>howto 2 How to obtain Scholar's Aid 3=howto_obt>big 1 Customizing SA Library 2 Preferences - General=preGen>howto 2 Preferences - Library=preLib>howto 2 Preferences - Transfer=PreTra>howto 2 Changing fonts and colors=ChaColand>howto 1 References and Technical Infomation 2 Tips and Recommendations=tipandrec>howto 2 Error Messages=errmes>howto