ComCap - Magenta Serial Port Capture Utility ============================================ Readme for Release 3.1 - 2nd November 2004 ------------------------------------------ ComCap is a simple Windows application designed to capture any ASCII data received on PC serial communications ports to text files. Captured data is optionally shown in scrolling windows, and may be copied to be clipboard if required. Data from up to 20 serial communication ports can be captured simultaneously, in separate files. The capture file names are automatically generated with a new file being created each hour, day, week or month, or several times a day. Captured data may be optionally echoed to a local or network printer. ComCap is a system tray application that can be set to start automatically when windows starts, and remain unobtrusive. ComCap will run on Windows 98 and later 32-bit versions of Windows. On Windows NT4, 2000, XP and 2003, ComCap may be run as a service, so it automatically starts when the PC boots without needing a user logged-on. Although basic communications settings need to be specified (speed, parity, data bits), there are no flow control settings and data will be captured irrespective of the usual control lines (so just a 2-wire serial cable is needed). Provided that a reasonably continuous flow of data is being received, the correct settings can usually be deduced within a minute or so, by changing the speed until readable data appears. Although ComCap ignores the control lines, it does display the status of the CTS, DSR and DCD lines, and also flashes when data is received. ComCap sets the RTS and DTR lines when capture is enabled and uses RTS for flow control. ComCap never transmits any data and does not support software flow control (Xon/Xoff). ComCap will optionally add a time stamp to the start of each captured line, typically for alarm type applications. There are various options to ensure the captured files are flushed to disk regularly, to avoid data loss if the PC crashes. PC freezes caused by other applications can be detected and warned, and if the data being captured stops for some reason warnings can be given. ComCap is primarily designed to capture telephone call logging data from the serial port provided on most telephone switching systems (PABXs), typically called Call Data Records (CDR). Generally, only ASCII data is saved to the capture file, although there is a raw option. The saved data may then be used as input to telephone call management applications that will cost calls and produce reports on telephone usage. But ComCap is application non-specific and will capture anything that arrives on a serial port. It has been used for a wide variety of purposes, such as logging output from test, alarm and monitoring equipment and serial printer data (but it can not process printer control characters). Please note that ComCap is not designed to monitor data between modems and PC applications, it requires exclusive access to the serial port so no other application can use the port at the same time. The ComCap distribution includes a small application written by a user, 'Concatenation Utility', that allows multiple text file captured by ComCap to be combined into a single text file that may be easier to import into a telephone call management application. There is also a small ‘Test RS232 Signals’ utility that may be useful in testing communication port and cabling problems. ComCap should have a minimal overhead on the PC and can just be left running minimised. It will run on any PC or lap top capable of running Windows 98 such as a low end Pentium with 16 Mbytes of memory (which could be dedicated for data capture). Although ComCap will probably run on Windows 95, it is no longer officially supported because the Delphi compiler is not longer supported on that OS. Installation ------------ ComCap is usually distributed as a ZIP file, which should first be unzipped into a temporary folder. If you do not already have it, the Winzip application from (or from most magazine cover CD-ROMs, Tucows archives, etc) is strongly recommended. The program SETUP.EXE should then be run to install ComCap. About 470 Kbytes of disk space is required for the COMCAP.EXE program and 310 Kbytes for the service version COMCAPSVC.EXE (this is not installed on Windows 9x). Two other programs are also installed CONCAT.EXE and SIGNALS.EXE. These are described later. If you have received an executable with the name COMCAPS.EXE, this should be run just like SETUP.EXE to install the software. If the service version is already installed, please ignore the error saying so. A user with administrative level privileges must install ComCap. Until registered, ComCap will only run for one hour before capture is automatically stopped. It will be necessary to restart ComCap to continue capture. ComCap may be registered using a secure order form at the web site: Once the order has been processed, a small file 'userreg.txt' is returned by email, which should be copied into the ComCap directory. If ComCap is already running, it should be exited and restarted to see the new file. When started, ComCap will show the name of the individual or company that registered the software and will run continually. ComCap is run from Start, Programs, Magenta Systems, then ComCap. The ComCap icon will appear in the System Tray, which should be clicked to restore the main application window. To auto start ComCap each time windows is booted, copy the ComCap shortcut into the Startup folder. If ComCap has been installed on Windows NT4, 2000, XP or NET Server, ‘Magenta ComCap Service’ will be found added to the Services list, with manual start-up. Before the ComCap service may be started, the windows version must be run, Common and Channel Settings specified and capture tested. Then the service version may be started, and changed to automatic start-up, if required. If the PC reboots, capture will then continue without the PC needing to be logged-on. Although the ComCap Service may be used logged-on to the 'local system account', it is better to specify a specific user account with a password. This ensures that dates and times in ComCap will be formatted according to that user’s preferences, rather than the American default, and allows access to network resources. Echo printing is only possible when using the account of a user that has the required printer installed. For testing purposes, a Plessey Call Simulator may be downloaded from the web site at: Note the file is not indexed on the ComCap web pages. The Plessey Call Simulator application creates CDRs for three types of large switch (BTS 7#2, iSDX, Ericsson), outputting data to a serial port. The volume and type of simulated calls may be specified, for a wide range of test purposes. A null modem cable will be needed to feed the ComCap port. It can be used on the same PC as ComCap, but both COM ports will be needed. Uninstalling ------------ ComCap may be removed from the Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, or by running the program UNINSTAL.EXE in the installation directory. The uninstaller will remove all installed programs and files, and all registry. It will not remove any capture or log files that ComCap has created. Uninstalling ComCap should remove the service version from the NT database automatically. If it only the interactive version is required, the service may be removed manually by typing COMCAPSRV.EXE -UNINSTALL from a command prompt. Release History --------------- This is now in the help file. Ordering ComCap --------------- Until registered, ComCap will only run for one hour before capture is automatically stopped. It will be necessary to restart ComCap to continue capture. ComCap may be registered using a secure order form at the web site, Once the order has been processed, a small file 'userreg.txt' is returned by email, which should be copied into the ComCap directory. If ComCap is already running, it should be exited and restarted to see the new file. When started, ComCap will show the name of the individual or company that registered the software and will run continually. Distribution ------------ ComCap may be freely distributed via web pages, FTP sites, BBS and conferencing systems or on CD-ROM in unaltered zip format, but no charge may be made other than reasonable media or bandwidth cost. Any notifications must state that ComCap is shareware until registered with Magenta Systems Ltd. Please email Magenta Systems Ltd if you distribute ComCap in some way, so you can be notified of upgrades or other important changes. Copyright Information --------------------- Copyright Magenta Systems Ltd, England, 2004. Magenta Systems Ltd 9 Vincent Road Croydon CR0 6ED United Kingdom Phone 020 8656 3636, International Phone +44 20 8656 3636 Fax 020 8656 8127, International Fax +44 20 8656 8127 Email: Web: Download: There is also a support conference on the CIX conferencing system, cix:magsoft. Information on joining CIX may be found at or