Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Registration and licensing related questions:

Is there some alternative way to register "Registry Defragmentation"?
Yes, there is. Now we're trying to localize our product for different countries and with your help it will be easier/faster. If you feel like you can help then send us email to and do not forget to specify languages which you can help with.

How to register?
You may register your copy of "Registry Defragmentation" here:

I lost my registration key. What am I to do?
Send us an email explaining that you have lost your registration key and add to it any proof that you are really registered user. We will send you a new one as soon as possible.

Usage related questions:

When to Use "Registry Defragmentation"?
When you install/remove software you should know that it alters the registry by adding/removing certain information. However such changes cause your Windows registry to grow in size, which immediately leads to decrease of application response time and consequently slows down your system. That is why we recommend you to perform registry defragmentation:

How much space I will gain?
This is hard to predict. Sometimes you may get decrease in size only in range 1%-5% of total registry size. But you need to remember that what you we will get is a linear registry without any fragmentation.

Why should I use "Registry Defragmentation" but not any other tool?
All registry defragmentors that i used to see (Norton Disk Doctor, DiskKeeper, PageDefrag and other) defragment only physical location of the registry file. They do not delete unused entries, compacting the registry and re-indexing registry for maximum speed. Our "Registry Defragmentation" does these things and even more. It optimizes logical structure of the registry. Thus our program improves access time and provides your system with more stability.

How do I uninstall "Registry Defragmentation"?
To uninstall "Registry Defragmentation" please go Start -> Programs -> "Registry Defragmentation" -> Uninstall "Registry Defragmentation"

I use other registry defragmentators/optimizers/tweakers. Is "Registry Defragmentation"ácompatible with them?

What is "System Backup"?
"System Backup" is our wrapper for managing SystemRestore APIs. Most of WinXP/ME users are familiar with SystemRestore feature and frequently use it. We have written "System Backup", because we think it's a nice add-on to the existing set of tools that "Registry Defragmentation" has. SystemRestore APIs are implemented in Windows Me or XP/Longhorn, that is why this tool will function under this OS only.

What is "RegManServ.exe"?
"RegManServ.exe" stands for Registry Management Service which has to be launched on your machine to provide correct functioning of the program. It is used to gain LocalSystem privileges and avois appearance of such error messages as "Access denied". "Registry Defragmentation" can work correctly on some systems even without this service running, but we still provide it for compatibility purposes.

General questions:

What are the minimum requirements for "Registry Defragmentation"?
"Registry Defragmentation" needs at least 1 Mb of free space, 4 Mb RAM.

I found a bug in "Registry Defragmentation". What should I do?
If you encounter problems, please visit and download the latest version to see if the issue has been resolved. If not, please send a bug report to:

Questions about compatibility with other programs:

Is there a version available for Linux/Mac?