
changes in v7.0 Build 04.01

- General change
+ added Polish, French languages
+ added Save Position feature
+ added compatible with Windows Server 2003 and latest Windows XP packs and updates

+/- updated Unicode support
+/- updated System Backup to 7.0 Build 04.01
+/- updated Registry Defragmentation to 7.0 Build 04.01
+/- updated Registry Backup to 7.0 Build 04.01
+/- updated Registry Defragmentation Scheduler to 7.0 Build 04.01
+/- updated Registry Management Service
+/- updated Registry Toolkit

- fixed the problems with Repaint on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
- optimized error handling
- fixed problems with dynamic disks
- fixed a problem where the registry hives could not be optimized on some systems
- fixed bugs in Registry Toolkit
- fixed minor bugs

- Setup wizard
+ added Polish, French languages

+/- updated Ukrainian, Russian languages
+/- fixed minor bugs

changes in v6.6 Build 03.13

- General change
+/- new registration file format

- fixed bugs in Registry Management Service
- fixed bugs in System Backup
- fixed minor bugs

- Setup wizard
+/- Fixed minor bugs
changes in v6.6 Build 02.28

- General change
+ added "Paste S/N" button in "Enter Serial" Wizard

+/- updated System Backup to 6.6 Build 02.28
+/- updated Registry Defragmentation to 6.6 Build 02.28
+/- updated Registry Backup to 6.6 Build 02.28
+/- updated Registry Defragmentation Scheduler to 6.6 Build 02.28
+/- updated English and German Help
+/- updated German, Russian, Ukraine support

- fixed bugs in Registry Management Service
- fixed bugs in Registry Toolkit
- fixed small bugs in Registry Defragmentation
- fixed small bugs in Registry Defragmentation Scheduler
- fixed bugs in RdvChk Component
- fixed bugs in Trial Algoritm
- fixed the problems with registration keys file
- fixed small bug in "Enter Serial" Wizard
- fixed the error 31
- fixed the error 251
- fixed minor bugs
- License change
+/- New License Agreement
+/- New algorithm for build numeration system (by date)
- Setup wizard
+/- updated graphics, scripts
+/- Fixed minor bugs
changes in v6.5

- General change
o updated German Help
o updated German support
o Fixed minor bugs
- Setup wizard
o Updated/Fixed/Added German, Russian, Ukrainian
o Updated graphics, scripts
o NSIS 2.04
o Fixed minor bugs
changes in v6.3

- General change
o added German Help
o updated Ukrainian support
o Fixed minor bugs
- Setup wizard
o NSIS 2.03
o Fixed minor bugs
changes in v6.2

- General change
o added Arabic support
o updated Ukrainian support
o Fixed the problem with Import Processing on HyperThreading systems
o Fixed the error 86
o Fixed the error 82
o Fixed wrong API function results: SaveKey
o Fixed the problem with a code section position
o Fixed empty registration keys file creation ("aspr_keys.ini")
o Fixed JCL RaiseException address searching
o Fixed UserPolyBuffers CASE statement processing
o update "Registry Backup"
o Fixed minor bugs
changes in v6.1c

- General change
o added Italian support
o added Ukrainian support
o update "Registry Defragmentation Scheduler"
o update "Language Manager"
o update "Registry Defragmentation"
o update "Registry Backup"
o Fixed minor bugs
changes in v6.1b

- General change
o added German support
o update "Registry Defragmentation Scheduler"
o Fixed minor bugs
changes in v6.0

- General change
o Multi-Language engine
o Short Key Registration System
o Fixed error 156
o Fixed wrong debugger detection on Windows 98
o Fixed the problem with a result of GetLastError WinAPI
o Fixed the problem on Windows XP SP2 (AMD64)
o Fixed the problem on Korean Windows 2003 Server
o Fixed minor bugs
- License change
o New License Agreement
- Setup wizard
o NSIS 2.02
o Fixed minor bugs
changes in v5.0

- General change
o Added Windows 9X/ME support
o Fixed minor bugs
- License change
o New License Agreement
- Setup wizard
o Fixed minor bugs
changes in v4.0

- License change
o New License Agreement
o New registration scheme
- Setup wizard
o Added LZMA compression
o Fixed minor bugs
- Registry Defragmentation
o Added itegration with Registry Management Service
o New GUI style
o Fixed minor bugs
- Registry Backup (Now it's named "System Backup")
o New backup/restore engine based on SystemRestore APIs
o New GUI style
o Fixed minor bugs
- Registry Defragmentation Scheduler
o Added popup menu for manipulating with tasks
o Added itegration with Registry Management Service
o Updated GUI
o Fixed minor bugs
- Registry Toolkit
o Updated GUI
o Fixed minor bugs
changes in v3.2

- Fixed some bugs
changes in v3.1

- Updated "Registry Toolkit"
- Updated "Registry Backup"
- Updated "Registry Defragmentation Scheduler"
- Updated "Registry Defragmentation"
changes in v3.0

- Fixed some Critical bugs
- Added "Registry Management Service"
- Updated "Registry Toolkit"
- Updated "Registry Backup"
- Updated "Registry Defragmentation Scheduler"
- Updated "Registry Defragmentation"
- Updated Documentation
changes in v2.1

- Added new command line switches
- Updated "Registry Toolkit"
- Updated "Registry Backup"
- Updated "Registry Defragmentation Scheduler"
- Updated Documentation
- Fixed bugs
changes in v2.0

- Added "Registry Toolkit"
- Added "Registry Backup"
- Added new command line switches
- Updated Documentation
- Fixed bugs
changes in v1.1

- Added "Registry Defragmentation Scheduler"
- New Setup wizard (very small)
- Added new command line switches
- Updated Documentation
- Fixed bugs
changes in v1.0

- First program release