History (Advanced Registry Doctor)

changes in v5.0 Build 04.01

- General change
+ added German, Polish languages
+ added compatible with Windows Server 2003 and latest Windows XP packs and updates
+ added compatible with MS Office 2003

+/- updated Unicode support
+/- updated System Backup to 7.0 Build 04.01
+/- updated Registry Defragmentation to 7.0 Build 04.01
+/- updated Registry Backup to 7.0 Build 04.01
+/- updated Registry Defragmentation Scheduler to 7.0 Build 04.01
+/- updated Registry Management Service
+/- updated Registry Toolkit

- fixed the problems with repaint a "Repair Wizard"
- fixed the problems with free space on forms
- fixed the problems with Icon parse algoritm
- fixed the problems with Unicode value names

- Setup wizard
+ added German, Polish languages

+/- fixed minor bugs

changes in v5.0 Build 03.21

- General change
+ added support of 800x600 Screen Size

+/- new registration file format
+/- updated Registry Scanning Engine (RSE), improved speed, fixed bugs
+/- updated API FindInvalidShortcuts (new algoritm)
+/- updated System Backup to 6.6 Build 03.13
+/- updated Registry Toolkit to 6.6 Build 03.13
+/- updated Registry Defragmentation to 6.6 Build 03.13
+/- updated Registry Backup to 6.6 Build 03.13
+/- updated Registry Defragmentation Scheduler to 6.6 Build 03.13
+/- updated RdvChk Component
+/- updated translations
+/- changed limitations in Trial Mode

- fixed bugs in Registry Management Service
- fixed bugs in System Backup
- fixed memory leaks
- fixed bugs in API ScanSharedFolders
- fixed bugs in API FindInvalidShortcuts
- fixed bugs in API RepairAll
- fixed bugs im API ShowReport
- fixed bugs in "Scan Now!" Wizard
- fixed bugs on Windows XP SP2

- Setup wizard
[Updated] +/- Fixed minor bugs

changes in v5.0 Build 03.05

- General change
+ added Multi-Language engine
+ added Russian support
+ added a new descriptions parameter for problems category - "Danger Level"
+ added a Short Key Registration System
+ added a background support (like "Skin") (JPEG, external file)
+ added "Paste S/N" button in "Enter Serial" Wizard
+ Now menu icons and all logos has 32 bit (PNG)

+/- updated Registry Scanning Engine (RSE), improved speed
+/- updated System Backup to 6.6 Build 02.28
+/- updated Registry Toolkit to 6.6 Build 02.28
+/- updated Registry Defragmentation to 6.6 Build 02.28
+/- updated Registry Backup to 6.6 Build 02.28
+/- updated Registry Defragmentation Scheduler to 6.6 Build 02.28
+/- updated RdvChk Component
+/- updated Registry Defragmentation Help (English and German)
+/- updated Registry Defragmentation Language Files (German, Russian, Ukraine)
+/- updated Menu icons and logos
+/- updated GUI

- fixed bugs in Registry Management Service
- fixed bugs in Registry Toolkit
- fixed small bugs in Registry Defragmentation
- fixed small bugs in Registry Defragmentation Scheduler
- Fixed bugs in Trial Algoritm
- Fixed bugs in RdvChk Component
- Fixed bugs in Finding Solutions Engine (FSE)
- Fixed bugs in Repair Wizard
- Fixed the problem with Word Wrap
- Fixed bugs in "Scan Now!" Wizard
- Fixed bugs in Startup Wizard
- Fixed bugs connected with "Invalid data type ..."
- Fixed bugs in Registry Scanning Engine (RSE)
- Fixed bugs with "Export Result Function"
- Fixed the problems with registration keys file
- Fixed small bug in "Enter Serial" Wizard
- Fixed the problem on Windows XP SP2
- Fixed the problem on Korean Windows 2003 Server
- Fixed the problem with HyperThreading systems
- Fixed wrong debugger detection on Windows 98
- Fixed "ARD Bug Report" address searching
- Fixed the error 86
- Fixed the error 82
- Fixed error 156
- Fixed the error 31
- Fixed the error 251
- Fixed minor bugs
- License change
+/- New License Agreement
+/- New algorithm for build numeration system (by date)
+/- New registration scheme
- Setup wizard
+/- Updated graphics, scripts
+/- Fixed minor bugs
changes in v4.1

- General change
o updated Startup Wizard (added StartUp List Base on ~6500 objects)
o updated System Backup to 5.0g
o updated Registry Toolkit to 5.0g
o updated Registry Defragmentation to 5.0g
o updated Registry Backup to 5.0g
o updated Registry Defragmentation Scheduler to 5.0g
o updated GUI
o fixed minor bugs
- Setup wizard
o Fixed minor bugs
changes in v4.0

- General change
o added Startup Wizard (allows you to view list of applications which are launched at Windows startup)
o added Export function
o updated RegScan Module
o updated History Module
o Updated Repair Module
o updated GUI
o fixed 'Serial Number' bug
o fixed minor bugs
- License change
o New License Agreement
o New registration scheme
- Setup wizard
o Fixed minor bugs
changes in v3.1

- General change
o added Undo button to History
o updated System Backup to 5.0e
o updated Registry Toolkit to 5.0e
o updated Registry Defragmentation to 5.0e
o updated Registry Backup to 5.0e
o updated Registry Defragmentation Scheduler to 5.0e
o updated GUI
o fixed EOutOfResources bug
o fixed minor bugs
changes in v3.0

- General change
o Added Windows 9X/ME support
o added Virtual Device Drivers section for scanning
o fixed other bugs in filepath replace procedure
o fixed bugs in filename parsing algorithm
o added System Backup
o updated Registry Toolkit to 5.0d
o updated Registry Defragmentation to 5.0d
o updated Registry Backup to 5.0d
o updated Registry Defragmentation Scheduler to 5.0d
o Fixed minor bugs
- License change
o New License Agreement
o New registration scheme
- Setup wizard
o Added LZMA compression
o Fixed minor bugs
changes in v2.2

- fixed bugs in scanning of Uninstall and File Extensions sections
changes in v2.1

- updated documentation
- fixed minor bugs
- updated "Registry Toolkit"
- updated "Registry Backup"
- updated "Registry Defragmentation Scheduler"
- updated "Registry Defragmentation"
changes in v2.0

- updated interface of ARD
- fixed minor bugs
changes in v1.1

- fixed some bugs
- updated "Advanced Registry Doctor"
- updated "Registry Toolkit"
- updated "Registry Backup"
- updated "Registry Defragmentation Scheduler"
- updated "Registry Defragmentation"
changes in v1.0

- first program release