"Registry Defragmentation" command line switches

"Registry Defragmentation" supports command line switches with which you can perform a registry defragmentation, without user interaction. The syntax for the "Registry Defragmentation" command line is:

RegDefrag [/clear] [/close] [/ejectcd] [/high_priority] [/minimize] [/noreboot_promt] [/noreboot] [/shutdown] [/nowarning] [/start]
(Switches in brackets are optional.)

Description of the command line switches:

Remove temp files when done

Close "Registry Defragmentation" after defragmentation

Eject CD before the computer is rebooted

Set RegDefrag priority to high (this will slow down other active applications)

Start RegDefrag in minimized mode

Doesn't reboot computer

Reboot computer without a promt

Shutdown computer

Don't show warnings

Automatically start defragmentation process when program is started