Headers Load Range Window



This window lets you select a range of headers to load and display.



From this window you can select a range of headers to display and save and load the list of headers.


Loading only a range might be necessary if you downloaded a lot of headers. Using the ôQuick-Splitö or the ôSelect by groupö function is a quick way to split the headers in smaller parts.


By default the whole range is always selected, so simply pressing the ôViewö button will load the headers.


Note: Great efforts have been made to minimize both the time required to load headers and the size they occupy in memory. Still, the speed at which %title% will load headers depends on several factors, including the amount of headers to load, the speed of your computer and its hard drives and the free memory available.


How-to: Manually selecting a range of headers


To select a range of headers manually simply use the scrollbars to select the first and last message in the range you want to select.


How-to: Select a range using ôQuick-Splitö


Quick-Split allows you to quickly select a range of message for viewing. It lets you select which part of a defined set to load.


An example: if you select the item ôPart 1 of 2ö in the Quick-Split menu, the headers will be divided in two parts and the range will be set to load the first half of the headers.


You can then view these headers. When you are done, you return to this window, and selecting ôPart 2 of 2ö áwill automatically select the second half of the downloaded headers and you can then view those.


There are options to split the headers in 2, 3, 4, and 5 parts. This is really useful when you download more headers than you can actually load in memory.


How-to: Select a range using ôSelect by groupö


If you download headers from several different newsgroups, the name of the 25 first newsgroups will be added to the ôSelect by groupö menu.


You can then select the range of headers that belongs to a single group simply by going to the ôSelect by groupö menu and choosing the desired newsgroup.


Hint: A disabled (grayed) menu means that all the downloaded headers belong to the same group.


How-to: Save the list of headers


If you want to keep the list of headers to review them at a later time, you can save them using the ôSave header listàö from the ôHeadersö menu.


Hint: Make sure you have enough disk space when saving the list.


Hint: When saving the list several files are saved. Make sure not to delete any files that belong to the set or you will not be able to reload the headers.


Note: When you close the Headers load range window, the ôlast visitö pointer will be set allowing %title% to keep track of new messages available in the newsgroups you downloaded from.


To prevent the updating of this pointer, click on the ôCloseö button while pressing the ôShiftö key.
