PORT EXPLORER END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT LICENSED VERSION: The full licensed version of Port Explorer is not to be sold, distributed, published or otherwise given to anyone. It is available only to registered Port Explorer license-holders. EVALUATION VERSION: The evaluation version of Port Explorer has some features disabled. It is not the full version of Port Explorer, and is only available to evaluate Port Explorer. Port Explorer Evaluation version must not be used for more than 15 days, or 30 executions. Port Explorer Evaluation Version must be uninstalled after this period has expired. INTERNATIONAL: This computer program is protected by International treaties and copyright law. Unauthorised reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law. GENERAL TERMS: This is a legal Agreement between you (the end user) and Diamond Computer Systems Pty. Ltd. of Perth, Australia (hereafter DCS). By having Port Explorer installed on any computer you own or use, you have agreed to this agreement. If you do not agree to ALL terms and conditions here, you must remove Port Explorer from your computer(s). USER LICENSE: DCS grants to you the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the software program Port Explorer on any one computer that you own, for every one license that you own. DCS reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. TERM: Licensed end users are granted a license to use Port Explorer with no expiry, unless specifically indicated in their keyfile. This license shall be automatically terminated if you breach any of the terms or conditions. Licensed end users are entitled to FREE updates of all Port Explorer binaries and database updates. Purchase is non-refundable after the license has been generated at DCS. DCS reserves the right to terminate the License at any time. OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE: You can use the software but you do not become an owner of Port Explorer. Ownership and title of Port Explorer at all times is retained by DCS for the original program and any subsequent copies irrespective of the media or form in which they exist. OWNERSHIP OF KEYFILE: You can use the Port Explorer keyfile (unlock code) but you do not become an owner of it. Ownership and title of the Port Explorer keyfile is retained by DCS. You may not sell, transfer, publish, distribute, or otherwise give anyone any Port Explorer keyfile(s). DiamondCS reserves the right to terminate keyfile(s) at any time without notice upon their own discretion. COPYRIGHT: Port Explorer and any accompanying written materials are copyrighted by DCS. You must include this License Agreement and Copyright Notice in all backup copies of Port Explorer. You may not sell, rent or lease Port Explorer. You may not reverse engineer, recompile, disassemble, or create derivative works from Port Explorer. You may not publish your license in any form. You may keep 1 backup of your keyfile. ENTIRE LICENSE: This License sets forth the entire understanding between you and DCS and may be amended only in writing signed by both parties. NO VENDOR, DISTRIBUTOR, DEALER, RETAILER, OR OTHER PERSON IS AUTHORIZED TO MODIFY THIS LICENSE OR TO MAKE ANY WARRANTY, REPRESENTATION OR PROMISE WHICH IS DIFFERENT FROM, OR IN ADDITION TO, THE REPRESENTATIONS OR PROMISES OF THIS LICENSE. WARRANTY-FREE: DCS disclaims any warranties concerning works of this copy. DCS has made all attempts to ensure that the quality of this software is of the highest possible, but does not warrant that the software is error free. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: In no event shall DCS or its suppliers be liable for consequential, incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the performance or use of Port Explorer, even if DCS has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Copyright © 2002, Diamond Computer Systems Pty. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. DiamondCS Website - http://www.diamondcs.com.au