Scanning Report 12 April 2005 13:12:12 - 13:25:57 Computer name: CCS Target: F:\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Result No viruses found -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statistics Files: Scanned: 30970 Infected: 0 Suspected: 0 Disinfected: 0 Renamed: 0 Deleted: 0 Not scanned: 3 Boot Sectors: Scanned: 1 Infected: 0 Suspected: 0 Disinfected: 0 Files not scanned: Cannot read from file F:\Software\Demo\Sophos\savxp50sasfx.exe\sau\1036.mst [F-Secure Libra] Scanning of F:\Software\Complet\MediaPortal\Setup.msi\stream 1\_1588ACAD11004FE4B18597529E903E65 was aborted [F-Secure AVP] Scanning of F:\LINUX\linux-\linux- was aborted [F-Secure AVP] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Options Virus definitions version: 2005-04-12_01 Scanning Engines: F-Secure AVP:, 2005-04-12 F-Secure Libra: 2.01.10, 2005-04-11 F-Secure Orion: 1.02.33, 2005-04-08 Scanning options: Scan all files Scan inside archives: on Action: Ask after scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 1998-2004 Product support | Send virus sample to F-Secure F-Secure assumes no responsibility for material created or published by third parties that F-Secure World Wide Web pages have a link to. Unless you have clearly stated otherwise, by submitting material to any of our servers, for example by E-mail or via our F-Secure's CGI E-mail, you agree that the material you make available may be published in the F-Secure World Wide Pages or hard-copy publications. You will reach F-Secure public web site by clicking on underlined links. While doing this, your access will be logged to our private access statistics with your domain name. This information will not be given to any third party. You agree not to take action against us in relation to material that you submit. Unless you have clearly stated otherwise, by submitting material you warrant that F-Secure may incorporate any concepts described in it in the F-Secure products/publications without liability.