Open Archive

This menu allows you to open an existing UHARC archive and extract, view or test it's content. Press Extrcat Files to extract all files that are stored in the archive to a specific directory. You can choose the output directory right after pressing this button. Press List Files to view a list of all files that are stored in the archive or press Test Files to test the integrity of the archive.

Source Archive

Here you can choose the archive which you want to open in order to extract, view or test it's content. Just press Open Archive to open a specific archive.


If you want to extract, view or test the content of a password-protected archive, you must enter the correct password here. If you don't enter a password or your password is incorrect, the operation will fail.

Keep Directory Structure

If you enable this option and the archive contains paths, UHARC will automatically create these paths in the output directory and extrcat the files to them. Otherwise the paths stored in the archive will be ignored and all files will be extracted to the same directory.

Overwrite existing Files

If you enable this option, UHARC will overwrite files in the output directory when they have the same name as the files that are to be extracted. Otherwise files will not be extracted if there already are files that use the same name.

Open Output-Folder after Extraction

If you enable this option, the output directory will be opened in your Windows Explorer right after the extraction process has been completed.

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