Site Filter

Site filter allows you to block sites based on a black list and white list. Sites matching the black list but not matching the white list will be automatically blocked and closed. The popup killer must be enabled for the site filter to take effect. 

Filter Definition

Both black list and white list are filters. A filter consists of one ore more entries. Each entry can be a part of or a whole web address. A site matches a filter when its address contains one of filter entries as a substring. For example, 

filter entry
matching pages

$ProductName only blocks pages matching the black list but not matching the white list. You can use the white list to unblock pages from desired web directory. For example,

black list entry:
white list entry:
pages that will be blocked:
pages that will not be blocked:

Please note that site matching the white list will never be treated as popup ads. 

Site Filter Configuration

You can enable/disable site filter, edit black list and white list in the general page of the options dialog. You can also do so by selecting "Tools->Site Filter" from the main menu. The filter definition dialog will be activated for you to define all the filter entries.

Filter Definition Dialog

In this dialog, you can add one or more entries to construct a filter.