Registered File Types

SlimBrowser registers the following file types. If you find any of the file type association is no longer valid, you can select menu "Tools->Repair->Register File Types" to restore the associations. You can double click a file with registered types in windows explorer or desktop and SlimBrowser will open it. You can also place one of the files on Favorites, links or utilities toolbar for one-click access. 

AutoLogin Definition File (.atlg)

Define an autologin entry. The file content has the following format:


The autologin definition files are usually stored under the autologin folder (Tools->shortcuts->application data->autologin folder). You can generate autologin definition file automatically by selecting menu "Autologin->Add autologin from current page". Advanced users can compose the file manually if automatic extraction fails. Refer to the page on AutoLogin for details.

When you double click an autologin file from Windows Explorer or Desktop, SlimBrowser will open it and automatically log into the pre-defined page. 

QuickSearch Engine Definition Files (.qseg)

Define a quick-search engine for use on the quick-search bar. The file content has the following format:


The quicksearch engine definition files are usually stored under the quicksearch folder (Tools->shortcuts->application data->quicksearch folder). You can extract quick-search engine definition files automatically by selecting menu "Tools->Extract Search Engine Data". Advanced users can compose the file manually if automatic extraction fails. Refer to the page "QuickSearch Bar" for details.

When you open a quicksearch file from Windows Explorer or Desktop, SlimBrowser will prompt you to enter one or more keywords and then search the keywords in the corresponding search engine. 

Group Files (.sgp)

A group file simply contains a list of URL's with a URL in each line. All the site addresses will make up a site group. Groups are usually stored under the groups folder (Tools->shortcuts->application data->groups folder). Refer to the page "Site Group" for details. 

When you open a sgp file from Windows Explorer or Desktop, SlimBrowser will open all the sites in the group. 

Menu Item File (.mnit)

A menu item file stands for an item from the main menu. The item is exactly defined by its location or path in the main menu. 

For example, you can create a file name "Filter Current Page Now.mnit" with the following content,

&Tools:Download Control:Filter Current Page Now

Then copy the file into the Utilities folder (Tools->shortcuts->application data->utilities). Select menu "View->Toolbars->Utilities" to make sure the utilities toolbar is visible. You will see an additional button with text "Filter Current Page Now". You click that button directly to apply the In-Page Ad-Filter on the current page. This saves you the trouble of going through the menu tree "Tools->Download Control->Filter Current Page Now" every time.

When you specify the menu item path, you need use "&" to indicate an underscore on the immediately following letter. You need use "\t" to indicate the tab space between the menu item name and its shortcut key. Another example for menu item "Edit->Find",


A few frequently used menu items have been placed under the "Frequently Used Menu Items" folder on the utilities bar. You can copy it from this sub-folder up to the utilities folder for one-click access.