Tips On Opening/Closing Sites

Open New Sites In Same Window/New Window/Background

Enter an address in the address bar first. If the <auto new window> option is on, press <enter> will open the address in a new window and bring it to foreground. Press <shift+enter> to open the address in the current window. If the <auto new window> option is off, the function of <enter> and <shift+enter> will be exchanged. You can always press <ctrl+enter> to open the address in a new window in background.

The functions of shift and ctrl keys work the same way when you open new sites from favorites menu or in the browser window. The shift key determines whether the address is opened in a new window or the same window. The ctrl key determines whether the new window is brought to foreground or kept in background.

Close Site

You have many ways to close a site,

Double click a site tab. 
Click the 'X' button at the right end of the tab bar. 
Click the <Close All> button at the right end of the tab bar to close all active sites.
Select <Close> from the site tab popup menu