Language File Manager

The language files are used by $ProductName to display localized interface. They contain the translated version of the English strings. The language files (*.ini) are all located under the "language" directory of SlimBrowser installation folder. Each language file contains a list of entries. Each entry consists of a unique identifier followed by a piece of text. All the language files are associated by the unique identifiers. 

You can edit the existing language files in the language file manager. After editing the language files, you can email the updated language file to us so that we can include the changes in the next release. Your changes about un-translated entries will always be accepted. However, to modify an entry that have been translated, you need check whether a language file has been assigned to a chief translator. If it has, you need contact the chief translator by email and suggest possible improvements. If you are interested in being a chief translator for a particular language, please don't hesitate to contact us. Being a chief translator is a volunteer job making $ProductName more friendly to non-English users. 

Select "Language->Language File Manager" to open the language file manager.

  1. Please input your name, email and website address in the dialog for proper credit and contact information. 
  2. Select the target language that you want to translate from the drop-down box. Your current language will be automatically selected if you are using a localized interface. Please notice that if your operation system is based on a far-eastern language, you can only edit the language file in your own language. That's because some European language characters can't be displayed correctly on these systems. 
  3. If the language you want is not in the list, click New Language button to create a new blank language file. Please make sure you use the English name of the new language for best compatibility. 
  4. You will be able to see the language file entries displayed in the middle table. The first column is a unique identifier for internal use. The second column shows English text and the third column shows the corresponding target language text. Select an entry from the table and the text will be shown in two edit boxes at the bottom. You can edit the target language text in the target language edit box. You can press ENTER key to move to the next entry
  5. You can sort the entries based on different criterion by clicking on the column headers. Clicking on the target language column header will display the un-translated strings at the top as a convenience. 
  6. To start a new line inside the entry text, press CTRL+ENTER instead of ENTER. 
  7. Click Save button to save the changes. Be sure to submit the updated language file to us so that we can include the changes in the next release. Otherwise, your changes will be lost when you install the next version. 

Thanks for your valuable contribution to $ProductName language files!

Available language files and author credits