Starting the server at PC boot-up

There are a few ways to make the server startup when the PC boots.
1. Startup folder in Start Menu
2. In the Win.ini LOAD or RUN statements
3. In the Registry HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run or /RunServices (95/98/ME only)

An additional option is to have the server startup in the systray. This is how:
- Start the server
- Press ESC key to send it to the systray
- Right-click the icon in the tray
- Select Exit / Click YES
As long as you always shut down the server when it's in the systray, it should always launch the next time as an icon in the systray.

Currently, GuildFTPd doesn't run as a NT service in NT or 2000. It's planned to be added in the future, but has shown to be a lot of program changes. We'll release a version that runs as a service once we're comfortable that it will perform as well as or better than the previous releases.

One option available to you so that you can make sure that GuildFTPd is running after rebooting your computer is to set it up to automatically log into windows. This can be done by installing TweakUI. This option isn't very secure, as it allows anyone else to walk up to the computer and start working without logging in. However, if you've got a separate PC or one that's in a secure room, you can do this to allow GuildFTPd to be up all of the time. You can find TweakUI on or at Microsoft's web site.