Sophos Anti-Virus for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Release Notes ----------------------------------------------------------- Product version : 3.88.0 Virus engine version : 2.26.0 Virus data version : 3.88, December 2004 Contents -------- 1 New in this version 2 Important information for MailMonitor users 3 General notes 4 Additional information 5 Information from previous versions 6 Known problems 7 Troubleshooting 8 Compatibility issues 1 New in this version --------------------- * A fix has been made to Sophos Anti-Virus to correctly report the names of files and folders that have associated Alternate Data Streams (ADS) with viruses in them. This only affects NTFS filesystems. To learn more about the ADS feature of NTFS, see: By default, the ADS scanning feature is disabled in the product. To enable it, create the following registry value: Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sophos\ADVANCED Value Name: Scan Streams Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000001 * The Sophos Anti-Virus setup program has been altered to delete any files named DELST??.TXT created in the system and user TEMP folders as part of an update. Note that this fix affects only temporary files created in the future. Existing DELST??.TXT files must be removed manually. * A fix has been made to address a problem with scanning folders containing double byte characters in their name. This only applies to such folders when they are specified for an immediate or scheduled scan. * New virus information 2 Important information for MailMonitor Users --------------------------------------------- MailMonitor users should take the steps described below after updating to the new version of Sophos Anti-Virus. a) MailMonitor for SMTP Users of MailMonitor for SMTP using version 1.2.0 (or later) need take no action following an update to this version of Sophos Anti-Virus. Users running earlier versions of MailMonitor are advised to update to the current version. Users who choose not to update MailMonitor must restart the MailMonitor for SMTP service after updating to this version of Sophos Anti-Virus. b) MailMonitor for Exchange Users of MailMonitor for Exchange 2000 should ensure that they are using version 1.0.1 (or above) of the product before updating to this version of Sophos Anti-Virus. c) MailMonitor for Notes/Domino At the Domino server window type the following tell savdb quit tell savmail quit load savdb load savmail 3 General notes --------------- a) Archive types Archives are not scanned by default. To enable archive scanning, in Sophos Anti-Virus, tick the 'Scan inside archives' box. Depending on the number of archives present, scanning time may be increased. Selecting archive scanning enables the scanning of ARJ, CMZ, GZIP, RAR, RAR3, TAR, UUE, ZIP, LHA, LZH, BZip2, Stuffit, self-extracting archives of these types, zipmail files, compressed help and files compressed with MS Compress. Self-extracting archives are only scanned as archives if archive handling has been switched on for that archive type. Otherwise they will be scanned only as executables. If both archive scanning and Macintosh virus scanning are selected BinHex and MacBinary files will also be scanned. Unix ELF files are scanned either when their file extension is in the executables list, or if 'All files' is selected. b) Extension list The following file extensions are scanned for by default in immediate and scheduled scans. ..., 386, 3GR, ADD, ASP, BAT, CHM, CMD, COM, CPL, DBX, DLL, DMD, DOC, DOT, DRV, EML, EXE, FLT, FON, FOT, HLP, HT?, HTA, HTML, I13, IFS, INI, JS, JSE, LNK, MOD, MPD, MPP, MPT, MSO, NWS, OCX, OV?, PDF, PDR, PIF, PL, POT, PPS, PPT, PRC, RTF, SCR, SH, SHB, SHS, SRC, SWF, SYS, VB?, VXD, WBK, XL?, 4 Additional information ------------------------ The following suggestions may require the use of the Registry Editor (REGEDT32.EXE). Microsoft have issued the following warning with respect to the Registry Editor: "Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious, system-wide problems that may require you to re-install Windows NT to correct them. Microsoft cannot guarantee that any problems resulting from the use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use this tool at your own risk." a) System requirements This version of Sophos Anti-Virus for Windows NT/2000/XP requires Windows NT 4.0 or later. It will not run on Windows NT 3.51. b) Restarting after an InterCheck upgrade If the InterCheck driver has been upgraded, after upgrading from a previous version of Sophos Anti-Virus for Windows NT/2000/XP, the system must be restarted before the new InterCheck driver is activated. Restarting your system immediately after the upgrade is not necessary. InterCheck will continue to operate correctly, and the new features will be activated next time the system is restarted. c) Setup 'SETUP /UPDATE' has priority over workstation installations, i.e. 'SETUP /UPDATE' will not fail because a workstation is in the process of establishing the need to upgrade or is in the process of upgrading. Several command line qualifiers have been added to the setup program: -a non-interactive install -updaccount=domain\username\password update account info -ni non-interactive setup -in invisible setup program -inl invisible loader Running Setup in a terminal client session: If you want to run Setup in a terminal client session, you must ensure that no other instance of Setup is running in any session. d) 'Terminal Server' and 'Citrix MetaFrame' If you are running Terminal Server or Citrix MetaFrame, you can run the Sophos Anti-Virus window and InterCheck Monitor in a terminal client window. Only one user at a time can run Sophos Anti-Virus, and must be logged in with Administrator rights. SAV Interface applications running in a terminal client session are correctly suspended and restarted by the Sophos Anti-Virus setup program. e) Messaging sub-system It is possible to inhibit the display of a desktop message issued by the InterCheck Client as it shuts down. To do this add the following value to the registry: Key: HLM\SOFTWARE\Sophos\SweepNT\SMMs\Desktop.smm Value Name: Shutdown Message Action Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000000F It is possible to force the SMTP SMM to send its reports as MIME-encoded attachments. To do this add the following value to the registry: Key: HLM\SOFTWARE\Sophos\SweepNT\SMMs\SMTP.smm Value Name: Mime Encode Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000001 Files in off-line storage are reported. To suppress these messages add the following value to the registry: Key: HLM\SOFTWARE\Sophos\ADVANCED Value Name: REPORT_OFF_LINE_FILES Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 Encrypted files are reported. To suppress these messages add the following value to the registry: Key: HLM\SOFTWARE\Sophos\ADVANCED Value Name: REPORT_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 f) Interaction with files held in off-line storage By default, during immediate and scheduled scans, Sophos Anti-Virus will not retrieve files marked as being held in off-line storage for scanning. This default behaviour can be over-ridden by setting the following value in the registry: Key: HLM\Software\Sophos\ADVANCED\ Value Name: SCAN_FILES_IN_HSM Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000001 By default, during immediate and scheduled scans, Sophos Anti-Virus will reset a file's last accessed time. This default behaviour can be over- ridden by setting the following value in the registry: Key: HLM\Software\Sophos\ADVANCED\ Value Name: RESET_LAST_ACCESSED_TIME Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 g) Log file handling The log file may become very large. It is not possible to delete SWEEP.LOG while the service is running. However, if the location of SWEEP.LOG file is changed the original can then be deleted. h) SNMP Notification There is a messaging module for SNMP trap generation. Four types of traps are possible. They are assigned OIDs (object identifiers) as follows: Virus warning Error message Informational message Test trap Each trap carries a SAV version string and an informational string giving the nature of the alert. Data are assigned OIDs as follows: Virus warning text Error message text Informational message text Test trap string Version string Note: it is impossible to remotely query the Management Information Base. The data is only available from the contents of the trap. i) Virus information When requesting information on viruses, users are directed towards the Sophos web site for the most accurate up to date information. 5 Information from previous versions ------------------------------------ November 2004 (3.87) * Improved Zip file handling * An improvement has been made to address the situation where an application attempts to shut down Windows during a Sophos Anti-Virus update. This attempt is now prevented so that the update can complete successfully. * If SAV32CLI is running when the Sophos Anti-Virus setup program begins, SAV32CLI is now automatically shut down to prevent it from causing the setup program to hang. * A fix has been made to the setup program. If a central installation directory is created on a server, then when Sophos Anti-Virus is installed on a workstation, by default only "InterCheck Client" (and not "InterCheck Server") is selected for installation. * A very minor change has been made to the configuration dialog box. If "Scan mailboxes" is deselected, "Disinfect mailboxes" is disabled. * The on-access scanner includes a fix for a problem with saving Microsoft Office documents to NetWare shares. The problem occurred when the scanner was set to scan files "on write". You must reboot after updating Sophos Anti-Virus to this version, to enable this change to become effective. This applies to automatic updating as well. After updating Sophos Anti-Virus, if you experience performance degradation, or errors are reported when you try to save Excel spreadsheets to Windows shares, follow the workaround detailed in section 6g. October 2004 (3.86) * The filename extension .MD? has been removed from the list of file types scanned by default. * A fix has been made to address a problem whereby the version of Sophos Anti-Virus was recorded in the Windows registry as 0.0.0, causing SAVAdmin to report the computer as having Sophos Anti-Virus version 0.0.0 installed. The registry and SAVAdmin should now correctly report 3.86.2 as the version. * Version numbering Formerly the version number of the virus data was used as the overall product version number of Sophos Anti-Virus. For example: Product version: 3.85, September 2004 There is now a distinct overall product version number, so the virus data can be updated without altering the product version number. For example: Product version: 3.86.0 Virus data version: 3.86, October 2004 * Improved Outlook Express handling * Fix for SMTP email alerts A fix has been made to address a problem that occurred when changing the name of a Windows computer that didn't have Client for Microsoft Networks installed. Previously this caused the wrong computer name to be used as the subject of SMTP email alerts. * A fix has been made to the setup program so that when it is run with the command line qualifier "config=4" (don't restart the service on setup completion), SAV Interface is correctly re-registered on completion. * If you downgrade the on-access scanner to an earlier version, an improvement made to the setup program minimises the chance of an incompatibility between the version already installed and the downgrade version. * A fix has been made to the setup program to fix a problem whereby Windows Security Console in Windows XP occasionally did not correctly represent the installation status of Sophos Anti-Virus. * On-access scanning of Citrix client drive mappings If users of Citrix Metaframe have local drives mapped within a session, these drives are now scanned by the server's copy of Sophos Anti-Virus. This means you don't have to have Sophos Anti-Virus installed on the client computer. * Fix for a possible problem with interaction between SAV Interface objects and the setup program, which can cause the setup program to fail in rare circumstances. * Fix for problem with locked DLLs affecting setup program Occasionally, the setup program was unable to run successfully because of locked DLLs. Changes have been made to the setup program and Sophos Anti-Virus to reduce the chance of this happening. September 2004 (3.85) * Improved PDF, RAR and HTML file handling * Improved Access database scanning * When the "bypass traverse checking" user right is removed, Sophos Anti-Virus still functions correctly on Windows XP. * The Exclusion list can now contain up to 126 entries. * Improved on-access scanner The on-access scanner includes a fix to address a performance degradation when scanning infected files across a network. This issue only affects users of Windows XP Service Pack 2. The on-access scanner also includes a fix for a problem that may be encountered during logoff when roaming profiles are stored on a NetApp filer. The error has been seen in (but may not be limited to) Data ONTAP 6.4.3 and 6.4.4R1 versions of NetApp. It occurs only on Windows XP workstations running a specific Microsoft Redirector Hotfix (KB321936), and when the on-access scanner is set to scan "on write". You must reboot after updating Sophos Anti-Virus to this version, to enable these changes to become effective. This applies to automatic updating as well. 6 Known problems ---------------- a) NetWare server and Windows 2000 workstation This problem affects only the running of the setup /update program on Windows 2000 computers when the Central Installation Directory is based on a NetWare server. When it is necessary to place a new IDE file in a Central Installation Directory (CID) based on a NetWare Server and to run setup /update on a Windows 2000 workstation, the following command line should be used instead of the documented command: setup /update /srcpath=\\netwareserver\cidpath where \\netwareserver\cidpath is the full UNC path to the CID. b) SAV32CLI and Setup If SAV32CLI is running when Setup is started, Setup will fail. To work around this, close SAV32CLI before running Setup. c) InterCheck server and Windows 2000 InterCheck server is selected by default on Windows 2000 installations. It should be deselected during installation when not required. d) If it is necessary to install InterCheck Server on the terminal server, InterCheck Client should also be installed. Subsequent installations of InterCheck Server will not require InterCheck Client to be installed at the same time. e) Sophos Anti-Virus update on Windows XP On a single Windows XP computer that has not been in a Windows domain, if you try to install, or update to, this version of Sophos Anti-Virus, installation or update does not succeed if all the following conditions are met: * A user is running the September 2003 (3.73) version or earlier of Sophos Anti-Virus and/or InterCheck Monitor. * While this user is logged on, a second user logs on to the computer. * The second user installs this version of Sophos Anti-Virus, or updates Sophos Anti-Virus from the September 2003 (3.73) version or earlier to this version. In this case, when the setup program starts copying installation files, it displays the following message: "Error creating file C:\Program Files\Sophos SWEEP for NT\SHRDRES.DLL" Click 'Abort'. The setup program displays the following message: "Sophos Setup could not complete this installation." Click 'Exit'. To enable installation or update to succeed, do as follows: for all users on the computer that are running the September 2003 (3.73) version or earlier of Sophos Anti-Virus and/or InterCheck Monitor, close Sophos Anti- Virus and/or InterCheck Monitor. Then continue with installation or update. f) If a non-interactive setup is started on the terminal server when the Sophos Anti-Virus window or InterCheck Monitor are running a terminal client session, Setup may freeze or fail to re-run the Sophos Anti-Virus window or InterCheck Monitor on setup completion. Setup will have completed the update, so the user can close Setup via Task Manager, and/or manually open the Sophos Anti-Virus window or InterCheck Monitor. g) If you are using Windows 2000 or later, and you configure the on-access scanner to scan files "on write", you may experience slowness when saving Microsoft Office documents to Windows network shares. To work around this problem, you should turn off client-side caching in Windows. This can be done in one of two ways: * Disable opportunistic locking on the workstation. * Disable opportunistic locking on the server where the share is located. For details on how to do this, see Microsoft knowledge base article 296264: "Configuring Opportunistic Locking in Windows" (;en-us;296264). You must reboot the computer to enable these changes to become effective. 7 Troubleshooting ----------------- a) Errors accessing network shares from remote computers After installing Sophos Anti-Virus for Windows NT/2000/XP, you may encounter difficulties accessing network shares from remote computers. You may also receive one of the following error messages: "Not enough server storage is available to process this command." "Not enough memory to complete transaction. Close some applications and retry." Additionally, the Windows NT server may log one or both of the following event messages in the system log: Event ID : 2011 Source : Srv Description : The server's configuration parameter "IRPStackSize" is too small for the server to use a local device. Please increase the value of this parameter. Event ID : 0 Source : Srv Description : Description for Event ID 0 could not be found. It contains the insertion string \device\LanManServer. This is a restriction imposed by the default Windows NT server configuration. The following registry entry is required to solve the problem. Key: HLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\ Parameters\ Value Name: IrpStackSize Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x6 You can use REGEDT32 to modify or create this entry in the registry. You will need to restart the system before the change will take effect. If you still experience problems, a larger value can be selected. The valid range for this parameter is 0x1 to 0xC (1 to 12). Please see the Microsoft knowledge base article ID Q198386 for further information. b) SWEEP for Windows NT Update service To function correctly, the auto-update service must be installed as the 'LocalSystem' account and have 'Allow Service to Interact with Desktop' selected. c) InterCheck logging For InterCheck logging to work correctly, the SWEEP for Windows NT Network Service must use an account that is able to see the InterCheck Server share. This may not be the case if the auto-update option was not selected during installation. If InterCheck logging fails to work correctly, a suitable account may be selected as follows: * Go to Control Panel|Services. * Select the SWEEP for Windows NT Network Service. * Click the 'Startup...' button. * Under 'Log on As:', select the field 'This Account'. * Enter an account in the form DOMAIN\User with access to the relevant InterCheck Server share. * Fill in the password field as appropriate. * Click 'OK' to confirm the change. * Stop and then restart the service. d) Terminal services To function correctly, the user must be running the Sophos Anti-Virus window and InterCheck Monitor as terminal clients or on the console, with administrator rights. 8 Compatibility issues ---------------------- a) Banyan VINES support Please note that InterCheck will not check files on remote Banyan VINES drives unless the Banyan VINES network support was started at start up. b) PATHWORKS Version 4 server Windows NT clients which use a PATHWORKS 4 server for the central installation directory may repeatedly auto-update. This problem only occurs on PATHWORKS 4 not on later PATHWORKS versions. c) Bay Networks (Performance Technologies) Instant Internet A conflict between the version of the WinSock client installed by the Instant Internet application and the Sophos SMTP.SMM module can lead to the Sophos Anti-Virus service not starting or stopping correctly. As a work-around, add the following value to the registry. Key: HLM\Software\Sophos\SweepNT\SMMS\SMTP\ Value Name: No Startup Check Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x1 This work-around will prevent the SMTP module checking for the appropriate network transport protocols during startup.