Mystique: Ages in Time Insallation Notes Ages in Time is a Total Conversion for Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition or Plutonium Pak only. It will not work with Duke Nukem 3D Version 1.3d. Ages in Time MUST be installed in your Duke Nukem 3D directory. It will not alter any of your Duke Nukem 3D settings. Ages in Time may be uninstalled at anytime by using the control panel in Windows95 or by selecting the Uninstall icon in the Ages in Time program group. On following screens, you will be prompted to locate your Duke Nukem 3D Directory. Once that directory is selected, the following directories will be created on your system. A directory named agestime will be created in the directory that you specify. Several files will be installed in that directory. These files should not be deleted. Once the installation is completed, you will have a new program group or Start Menu Group named Ages in Time. From those areas, you will be able to launch Mystique, View the Documentation, and get information about our Website location.