======================================================================== Verdict Production Milestone Version ======================================================================== This is a Production Milestone, not the Final (nor beta) version of Verdict program. It only contains elements which are under contsruction and/or revison and has known bugs ans issues. Please read the relevant project milestone documentation for further details about the possibilities of the game. ======================== www.digitalreality.hu ======================== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Desert Rats vs. Afrika Korps Beta Version ============================ In this limited version there are two playable levels which can be accessed by selecting "Scenario" from the "New Game" menu. The version contains several known bugs which will be corrected later on. Management: ----------- You can buy your starting units on this screen. The cost of the units can't exceed the scenarios "Mission Point" value. Ingame User Interface: ---------------------- In the lower left corner there is the minimap. It shows the explored area and the friendly (green) or detected hostile (red) units. In the center of the lower part of the screen there are the control switches and the info window. With the 12 square button you can give direct orders to the units. With the two round switch you can adjust the units' behaviour (AI). In the info window you can see the unit's properties or in the case of multiple selection the units' icons. You can see the mounted infantry by clicking on the icon of the vehicle after selecting a single unit. In the lower right corner there is the list of mission objectives. Game Controls: -------------- Unit selection works by left clicking on a friendly unit. You can select multiple units by holding down the left mouse button and drawing a selection box above the units. Orders are given by right clicking on a target. The order varies depending on the target. The "Smart Pointer" shows the default action above a target. Hotkeys: -------- Q - GUI button 1 W - GUI button 2 E - GUI button 3 R - GUI button 4 A - GUI button 5 S - GUI button 6 D - GUI button 7 F - GUI button 8 Z - GUI button 9 X - GUI button 10 C - GUI button 11 V - GUI button 12 SHIFT+Leftclick - Rotate turret (bug) G - Hold Position H - Move in Vicinity J - Move Freely B - Hold Fire N - Return Fire M - Fire at Will CTRL+0-9 - Set selection group 0-9 - Recall selection group 0-9 again - Center camera to selection group (not yet available) F1 - Mission Succesfull F2 - Emperor mode F5 - Save (not yet available) F6 - Load (not yet available) F7 - Quicksave (not yet available) F8 - Load last save F11 - Capture screenshot NUM+ - Increase Speed NUM- - Decrease Speed space, P - Pause TAB - GUI on/off ESC - Ingame menu DELETE - Rotate Camera Left CTRL+LEFT - Rotate Camera Left END - Rotate Camera Right CTRL+RIGHT - Rotate Camera Right PAGE UP - Pitch Up PAGE DOWN - Pitch Down INSERT - Zoom In HOME - Zoom Out CTRL+P - Windows pointer on/off CTRL+K - Free camera mode CTRL+F - FOW on/off ======================== www.digitalreality.hu dauby@digitalreality.hu ========================