Aliens Vs Predator - Marine demo Health Trainer Instructions ------------------------------------------------------------ 1.Start the AvP Marine Demo 2.At the main menu choose "START MARINE DEMO" (Pretty obvious so far, ey) 3.When game has started alt+tab back to the Windows desktop 4.Run the file avptrain.exe 5.Set value to 9999 6.Make sure under "Action" the button reads "Freeze" 7.Click on the "Poke All" button 8.Click on the "Freeze" button 9.Return to the Avp Marine Demo 10.Get killed or kill yourself by standing near a wall and firing a few grenades into it. 11.When the game starts again you should see your health score doing wierd things (sometimes its a high number sometimes its really low) 12.Start playing and be happy with the fact that you can kill them but they can't kill you. PS:You may have to die more than once for the trainer to kick in I have no idea why this is but it does work - eventually. Regards Robert Knipe