//TITLES FOR HALF-LIFE //DO NOT ALTER THIS FILE // Position command $position x y // x & y are from 0 to 1 to be screen resolution independent // -1 means center in each dimension // Effect command $effect // effect 0 is fade in/fade out // effect 1 is flickery credits // effect 2 is write out (training room) // Text color r g b command $color // fadein time fadeout time / hold time // $fadein (message fade in time - per character in effect 2) // $fadeout (message fade out time) // $holdtime (stay on the screen for this long) //INTRO TITLES // All centered for now $position -1 -1 $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 200 0 0 // This is the highlight color $color2 255 0 0 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.01 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.25 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 3.5 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.5 THPCG { PC GAMER Presents: } //FINAL TITLES // All centered for now $position -1 -1 $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 200 0 0 // This is the highlight color $color2 255 0 0 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.01 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.25 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 4.0 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.0 THEND1 { to be continued. . . } THLATER { 20 Minutes Later. . . } KILLALF { You Killed Alfred. . . } KILLPILOT { Your Rescuer Has Died. . . } THEND2 { They Hunger by: Neil Manke Design/Coding/Technical Advisor: Einar Saukas Sound Producer: Magnus Jansen Modeller/Skins: Jack Cooper Main Tester: Paul Taylor Original Concept by: Bill Harms } TH3END2 { They Hunger by: Neil Manke Design/Coding/Technical Advisor: Einar Saukas Models/Skins: Jack Cooper, Hollowmind Sound Engineers: Dave Obrecht, Magnus Jansen Asst. Sound Engineer: Bennett Malbon Main Tester: Paul Taylor Original Concept by: Bill Harms } THEND3 { Testing: Mark A. Jensen John SaintBoi Parks Morgan Parry Jiang Pi Richard Sanchez Gene Spinks Eric Sutton Paul Taylor Dave Waters } TH3END4 { Testing: Blue2K Brian Thomas Barnhart Don Ferris Mark A. Jensen MoldedGuppy SaintBoi Richard Sanchez Ben Varela Dave Waters } THEND4 { Voice Acting: Jack Cooper David Ilstedt Per Jacobsson Magnus Jansen Petter Mork Lo Rumar Richard Sanchez } TH3END5 { Voice Acting: Brian Thomas Barnhart Jack Cooper Margaret A. Dessypris David Ilstedt Per Jacobsson Magnus Jansen Bennett Malbon Petter Mork Dave Obrecht Richard James Ramirez Lo Rumar Richard Sanchez } TH3END3 { Additional Help: Ted Anderson Blue2K Nick "Crinity" Coombe Mighty Pete MoldedGuppy Sebastian Croon Dave Waters "You Are What I Eat" by: Bennett Malbon and Dave Obrecht } THEP2START { THEY HUNGER Episode 2: Rest in Pieces } THEP3START { THEY HUNGER Episode 3: Rude Awakening } //TIME TITLES // All centered for now $position -1 -1 $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 200 0 0 // This is the highlight color $color2 255 0 0 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.01 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.25 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 2.0 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.0 THTIME1 { 4:39 AM } THTIME2 { 12:26 PM } THTIME3 { 1:05 AM } //FINAL TITLES // All centered for now $position -1 -1 $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 200 0 0 // This is the highlight color $color2 255 0 0 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.01 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.25 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 600 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.5 THEND5 { THEY HUNGER Presented by: PC Gamer http://www.pcgamer.com/ Created by: Black Widow Games http://www.planethalflife.com/manke } // In-Game messages $position -1 0.65 $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 100 100 100 // This is the highlight color $color2 240 110 0 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.01 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.25 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 2.0 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 0.5 GAMESAVED { Saved... } // Test values -- JAY $position -1 0.65 // Scan-out text effect $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 100 100 100 // This is the highlight color $color2 0 200 50 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.005 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.5 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 3.5 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.5 // Spectator Menu Spec_Mode1 { Locked Chase-Camera Mode } Spec_Mode2 { Free Chase-Camera Mode } Spec_Mode3 { Free Roaming Mode } Spec_NoTarget { No valid targets. Cannot switch to Chase-Camera Mode. } Spec_Help { ENTER to Play FIRE for Next Target ALT-FIRE for Prev Target JUMP to Change Modes } Spec_Help2 { Your text messages can only be seen by other Spectators } // Multiplayer Scoreboard Spectators { Spectators } Unassigned { Unassigned } TEAMS { TEAMS } PLAYERS { PLAYERS } CLASS { CLASS } SCORE { SCORE } DEATHS { DEATHS } LATENCY { LATENCY } // other menu text Menu_OK { OK } Menu_Cancel { CANCEL }