>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MOBILE FORCES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------------- PLAYABLE DEMO DOCUMENTATION --------------------------- =============================================================================== CONTENTS -System Requirements -Controls -Game Basics -Demo rules -LAN Multiplayer -Troubleshooting -Hints and Tips =============================================================================== SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Before you play the game, ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements outlined below. Minimum Specification: PII 450 - Windows 95 - 4x Speed CD Drive - 128 Mb RAM Keyboard & Mouse - Windows 9x. Compatible Sound Card - 32 Mb 3D Accelerated DirectX 8.0 Compatible Video Card Recommended Specification: PIII 700 - Windows 95/98/2000/Me/XP - 4x Speed CD Drive - 256 Mb RAM - Keyboard and Mouse - 3D Soundcard - 32 Mb 3D Accelerated DirectX 8.0 Compatible Video Card with Hardware T&L Support. =============================================================================== CONTROLS These are the default controls. They can be changed at any time by selecting 'Controls' from within the 'Options' menu. Basic Controls Fire...........................................Left Mouse Button Alternate Fire.................................Right Mouse Button Move Forward/Accelerate........................W Move Backward/Brake............................S Strafe Left/Steer Left.........................A Strafe Right/Steer Right.......................D Jump/Handbrake.................................SPACE Crouch.........................................C Enter/Exit Loadout.............................Q Enter/Exit Vehicle.............................E Reload.........................................R Mouse Look.....................................M Look Up........................................Delete Look Down......................................Page Down Center View....................................End Walk...........................................Shift Strafe.........................................Z Pause..........................................Esc Chat Say............................................T Team Say Orders.........................................V Weapons Next Weapon....................................[ or Mouse Wheel Up Previous Weapon................................] or Mouse Wheel Down Knife..........................................1 Pistol.........................................2 Machine Gun....................................3 Shotgun........................................4 Sniper Rifle...................................5 Heavy Machine Gun..............................6 Rocket Launcher................................7 Grenade........................................8 Trip Bomb......................................9 Adrenaline Shot................................0 =============================================================================== GAME BASICS ---------------------- ARMING AND MOBILISING Entering the level, you'll find yourself in "Loadout" - a weapon selection screen. Here you can equip yourself with weapons from the armoury. Use the up and down keys to scroll through the range of weaponry at your disposal, pressing E or Enter to select. Alternatively, use the mouse wheel to scroll through the weapons and the left mouse button to select. Being only human there is a limit on the amount of equipment you can carry, and each weapon takes up a variable amount of space. Choose carefully whether to go for one big weapon, or a balanced mix of several medium ones. Also remember that the more you carry, the slower you'll run. Whilst arming yourself to the teeth will make you a mean adversary, you'll be a bit of a slouch when it comes to diving out of the way of oncoming vehicles. Once you're happy with your selection, pressing the 'Loadout' key admits you to the level. Note that as far as other players are concerned, you aren't on the level until you come out of Loadout. If you wish to re-enter loadout to change your weapons at any time simply enter your own team room (you're unable to enter the enemy team room) and press the Loadout key. This automatically replenishes ammunition in all currently held weapons. Pressing the Loadout key in the middle of nowhere doesn't let you pick up weapons, but it does let you drop them - which can prove handy to a team mate, or for a quick getaway! Inevitably, at some point during a game you will be killed. Should the Grim Reaper pay you an early visit, you'll give up any items you're carrying, and shortly afterwards be reincarnated at the team base, where you can re-equip. ---------------------- DRIVING Vehicles are an integral part of Mobile Forces - they can be used to get you somewhere quickly, get other people there quickly, as a weapon, as a shield - even as a decoy. Take time to become very familiar with them. In every vehicle, you can either be the driver, or a passenger. To drive a vehicle, the driving seat must be empty. Simply run up to the front of the vehicle and press the Enter/Exit Vehicle key. To be a passenger in a vehicle, run up to the rear of the vehicle and press the Enter/Exit vehicle key. As well as getting the chance to admire the view, passengers also still have their hands free for any target practice en-route. You can physically jump onto a vehicle and hitch a ride that way, but any bumps or crashes are liable to send you flying. Both drivers and passengers exit vehicles by pressing the Enter/Exit Vehicle key again. Each vehicle has its own characteristics -passengers capacity, speed, acceleration, armour and handling. You should be careful to choose the right one for the job. The sharp shooters will soon learn the weak points of a vehicle - such as tyres. Shoot one of these out and the driver has his work cut out. Shoot several out and you might just have yourself a sitting duck... And strictly for the eagle-eyed is the petrol cap at the back of each vehicle - a single shot with a powered up sniper rifle detonates the fuel tank, sending the vehicle, and all its occupants back from whence they came. Also bear in mind that when a vehicle has been empty for a length of time it will 'time-out' and respawn back at its starting place - forgetting this can leave you disadvantaged, but remembering it can let you employ sneaky tactics! ---------------------- ENGAGING THE ENEMY All of the weapons at your disposal have two firing modes - main and alternative. For some weapons, like the Sniper Rifle, alternative fire allows you to use the scope to zoom in for a clearer, more accurate shot. But beware - this is no use to players on the move. Other weapons, like the Trip Bombs, have a completely different alternative fire - they can either be placed across corridors as traps, or thrown down to act as proximity mines. Both have their own advantages, and both are deadly. Remember to make full use of the body armour and adrenaline shot available in Loadout to maximise your valuable health. ---------------------- COMMANDING TROOPS Mobile Forces is a team game, and the only way to succeed is to be a team player. In single player games, all your team-mates will use a standard strategy to try to win the game, but once you start to know better, you can direct them in the most effective way. Hold down the Orders key, and decide what you want done, and who you want to do it. Want a posse to carry out a coordinated charge at the enemy? Grab a truck, and direct your team-mates to follow you - they'll jump in as passengers and start blasting as soon as they see the whites of the their eyes. Fancy letting a team-mate take the wheel? Jump in as a passenger and let yourself be chauffeured round. =============================================================================== DEMO RULES In the playable demo, you take part in 'Holdout', one of eight different gametypes featured in the full game. HOLDOUT OBJECTIVES Race to a predefined neutral zone on the level. Then, alongside your team-mates, fight tooth and claw against the enemy to take control of the area and tag the timer - a module which records team occupation of the zone. Be quick to change tactics from attack to defence in order to preserve your hard won territory. Should the enemy touch the timer it will start timing their occupation. The team who holdout for 4 minutes cumulatively are the winners. In Holdout, battles are often bitterly fought and the timer switched many times before a winner is declared. Never give up - the game can turn around in an instant. =============================================================================== LAN MULTIPLAYER Test your calibre against human opponents - whether they're your work colleagues, friends or enemies. Show off your skills with a LAN (Local Area Network) game. Select 'Join Game' from the 'Multiplayer' menu then select 'LAN' server type. Choosing LAN searches your Local Area Network for servers. If you're familiar with multiplayer games, you can host your own Mobile Forces game by selecting 'Host Game' from the 'Multiplayer' menu. Although you can choose to play an internet game, the demo is not optimised for internet use and you may encounter problems. =============================================================================== TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Driver Problems The vast majority of problems that you are likely to encounter will be related to drivers, which should allow the game to make optimum use of your system resources. Mobile Forces is dependent on Microsoft DirectX drivers, which are responsible for various aspects of your system including: video, sound, controller input, 3D graphic functions, CD ROM access and other functions. If you do experience problems, always ensure that you are using the latest drivers for these devices, and that your DirectX installation shows these devices as being certified. Run the application dxdiag.exe to confirm this. The latest version of DirectX can always be downloaded from: http://www.microsoft.com/directx Known Issues Having a recent video card compatible with DirectX8 is required for this demo. Recommended video cards include those based on the NVidia Geforce and ATI Radeon chipsets. Video Card Issues -Various ATI Radeon Cards Shadows for players and vehicles will not appear. Rocket trails and explosions show through scenery. -Matrox G400 Shadows on the ground beneath the vehicles flicker. -Power VR KYRO 64MB Some visual problems with this card. - ATI Rage 128 Pro 32Mb - ATI Rage Fury Maxx 64Mb These cards are not supported for this demo. -S3 Savage 2000 32Mb -S3 Savage 4 32Mb Various texturing and performance problems. Not recommended for this demo. -3Dfx Voodoo 5500 64Mb Low frame rate has been reported on this card. -16bit Rendering Mode Not currently a fully supported rendering mode and creates visual artifacts. =============================================================================== HINTS AND TIPS: 1. Command the bots on your team by holding down V, then selecting an order from the menu. 2. Using alternative fire (Right Mouse) will provide another way to use your current weapon. 3. Use the scenery to your advantage - there may be more to it than meets the eye. 4. A good tactic for a full frontal assault is to cover your team from a safe position, using the sniper rifle to pick off enemies. Or get a couple of team-mates to cover you. 5. When getting into a vehicle check the minimap to see if any team-mates are near. They may be running to get in the vehicle too, so wait for them if you want some backup! 6. Keep an eye on ammo levels - you don't want to run out at a crucial moment. 7. You might find success a little easier to come by on the Blue Squad....... =============================================================================== (C) Rage Games Limited 2002. All Rights Reserved. ===============================================================================