Help Topics

File Menu

Edit Menu
  • Undo - Undo the last action
  • Redo - Redo the previously undone action
  • Cut - Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard
  • Copy - Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard
  • Paste - Insert Clipboard contents
  • Delete - Delete the selection
  • Append
    • Cut Append - Cut the selection and append it to the Clipboard
    • Copy Append - Copy the selection and append it to the Clipboard
  • Select
  • Change Case
  • Insert
  • Advanced
Search Menu View Menu Tools Menu Window Menu Help Menu

File > New

Use this command to create a new empty document.

File > Open

Use this command to open an existing document in a new window. Crimson Editor displays the File Open dialog box so that you can choose documents to edit. You can open multiple documents at once. Use File Tab to switch among the multiple open documents.

File > Close

Use this command to close window containing the active document. Crimson Editor suggests to save changes to your document before you close it. If you close a document without saving, you lose all changes made since the last time you saved it.

File > Save

Use this command to save the active document to its current name and directory. When you save a document for the first time, Crimson Editor displays the Save As dialog box so that you can name your document.

File > Save As

Use this command to save the active document with different name. Crimson Editor displays the Save As dialog box so that you can name your document.

File > Print

Use this command to print the active document. Crimson Editor displays the Print dialog box, where you can specify the destination printer, printer setup options, and the range of pages to be printed.

File > Print Preview

Use this command to display the active document as it would appear when printed.

File > Print Setup

Use this command to select a active printer and specify various printing options.

File > FTP > Open Remote

Use this command to open file from FTP server. If you run Save command with remote file, the change you made will be saved directly to the file on the FTP server.

File > FTP > Save As Remote

Use this command to save the current document to FTP server. If you run Save command with remote file, the change you made will be saved directly to the file on the FTP server.

File > FTP > FTP Settings

Use this command to set the FTP account information. Crimson Editor displays the FTP Settings dialog box, where you can specify the FTP server, user name, password, etc.

File > Recent Files

Use this command to open documents you closed recently.

File > Exit

Use this command to quit Crimson Editor. Crimson Editor prompts you to save documents if there are changes unsaved.

Edit > Undo

Use this command to reverse the last editing action.

Edit > Redo

Use this command to reverse the last undon action.

Edit > Cut

Use this command to remove selected text from the document and put it on the clipboard.

Edit > Copy

Use this command to copy selected text onto the clipboard.

Edit > Paste

Use this command to insert a copy of the clipboard contents at the current caret position.

Edit > Delete

Use this command to delete current selection of the active document.

Edit > Append > Cut Append

Use this command to cut and append selected text onto the clipboard.

Edit > Append > Copy Append

Use this command to copy and append selected text onto the clipboard.

Edit > Select > Select All

Use this command to select the entire document.

Edit > Select > Select Line

Use this command to select the line at current cursor position.

Edit > Select > Select Word

Use this command to select the word at current cursor position.

Edit > Change Case > Upper Case

Use this command to convert the selected text to upper case.

Edit > Change Case > Lower Case

Use this command to convert the selected text to lower case.

Edit > Change Case > Invert Case

Use this command to convert the case of selected text to opposite case.

Edit > Change Case > Capitalize

Use this command to capitalize the selected text.

Edit > Insert > Insert Date

Use this command to insert current date into the current cursor position.

Edit > Insert > Insert Time

Use this command to insert current time into the current cursor position.

Edit > Insert > Insert File

Use this command to insert content of a file into current cursor position.

Edit > Advanced > Increase Indent

Use this command to increase the indentation of the selected text.

Edit > Advanced > Decrease Indent

Use this command to decrease the indentation of the selected text.

Edit > Advanced > Add Comment

Use this command to insert line comment delimeter at the beginning of the line.

Edit > Advanced > Remove Comment

Use this command to delete line comment delimiter at the beginning of the line.

Edit > Advanced > Join Lines

Use this command to join two consecutive lines into one long line.

Edit > Advanced > Split Line

Use this command to split the line at the current cursor position.

Edit > Advanced > Delete Line

Use this command to delete the line at the current cursor position.

Edit > Advanced > Duplicate Line

Use this command to duplicate the line at the current cursor position.

Search > Find

Use this command to search specific text in current document.

Search > Replace

Use this command to search specific text in current document and replace it with different text.

Search > Find Next

Use this command to search the next occurrence of the selected text.

Search > Find Prev

Use this command to search the previous occurence of the selected text.

Search > Find in Files

Use this command to search specific text in multiple files.

Search > Go To

Use this command to go to specific line in current document.

Search > Toggle Bookmark

Use this command to set or clear a bookmark at current line.

Search > Next Bookmark

Use this command to search for next bookmark position.

Search > Prev Bookmark

Use this command to search for previous bookmark position.

Search > Advanced > Prev Editing Position

Use this command to get back to previous editing position.

Search > Advanced > Pairs Beginning Position

Use this command to go to current pairs beginning position.

Search > Advanced > Pairs End Position

Use this command to go to current pairs end position.

View > Toolbars/View > Toolbar

Use this command to show or hide the Toolbar, which contains buttons for most common commands of the Crimson Editor.

View > Toolbars/View > Status Bar

Use this command to show or hide the Status Bar, which displays short description of the action to be executed by the selected menu item.

View > Toolbars/View > File Tab

Use this command to show or hide the File Tab, which offers easy access to all open documents.

View > Toolbars/View > Directory Window

Use this command to show or hide the Directory Window, which displays list of files in the current working directory.

View > Toolbars/View > Output Window

Use this command to show or hide the Output Window, which displays the output of user tools.

View > Line Numbers

Use this command to show or hide line numbers in the active document.

View > Syntax Highlight

Use this command to enable or disable the syntax highlighting feature.

View > Word Wrap

Use this command to turn on or off the word-wrap feature.

View > Spell Check

Use this command to enable the spell check feature in current document. This command shows red zigzag line under wrong spelled words.

View > Screen Font

Use this command to set font settings or select the screen font.

View > Printer Font

Use this command to set font settings or select the printer font.

View > Set Colors

Use this command to set color settings.

Tools > Preferences

Use this command to set the options of Crimson Editor.

General: general editor options.
Fonts: screen fonts and printer fonts.
Colors: editor color settings.
Print: page margin, header/footer.
Commands: user tool settings.
Macros: macros configuration.

Tools > Macros > Begin Recording

Use this command to begin recording the keystrokes. Recorded keystrokes can be played back using Replay Macro command.

Tools > Macros > End Recording

Use this command to end recording the keystrokes. Recorded keystrokes can be played back using Replay Macro command.

Tools > Macros > Replay Macro

Use this command to play back the recorded keystrokes.

Tools > Macros > Configure Macros

Use this command to configure the recorded keystrokes.

Tools > Configure Commands

Use this command to configure the user tools. User tool is user-defined application that Crimson Editor launches.

Window > Cascade

Use this command to arrange multiple opened windows in an overlapped fashion.

Window > Tile Horizontally

Use this command to arrange multiple opened windows as horizontal, non-overlapping tiles.

Window > Tile Vertically

Use this command to arrange multiple opened windows as vertical, non-overlapping tiles.

Help > Help Topics

Use this command to display this Help contents.

Help > Visit Homepage

Use this command to browse Crimson Editor homepage.

Help > Feedback

Use this command to send any bug report, suggestion, question and comment to the author.

Help > About Crimson Editor

Use this command to display program information, version number and copyright.

Copyright © 2001 by Ingyu Kang, All rights reserved.