IMPORTANT - READ THIS BEFORE INSTALLING THESE DRIVERS These drivers are included with this software application to help ensure compatibility of this application with NVIDIA graphics processors such as the RIVA 128, RIVA 128ZX and RIVA TNT. The driver software included here is a Reference Driver from NVIDIA and therefore does not include any level of technical support from NVIDIA. A user who installs NVIDIA Reference Drivers may need to re-install drivers from his/her equipment provider (PC OEM or Retail Board OEM) in order to receive technical support from that equipment provider. Additionally, because of the static nature of files on fixed media, such as this CD-ROM, newer and better drivers may be available from several different sources. Users are advised to use the most current driver that is compatible with their hardware. Most PC OEMs and Retail Board OEMs offer frequent updates to drivers on their web sites. If you have problems installing or configuring these drivers, contact the technical support resources listed in your software documentation. NVIDIA does not provide end-user support. Installation instructions are appended to the end of this file in the Release Notes section and also are repeated in the ReadMe files in the driver .zip files. Build 2.83 should be used for RIVA 128 and RIVA 128ZX graphics processors. Build 43 should be used for RIVA TNT graphics processors LICENSE FOR CUSTOMER USE OF NVIDIA SOFTWARE IMPORTANT NOTICE -- READ CAREFULLY: This NVIDIA Customer License and Evaluation Agreement ("LICENSE") is the agreement which governs use of the NVIDIA software downloadable herefrom, including computer software and associated printed materials ("SOFTWARE"). By downloading, installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of this LICENSE. If you do not agree to the terms of this LICENSE, do not download the software. RECITALS Use of NVIDIA's products requires three elements: the SOFTWARE, the hardware on a graphics controller board, and a personal computer. The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE is not sold, and instead is merely licensed for use, strictly in accordance with this document. The hardware is protected by various patents, and is sold, but this agreement does not cover that sale, since it may not necessarily be sold as a package with the SOFTWARE. This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of the SOFTWARE license only. 1. DEFINITIONS: 1.1 Customer. Customer means the business entity or individual that uses the Software. 2. GRANT OF LICENSE. 2.1 Rights and Limitations of Grant. NVIDIA hereby grants Customer the following non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the SOFTWARE, with the following limitations: 2.1.1 Rights. Customer may install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE on a single computer, and except for making one back-up copy of the Software, may not otherwise copy the SOFTWARE. This LICENSE of SOFTWARE may not be shared or used concurrently on different computers. 2.1.2 Limitations. No Reverse Engineering. Customer may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE, nor attempt in any other manner to obtain the source code. No Separation of Components. The SOFTWARE is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer, nor otherwise used separately from the other parts. No Rental. Customer may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE to someone else. 3. TERMINATION. This LICENSE will automatically terminate if Customer fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of it. In such event, Customer must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE and all of its component parts. 4. COPYRIGHT. All title and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE (including but not limited to all images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text, and other matters incorporated into the SOFTWARE), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE, are owned by NVIDIA, or its suppliers. The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Accordingly, Customer is required to treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted material except that it may make one copy of the SOFTWARE solely for backup or archive purposes. 5. APPLICABLE LAW. This agreement shall be deemed to have been made in, and shall be construed pursuant to, the laws of the State of California. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION ON LIABILITY. 6.1 No Warranties. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND NVIDIA AND ITS SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. . 6.2 No Liability for Consequential Damages. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL NVIDIA OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF NVIDIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 7. MISCELLANEOUS. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is specifically disclaimed. If any provision of this LICENSE is inconsistent with, or cannot be fully enforced under, the law, such provision will be construed as limited to the extent necessary to be consistent with and fully enforceable under the law. This Agreement is the final, complete and exclusive agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings and agreements relating to such subject matter, whether oral or written. Customer agrees that it will not ship, transfer or export the SOFTWARE into any country, or use the SOFTWARE in any manner, prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act or any other export laws, restrictions or regulations. This LICENSE may only be modified in writing signed by an authorized officer of NVIDIA. Build 2.83 Release Notes This driver is Build 2.83 of the NVIDIA Reference Driver. This release of the display driver is to be used with boards based on the RIVA128 and RIVA 128ZX chips. This release includes drivers for both WinNT4.0 and Win95/98 in either an AGP or PCI configuration. This Reference Driver is supplied to board manufacturers for their use in developing fully supported drivers customized for their specific board configuration. While we expect this driver to operate correctly on RIVA based boards, we are not able to provide full product support for other manufacturers products. It is recommended that end users install the drivers supplied from their board manufacturer to receive full product support. This release includes support for DirectX 6.0 (DX6), multi-monitor configurations, and AMD CPUs with 3DNow!. If you were using a Win95 driver from a board manufacturer that also provided a Control Panel applet, (like Diamond's InControl Tools, STB's Vision, etc.) that applet will not work correctly with the NVIDIA Reference Driver and can cause system problems. It should be removed before these new drivers are installed. (See Installing from non-NVIDIA drivers, below.) System Requirements to use the NVIDIA Reference Drivers Win95 System requirements: - OSR2 for full AGP functionality (which includes Microsoft's OPENGL32.DLL) - Microsoft's OPENGL32.DLL - Microsoft's Dx5 or greater - 2MB disk space Win98 System requirements - Microsoft's Dx5 or greater - 2MB disk space WinNT System requirements: - Service Pack 3 - 2MB disk space Win95 Installation Information: Before installing the new drivers it is recommended that you have a copy of your current drivers, usually supplied with your board. If not previously installed, you will need to install these on your system first: 1. OSR2 or later for AGP systems (usually pre-installed on AGP systems). 2. Install Dx5 or greater. This is contained in your board vendors drivers, on the Microsoft web site, or on a recent DirectX application. It is recommended you install the latest Service Pack from Microsoft. You can obtain this by browsing for "Support Drivers, Patches and Service Packs" \ "Windows 95 Updates" from: 3. If you have OSR2 or later installed on your system you should already have Microsoft's OPENGL32.DLL installed on your system. If you do not already have a version of OPENGL32.DLL in your Windows\System, or you have another vendor specific OPENGL32.DLL file installed, you need to install Microsoft's OPENGL32.DLL. You can obtain this file and other required files from: When you are ready: 4. Unzip WIN95xxx.ZIP to an empty folder (such as C:\RIVA128). 5. Close all programs 6. Install the driver using the Display Properties dialog box: Click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel. Start the "Display" applet program. Select the "Settings" tab Push the "Change Display Type" button (or the "Advanced Properties" button). Push the "Change" button in the "Adapter Type" area. The "Select Device" dialog box will appear, push the "Have Disk" button. Specify the path to the new unzipped driver by pressing "Browse..." After selecting the correct path press "OK". Click "OK" twice to install the new drivers. Close down the open windows. 7. After successfully installing the reference drivers, you will need to restart the operating system for the new drivers to take effect. Windows 98 Installation Information 1.Unzip WIN9xxxx.ZIP to an empty folder (such as C:\RIVA128). 2. Close all programs 3. Install the driver using the Display Properties dialog box: Click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel. Start the "Display" applet program. Select the "Settings" tab. Push the "Advanced Properties" button. Select the "Adapter" tab. Push the "Change" button. Push the "Next" button. Select the radio button labeled "Display a list of all the drivers in a specific location..." Push the "Have Disk" button and specify the location where you unzipped the files. The system should find a .inf file in the location you specify. Press "OK". Click "OK", then "Next", then "Finish" 7. After successfully installing the reference drivers, you will need to restart the operating system for the new drivers to take effect. WinNT Installation Information: Before installing the new drivers it is recommended that you have a copy of your current drivers, usually supplied with your board. If not previously installed, you will need to install this on your system first: 1. Install Microsoft's Service Pack 3 for Windows NT 4.0 on your system. You can obtain this by browsing for "Support Drivers, Patches and Service Packs" \ "Windows NT Service Packs" from: When you are ready: 2. Unzip NT.ZIP to an empty folder. 3. Close all programs 4. Choose NT's Start\Settings\Control Panel\Display\Settings\Display Type\Change\Have Disk\Browse. 5. Locate the folder with the unzipped reference drivers...Display should list NVidia RIVA 128 6. After NT successfully installs the reference drivers, you will need to restart the operating system for the new drivers to take effect. Installing from non-NVIDIA drivers: If you are installing the NVIDIA Reference Drivers and presently have non- NVIDIA supplied drivers installed, it is recommended that you uninstall your existing driver's Control Panel tools before installing the NVIDIA Reference Drivers. Our driver does not include the hooks in it to support the tools provided by other board manufacturers. As a result, their tools will not operate correctly with the NVIDIA Reference Drivers and could cause system problems if you try to use them with our drivers. The best way to uninstall drivers is to use an uninstall utility provided by your board manufacturer. Please contact them for information on how to uninstall their tools. Uninstalling NVIDIA drivers: If you have a need to do this, first start by uninstalling Control Freak. To do this use the Add/Remove Programs dialog box: Click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel. Start the "Add/Remove Programs" applet program. Select Control Freak, and click "Add/Remove". You will now be able to re-install your original driver on the system. General information for all users. About OpenGL: The NVIDIA Reference Driver Release 2.83 includes our latest version of the OpenGL ICD for RIVA 128 and RIVA 128ZX. This OpenGL ICD is now available for both Windows 95 and Windows NT. It accelerates rendering of OpenGL applications when: - Display is set to 16-bits per pixel - Enough video memory exists to support the OpenGL resolution requested - Microsoft's OPENGL32.DLL is correctly installed Several pre-release versions of the OpenGL ICD have previously been made available through the Internet. This version should be much more stable, and should perform better in almost all cases. Microsoft's OpenGL will auto-detect that the RIVA products have hardware- accelerated OpenGL available, and use that whenever possible. If OpenGL applications complain about missing required DLL's, or if you are seeing unusual OpenGL behavior, then it is likely that either you are missing OPENGL32.DLL, or that an application shipped with a version of OPENGL32.DLL that is not compatible with the RIVA OpenGL ICD. You should look in the application's directory for a file called OPENGL32.DLL, and rename it. The application will then use the OPENGL32.DLL from the Windows\System or WinNT\System32 directory. You also can obtain the correct OPENGL32.DLL is by re-installing it from the WindowsNT CD. About Control Freak: Also included in the NVIDIA Reference Drivers is our Control Panel applet, Control Freak. This applet adds a RIVA tab to the Display Properties Dialog box. There are several useful controls and setting information here. To learn what each setting can do, just right click on the setting to get an information box. Additional information: The files included with the Release 2.83 Reference Drivers: PCI files NV3.VXD NV3API.DLL NV3DD32.DLL NV3DISP.DRV NV3DISP.INF NV3MINI2.VXD NV3OGL.DLL NV3QTWK.DLL NV3RM.VXD NV3SYS.DLL NV3TWEAK.DLL NV3TWEAK.HLP NV3TWEAK.INF AGP files: NV3.VXD NV3AGP.INF NV3API.DLL NV3DD32.DLL NV3DISP.DRV NV3MINI2.VXD NV3OGL.DLL NV3QTWK.DLL NV3RM.VXD NV3SYS.DLL NV3TWEAK.DLL NV3TWEAK.HLP NV3TWEAK.INF VGARTD.VXD NT 4.0 files: NV3OGLNT.DLL NV_DISP.DLL NV_MINI.SYS NV_DISP.INF Modes supported in Release 2.83 These are the Win95 and WinNT modes now supported by the drivers in Release 2.83: Resolution BitDepth RefreshRates 320x200 8,16,32 70,72,75,85,100,120 (DDraw only) 320x240 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 (DDraw only) 400x300 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 (DDraw only) 480x360 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 (DDraw only) 512x384 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 (DDraw only) 640x400 8,16,32 70,72,75,85,100,120 (DDraw only) 640x480 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 800x600 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 960x720 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 (DDraw only) 1024x768 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 1152x864 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 1280x1024 8,16,32* 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 1600x1200 8,16,32* 60,70,72,75,85 1920x1080 8,16* 60,70,72,75,85 1920x1200 8,16* 60,70,72,75 1880x1440 8,16* 60 * requires an 8meg framebuffer Build 43 Release Notes This driver is Release .36a (.36 for WinNT) of the NVIDIA Reference Driver. This release of the display driver is to be used with boards based on the RIVA TNT chip. This release includes drivers for both WinNT4.0 and Win95/98 in either an AGP or PCI configuration. This Reference Driver is supplied to board manufacturers for their use in developing fully supported drivers customized for their specific board configuration. While we expect this driver to operate correctly on RIVA TNT based boards, we are not able to provide full product support for other manufacturers products. It is recommended that end users install the drivers supplied from their board manufacturer to receive full product support. This release includes support for DirectX 6.0 (DX6) and multi-monitor configurations. If you were using a Win95 driver from a board manufacturer that also provided a Control Panel applet, (like Diamond's InControl Tools, STB's Vision, etc.) that applet will not work correctly with the NVIDIA Reference Driver and can cause system problems. It should be removed before these new drivers are installed. (See Installing from non-NVIDIA drivers, below.) System Requirements to use the NVIDIA Reference Drivers Win95 System requirements: - OSR2 for full AGP functionality (which includes Microsoft's OPENGL32.DLL) - Microsoft's OPENGL32.DLL - Microsoft's Dx5 or greater - 2MB disk space Win98 System requirements - Microsoft's Dx5 or greater - 2MB disk space WinNT System requirements: - Service Pack 3 - 2MB disk space Win95 Installation Information: Before installing the new drivers it is recommended that you have a copy of your current drivers, usually supplied with your board. If not previously installed, you will need to install these on your system first: 1. OSR2 or later for AGP systems (usually pre-installed on AGP systems). (Optionally, the USB supplement is needed for full AGP functionality. This should have been included with your system or motherboard. See your system manufacturer's web site for this file.) 2. Install Dx5 or greater (the final version of Dx6 is recommended). This is contained in your board vendor's drivers, on the Microsoft web site, or on a recent DirectX application. It is recommended you install the latest Service Pack from Microsoft. You can obtain this by browsing for "Support Drivers, Patches and Service Packs" \ "Windows 95 Updates" from: The final version of Dx6 can be obtained from: 3. If you have OSR2 or later installed on your system you should already have Microsoft's OPENGL32.DLL installed on your system. If you do not already have a version of OPENGL32.DLL in your Windows\System, or you have another vendor specific OPENGL32.DLL file installed, you need to install Microsoft's OPENGL32.DLL. You can obtain this file and other required files from: When you are ready: 4. Unzip WIN9xxxx.ZIP to an empty folder (such as C:\RIVATNT). 5. Close all programs 6. Install the driver using the Display Properties dialog box: Click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel. Start the "Display" applet program. Select the "Settings" tab Push the "Change Display Type" button (or the "Advanced Properties" button). Push the "Change" button in the "Adapter Type" area. The "Select Device" dialog box will appear, push the "Have Disk" button. Specify the path to the new unzipped driver by pressing "Browse..." After selecting the correct path press "OK". Click "OK" twice to install the new drivers. Close down the open windows. 7. After successfully installing the reference drivers, you will need to restart the operating system for the new drivers to take effect. Windows 98 Installation Information 1.Unzip WIN9xxxx.ZIP to an empty folder (such as C:\RIVATNT). 2. Close all programs 3. Install the driver using the Display Properties dialog box: Click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel. Start the "Display" applet program. Select the "Settings" tab. Push the "Advanced Properties" button. Select the "Adapter" tab. Push the "Change" button. Push the "Next" button. Select the radio button labeled "Display a list of all the drivers in a specific location..." Push the "Have Disk" button and specify the location where you unzipped the files. The system should find a .inf file in the location you specify. Press "OK". Click "OK", then "Next", then "Finish" 4. After successfully installing the reference drivers, you will need to restart the operating system for the new drivers to take effect. WinNT Installation Information: Before installing the new drivers it is recommended that you have a copy of your current drivers, usually supplied with your board. If not previously installed, you will need to install this on your system first: 1. Install Microsoft's Service Pack 3 for Windows NT 4.0 on your system. You can obtain this by browsing for "Support Drivers, Patches and Service Packs" \ "Windows NT Service Packs" from: When you are ready: 2. Unzip NT.ZIP to an empty folder. 3. Close all programs 4. Choose NT's Start\Settings\Control Panel\Display\Settings\Display Type\Change\Have Disk\Browse. 5. Locate the folder with the unzipped reference drivers...Display should list NVIDIA RIVA TNT 6. After NT successfully installs the reference drivers, you will need to restart the operating system for the new drivers to take effect. Installing from non-NVIDIA drivers: If you are installing the NVIDIA Reference Drivers and presently have non- NVIDIA supplied drivers installed, it is recommended that you uninstall your existing driver's Control Panel tools before installing the NVIDIA Reference Drivers. Our driver does not include the hooks in it to support the tools provided by other board manufacturers. As a result, their tools will not operate correctly with the NVIDIA Reference Drivers and could cause system problems if you try to use them with our drivers. The best way to uninstall drivers is to use an uninstall utility provided by your board manufacturer. Please contact them for information on how to uninstall their tools. Uninstalling NVIDIA drivers: If you have a need to do this, first start by uninstalling Control Freak. To do this use the Add/Remove Programs dialog box: Click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel. Start the "Add/Remove Programs" applet program. Select Control Freak, and click "Add/Remove". You will now be able to re-install your original driver on the system. General information for all users. About OpenGL: The NVIDIA Reference Driver Release 43 includes our latest version of the OpenGL ICD for RIVA TNT. This OpenGL ICD is now available for both Windows 95 and Windows NT. It accelerates rendering of OpenGL applications when: - Display is set to 16-bits per pixel or 32-bits per pixel - Enough video memory exists to support the OpenGL resolution requested - Microsoft's OPENGL32.DLL is correctly installed Several pre-release versions of the OpenGL ICD have previously been made available through the Internet. This version should be much more stable, and should perform better in almost all cases. Microsoft's OpenGL will auto-detect that the RIVA products have hardware- accelerated OpenGL available, and use that whenever possible. If OpenGL applications complain about missing required DLL's, or if you are seeing unusual OpenGL behavior, then it is likely that either you are missing OPENGL32.DLL, or that an application shipped with a version of OPENGL32.DLL that is not compatible with the RIVA OpenGL ICD. You should look in the application's directory for a file called OPENGL32.DLL, and rename it. The application will then use the OPENGL32.DLL from the Windows\System or WinNT\System32 directory. You also can obtain the correct OPENGL32.DLL is by re-installing it from the WindowsNT CD. About Control Freak: Also included in the NVIDIA Reference Drivers is our Control Panel applet, Control Freak. This applet adds a RIVA tab to the Display Properties Dialog box. There are several useful controls and setting information here. To learn what each setting can do, just right click on the setting to get an information box. Additional information: The files included with the Release 43 Reference Drivers: PCI files: NV4.VXD NV4AGP.INF NV4CPL.DLL NV4CPL.HLP NV4DD32.DLL NV4DISP.DRV NV4MINI2.VXD NV4OGL.DLL NV4RM.VXD NVARCH16.DLL NVARCH32.DLL AGP files: NV4.VXD NV4AGP.INF NV4CPL.DLL NV4CPL.HLP NV4DD32.DLL NV4DISP.DRV NV4MINI2.VXD NV4OGL.DLL NV4RM.VXD NVARCH16.DLL NVARCH32.DLL VGARTD.VXD NT 4.0 files: NV4OGLNT.DLL NV4_DISP.DLL NV4_MINI.SYS NV4_DISP.INF Modes supported in Release 43 These are the Win95 and WinNT modes now supported by the drivers in this release: Resolution BitDepth Max Refresh Rate Max Refresh Rate at 8 and 16bpp at 32bpp 320x200 8,16,32 70,72,75,85,100,120 120 (DDraw only) 320x240 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 120 (DDraw only) 400x300 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 120 (DDraw only) 480x360 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 120 (DDraw only) 512x384 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 120 (DDraw only) 640x400 8,16,32 70,72,75,85,100,120 120 (DDraw only) 640x480 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120, 240 140,144,150,170,200,240 800x600 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120, 240 140,144,170,200,240 960x720 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 120 (DDraw only) 1024x768 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120, 170 140,144,150,170 1152x864 8,16,32 60,70,72,75,85,100,120, 140 140,144,150 1280x1024 8,16,32* 60,70,72,75,85,100,120 100 1600x1200 8,16,32** 60,70,72,75,85 75 1920x1080 8,16*,32** 60,70,72,75,85 72 1920x1200 8,16*,32** 60,70,72,75 60 *Requires an 8MB framebuffer ** Requires a 16MB framebuffer