=============================== AHL WHATS NEW 09/15/99c =============================== ------------------------ COMMANDS: ------------------------ round_start - Cheats ON only Forces the round to start in teamplay. Good for testing maps. round_end - Cheats ON only Forces the round to end in teamplay. Good for testing maps. weapon - Different uses. If you have a unique, it will bring that out if you're not using it. If you are using, it will bring out the last weapon you used. If you don't have one, it will simply goto the next weapon available. useitem - Switch unique item on/off (Used to be called 'weapon', heh) ignore - Cycle through 'ignore messages' mode. (broadcast, broadcast & radio, all or none) gesture - allows you to point, wave forward or taunt etc The animations that work are : point_forward, point_up, wave_forward, wave_stop, flipoff, taunt & salute Taunt is a pissa! (Nice one Oddjob!) radio - just like AQ2. Radio, name of file. Uses the sentences.txt to pick the right sound. Only works with team mates (therefore, teamplay only). change - brings up menu to change team, pistol, item etc choose - select this weapon/item as starting weapon/item/pistol stunt - the 'stunt key'. This key will eventually let you do everything from spin kicks to wall hugging... currently, all it does is the spin kick (hit 'stunt' then 'jump'). say & say_team %!SOME_SENTENCE - this has been removed. If you want it back, err, beg or something. I don't know. Radio should do you... *DISABLED FOR RELEASE* teamkiller - temp command to test teamkilling stuff quickly... please use it :) *DISABLED FOR RELEASE* ------------------------ CVARS: ------------------------ *NEW* mp_nochasecam - on/off 0 = on 1 = off (even if 'mp_chaseonly' is on). *NEW* sv_lowlag - on/off 0 = none. Usual amount of blood, decals getting spawned etc 1 = Cuts down on the blood trails, reduces the amount of decals put down etc (eye/ear candy). mp_chaseonly - on/off currently (Action Teamplay only) 0 = when dead, can do what you want (free fly noclip, POV cam etc) 1 = when dead, forced to POV chase cam of team mates ONLY (stops cheating) mp_teamplay - 3 states 0 = no teamplay 1 = Action style teamplay (rounds, choose items etc) 2 = Old style teamplay (DM with teams basically...) mp_teamlist - teamname/model;teamname/model; etc Up to 4 teams can be defined. mp_tkdeal - How to deal with TeamKiller's (Ppl who kill team mates over and over) 0 = see 1 1 = Punishment only. Once they hit the 'teamkill limit', they spawn with nothing, can't pick up anything and cannot deal out damage. Also, they glow (kinda) and anyone killing them gets a frag (even team mates). 2 = Vote Kick. Same as above, except members of the same team as the TK'r are given the option to vote. If the result > 45%, the TK'r is kicked. mp_teamkills - Max number of team kills before punishment A teamkiller needs to reach this or greater amount of kills before punishment or voting comes into play. See above notes for how it works... mp_roundtimelimit - What it says. Time limit, but for each round. *DISABLED FOR RELEASE* ahl_allowchanges - lets you use the weapon cvars to change weapons damages, ranges etc. // Damages dmg_knife dmg_thrownknife dmg_beretta dmg_anaconda dmg_hkmp5 dmg_pellet dmg_sniper dmg_frag dmg_kick dmg_spinkick // Spreads spr_beretta spr_akimbob spr_anaconda spr_hkmp5 spr_sniper // Ranges rng_beretta rng_anaconda rng_hkmp5 rng_pellet rng_sniper spd_knife - the speed of the thrown knife (does this work??) The only thing to note is that 'rng_pellet' set the distance for when shotguns will do double damage. *DISABLED FOR RELEASE* ------------------------ ADDITIONS: ------------------------ - DEATH cam Watch your body falll as you die. - Spawn farthest (DM only) Sick of spawning next to Mr HasVestAndMP5? Good, coz it should happen no more (unless theres a person at every spawn point, heh). - 3rd person chase view +attack changes between POV or 3rd person. You can use the movement keys to change your viewing angle and distance. Won't work if 'mp_chaseonly' is on. ------------------------ CHANGES: ------------------------ - MP5/Beretta non-auto modes Added a slight delay to prevent people going auto while in semi-auto/3rd burst. Not realistic, but makes auto more useful. - Kick back on thrown knife hit Removed (looked dumb & red flash + screen jolt are enough) - Vest Toned down a bit. - Jump/Spin kicks They try to kick the un-kickable less often. - low lag setting Improved. - Map ent's resetting Improved. - Weapon/item dropping Made to use less server time. ------------------------ FIXES: ------------------------ - No say command to non-team members Oops. All the testing for it was done in Teamplay, so no one noticed. - Funky death animations Hopefully a thing of the past. The animation is actually no longer done by the players model. It is done by a temp corpse, so you get to watch :) - Bad directions Front = back, back = front etc. Seems right now. - unlimited knives You could pick up more and more thrown knives - shooting the sky fixed. - non-Action teamplay You can actually spawn now... stupid me. - trains not resetting right Now their velocity is cleared and position reset. - weapon re-deployed if you long jump while firing Now you simply can't long jump if firing - switchable lights The start how they are supposed too, instead of just ON - rapid fire anaconda By hitting +attack & +attack2, you could make the Anaconda shoot ultra fast. Fixed. - twitchy'ness in chasecam/deathcam Moving your mouse around no longer causes it. - Vote kicking Fixed it up some. Like if they disconnect, it takes everyone out of the voting menu now. =============================== AHL WHATS NEW 09/08/99e =============================== So much for a simple 'crash' fix. ------------------------ ADDITIONS: ------------------------ - pain flash & screen shake Get shot and the screen will react, based on how much damage done and where that damage came from (left, behind, infront etc). - goal stuff Just that. Made changes to existing map entities and added a few new ones to allow new kinds of maps to be made. Information to be provided later :) - more map entity reset stuff Just about everything will reset in a map now, when the round resets. Doors, glass, elevators etc. ------------------------ CHANGES: ------------------------ - item/weapon system Replaced it with one that uses only one entity max, instead of 5-7. Much easier to work with than the original one too. - func_breakable's Only func_breakable's with no target or targetname will respawn now. This basically means GLASS only. - lots of other stuff Lots of stuff to increase stability. (Say command, radio command, death think, dropping weapons etc etc) ------------------------ FIXES: ------------------------ - lots Everything from spawning with the spectator flag set to the game crashing coz someone used the radio while in chasecam... lets hope they weren't just faking it eh? :) =============================== AHL WHATS NEW 08/26/99i =============================== Nothing ever goes to plan. All this for some corrupt DLL's... great. ------------------------ ADDITIONS: ------------------------ - 'lowlag' cvar Just cuts down on 'flashy' stuff.. reduces a few routines etc ------------------------ CHANGES: ------------------------ - POV chasecam changes Just made it a bit nicer. You can follow anyone & leave the chasecam if 'mp_chaseonly' is not set. - Lead routine Cleaned it up in an attempt to kill the problems with the Sniper Rifle. Turns out it was the map, but the changes were worth it anyway (combined tracebleed with it, stopped code being called if not really needed etc). - 'weapon' command Made this nicer (try it out) ------------------------ FIXES: ------------------------ - moving before 'start menu' comes up You can't move now. This should stop ppl getting stuck in the floor etc - err, bunch of other little stuff What it says. =============================== AHL WHATS NEW 08/23/99k =============================== AHH! Real Life! Anyhow... finally finished adding the POV cam. The actual cam was done a week ago. For some reason, it's taken me a week to be able to use the dam thing properly. Stupid eh? ------------------------ ADDITIONS: ------------------------ - POV cam Was doing chascam, but ended up doing this instead... - Quick UWeapon selection The command 'weapon' was changed to 'quick uwep selection'. (Use item now does what weapon used to do...) - ignore command Can now cycle through being able to ignore certain messages and/or radio. Good if some idiots are annoying you online... - 320 resolution sprites Now ppl running a resolution less than 640x480 will get AHL sprites. They aint exactly perfect, but at least the sniper scope is there etc. - func_break's reset In DM or Teamplay, all func_breakable's will reset (re-start of round or 30 seconds) Causes some funny things to happen in certain maps though... Nothing major. Will be attended too later... ------------------------ CHANGES: ------------------------ - weapon => useitem The 'weapon' command is now used by 'uwep selection'. 'useitem' now switches uitems on/off. ------------------------ FIXES: ------------------------ - weapon_akimbob & weapon_pistol map entities They now show the right model and act the right way. - grenade deaths. Now shows the right icon and gives the right deathmessage - this and that What it says. =============================== AHL WHATS NEW 08/14/99q =============================== Bugs suck. Nuff' said ------------------------ ADDITIONS: ------------------------ - gestures See above command 'gesture'. - additional hit notification stuff - Shotguns will now register, but only as "You hit So&So" (No hitlocation). - Teammate's names are depicted in 'yellow'. Personally, I think red or something would be better... - When taking damage from wounds, 'Wound Damage' will be displayed to help you tell that you are in fact bleeding... ------------------------ CHANGES: ------------------------ - hit notification stuff Rigged it to be called once per frame instead of each time you are shot. This stops shotguns from freaking it out and also takes some load off the server, as well as the client (less messages too and from). ------------------------ FIXES: ------------------------ - changing teams during round, round continues Fixed. - getting stuck in noclip mode (from ppl disconnected/switching teams etc) Fixed. You will now be re-spawned if the round returns to the 'checking state' - items dropping through floor/walls Fixed. - helpful info at start - Sudden end of the line : Fixed - Client crashing if you hit slot1-10 : Fixed - Moron factor ease of use : Improved (hitting +use works like +attack) - Poor spelling and/or grammar : err... - laser sight with akimbo berreta's Fixed (Should no longer happen). - laser sight giving great accuracy at long->extreme range Fixed. Now only works too 1024 units. Comments? =============================== AHL WHATS NEW 08/14/99a =============================== One biggy about this version is the anti-teamkiller stuff. Becoming a teamkiller is easy for teamkiller's dicks, but for you and me, it should basically never happen. Everytime you kill a teammate, this little counter goes up. Everytime you spawn, this counter goes down by 1 (one, uno). That means, if you accidently kill one or two buddies everynow and then, you have got nothing to worry about. However... if you go out of your way to kill em', well, this counter will keep going up... Simple eh? Once it hits the 'mp_teamkills' limit, stuff happens. See below for descriptions of what, heh. Also added items on hud, old style teamplay support etc. Just read the damn stuff below... ------------------------ ADDITIONS: ------------------------ - anti-team killer stuff Read above if you haven't already (mp_tkdeal etc) - items on HUD Woohoo and all that. Doesn't display the flashlight, coz there isn't an icon for it (Not that anyone uses the crappy thing at the moment). Gotta fix that... - helpful info at start Wow, look, helpful type info. Been meaning to add proper help, but that'll do for now. Hope to add a 'newbie' command or something... Don't you hate that mid game? "What's a unique item?" "How do I bandage?" etc Besides, even non-newbies sometimes need help with bindings etc. It'll contain that info too... Ignore spelling mistakes, line clipping etc for now. ------------------------ CHANGES: ------------------------ - knives Slowed down some (from 1900 -> 1500) ------------------------ FIXES: ------------------------ - stuff you didn't know about Nuff' said - shooting yourself in the foot... Woah.. that was a weird one. Fixed it. - not respawning in DM Oops... so sue me. Fixed - round not ending on disconnect Weird one, coz a check was already in place. Just to be sure, it re-calcs the round settings now. If that doesn't catch it, nothing will... - weapons dropping through floor/walls It better be fixed... or else. I don't think I fixed items though... - jump kicking glass Fixed. Can do that now... Still need work on the kick back though, heh - other stuff Misc' little stuff (aligned health icon better for instance...) =============================== AHL WHATS NEW 08/09/99h =============================== Damn, a lot has changed since the beta release version, heh Just a quick note : Try out the Sniper Rifle lots. There seems to be a bug where it doesn't hit ppl, even when it is dead on them. Only seems to happen in teamplay, and mainly when zoomed. ------------------------ ADDITIONS: ------------------------ - Teamplay Set 'mp_teamplay' > 0 to enable. Nuff' said - New menu system Fully compatible with the old style (you can still use the slot1-10 to select stuff). Can be fully client side (as it is currently) or updated by the server. Use the movement keys & +use to navigate them. Still needs a little work to get the delays for it right... It's also a bit hard for it to pick up +use sometimes :( You may notice that while in a menu, you cannot move around. That's deliberate so that the movement keys are picked up correctly... - Basic flood protection Added on say & radio commands. Just in case AHL gets hit by a bunch of idiots that know how to bind 'say Call me an idiot' to a key... - Basic Radio support See above for the command. Only supports male sounds right now... - Sentences with say & say_team Have to change this, coz you can send ANYTHING that is in SENTENCES.txt to ppl. Even with flood protection in, hearing "Squad we got freeman!" all the time would suck. - Pain sounds Only supports male sounds right now... - Teamplay damage avoidance Nuff' said. ------------------------ CHANGES: ------------------------ - weapon accuracy calc'ing It is more controlable now - jump kicks These are easy to do now - lots of stuff client side Took a lot of things that were done by the server (deathmessages, ident etc) and made them client side. This should take quite a bit of the strain off the server... - knives They've been sped up... probably TOO much. They also stay in doors/glass now... falling to the ground if the glass breaks, or simply moving with the door/train as it moves. It aint exactly perfect yet, so if you see a knife floating in the air, ignore it. - blood trails Done much better now (IMHO) - shotguns & blood Ever notice that at point blank range the shotguns make an awful lot of instant blood? Well, as cool as this looks, it also throw a bunch of stuff onscreen that really just lags up the server for a split second. Now, you will only get blood from the first few pellets... after that, zip. - bullet impact 'puffs' Added a random spark effect. Needs work still. On the plus side, you can no longer shoot the sky, heh ------------------------ FIXES: ------------------------ - Lots of fixes If I missed something, tell me