// "The Innocent eternity" by Vladislav G. Vlasiuk aka Vlas // especialy for Innesa. // Position command $position x y // x & y are from 0 to 1 to be screen resolution independent // -1 means center in each dimension // Effect command $effect // effect 0 is fade in/fade out // effect 1 is flickery credits // effect 2 is write out (training room) // Text color r g b command $color // fadein time fadeout time / hold time // $fadein (message fade in time - per character in effect 2) // $fadeout (message fade out time) // $holdtime (stay on the screen for this long) $position -1 -1 $effect 0 $color 255 0 0 $color2 255 200 220 $fadein 0.25 $fxtime 0.25 $holdtime 3 $fadeout 3 MSG1 { The Innocent Etirnity } MSG2 { by Vladislav G. Vlasiuk } $position 0 -1 $effect 0 $color 255 0 0 $color2 255 220 220 $fadein 0.05 $fxtime 0.5 $holdtime 3 $fadeout 2.0 MSG4 { You can't open the door to Citadel of Etirnity from here! } MSG5 { You need activate special energy block in the "caves of sorrow". } MSG6 { To the Citadel of Etirnity. } MSG7 { To the "caves of sorrow". } MSG8 { Energy block activated! } MSG9 { In next time! OK?! Have a very safe day! }