BSP Editor New for 0.93b: Okay, should work pretty well now. 1. Regioning is fixed. 2. A "selection" rectangle can extend beyond the world min/max without causing a warning message. 3. Dragging beyond world boundaries should only give one warning total. 4. If you apply detail/or remove detail from all brushes from the button bars/menus, then the checkbox is adjusted in the surface window current texture. 5. Deletion of a fixed sized entity followed by "undo" of the deletion was crashing. This is fixed. 6. Merge brushes, where you were merging "selected only" now works. 7. Merge brushes epsilons increased (see dialog for details). Can be set in bsp.ini. 8. Okay, Tile and Cascade, under the Window menu, now work again. You don't want to know. Just let it suffice to say that I had to write my own tiling and cascading code. Not a big deal, but... 9. The setup program only shows the .pak stuff for a "Quake2" type game config. Also, there is a check box to "ignore" the .pak file. If this is set, then the q2_pak_file entry in game.ini is set to "none" and you won't be prompted to find the .pak while loading BSP. 10. There is a setting in the bsp.ini for turning on mipmapping support for glBSP (only!). I will put in the different texture mapping modes for the next ver. Yahn 2/12/98 -------------------------------- New for 0.92a: This is another alpha, in case I missed something obvious... 1. Buttons, shortcut keys and menu commands for setting/removing detail bits. 2. Surface window allows adding/removing/setting flags or contents without altering other info, such as texture name and offsets, etc. 3. Texture lock state saved in .bru/.mrg file 4. Q2 monsters can be loaded from Q2 .pak. See the \bsp\quake2\ models.ini for syntax. You can put the whole .pak path if you are using a special .pak, or just put "Pak" and bsp will try to load the .md2 from the default .pak file. If you don't want to spend the time or memory, try using the smallmdl.ini instead of models.ini in the quake2\ dir of bsp. That file only loads the "info_player_start" player.md2 model. 5. If you set fake_colormap=1 in the game.ini of the game of your choice, then the a "fake" colormap will be generated. Note that, of course, the editor will not show any face shading using the fake colormap, but it's much faster to load. 6. World min/max coordinate added to game.ini. E.g., set to 4096 for Q/Q2 so that if you drag a brush outside this value, BSP will warn you about it. Dragging a brush outside this range will generate a warning. 7. There was a bug where the relative texture path (e.g. "e1u1") was getting messed up when you chose a texture from the pulldown list on the control bar. I think this is fixed, but if you still notice problems, let me know and I'll check it again. 8. Replace texture and find brush by texture should work for Q2. 9. BSP no longer crashes if you don't load a texture dropdown list on the button bar (for custom bspbars.ini files). 10. The "make" commands are now in a dropdown list on the button bar. Choose from the list, and hit the adjacent "make" button. You can reconfigure bspbars.ini to add the old buttons back in if you really want them back. 11. A Q2 .map can autoload textures from either the Q2 .pak file or from subdirectories with .wal files. Just add one of the following keys to your .map's "worldspawn" entity: Key (no quotes, of course) Value (example) "_pakload" "e1u1;e1u2" "_dirload" "outside" The first will load the e1u1 and e1u2 textures\ subdirectories from the Q2 .pak file when the .map is opened. The other will load the .wal files on your hard drive that are in the outside\ subdirectory off of you the texture_path specified in the game.ini. Because of the leading underscore "_" for the keys, qbsp3 and Quake2.exe will not signal an error when processing the .map or compiled .bsp. This is similar to the _color key for non-opengl users. 12. Cycling current face will update the surface window (Numpad 7 or 9). 13. Surface window position is saved. Put it where you want and when you exit bsp it will show back up where you left it. 14. Dragging of small brushes even when zoomed way in was messed up. This is fixed and you should be able to drag them around, etc. 15. Export selected brushes OK and Cancel boxes were reversed. 16. There is a searcher for "mixed face contents" problems. It will simply select and suspect brushes that have mixed face contents bits, etc. 17. If you just run bsp without specifying -game xxx, then bsp will ask which game to start. 18. Right clicking the xy windows will bring them to the front. 19. Esc will close the surface window. 20. You can Tab between surface window edit fields. You can use the arrow keys, too. 21. Surface window position is automatically saved. You may have to resize it the first time you see it. 22. The trailing zeroes in the surface window have been eliminated. 23. glBSP backfaces are not rendered. This should give a 2x speed boost. My bad, I thought GL would default to this, but I guess not... 24 glBSP: The angle circle is now drawn in the 3d view. 25. Dragging of clip points and the camera now works right when zoomed in or out. 26. Omit Hint or Detail brushes added to Group Menu (and buttons to do this can be added to bspbars.ini if you want, the values are at the very end of the file). 27. A whole ton of internal stuff, that's why this is alpha. 28. If the q2_pak_file key in the game.ini is set to "none" (or is missing), then the .pak file loading sequence is ignored. 29. Export Menu is populated with the .bat files found in the bat_directory. Yes this means you can create your own and, if the names are different, you won't have to worry about rechanging the default ones. 16 is the current max. If anyone needs more, let me know. I'm quite interested to know if any functionality of BSP has been broken, so please let me know if you find something that doesn't work like it used to (or at all). Yahn 2/5/98 ------------------------------------------------- What's new for v. 0.90b. This is yet another maintenance release. 1. Applying contents flag bits with values > 32768 should now work. I.e., the surface window should show the correct values. 2. Search/replace texture now includes the relative texture path, etc. for Q2 editing. 3. Load texture from .pak now allows picking a different .pak than the default. Just hit "Open" at the dialog box to use the default. 4. Setup program for Q2 just warns if .pak is invalid and prompts whether to "Save Anyway?". 5. In Q2 mode, leak file handling is in. This loads the .lin file that qbsp3 creates. Choose the Load .pts from the File | LeakFile menu. Pick a .lin file. Similar to old point file stuff, except now you get actual lines, which is cool. Yahn 12/28/97 What's new for v. 0.89b. This is a maintenance release to fix some Q2 editing stuff. 1. Texture output in the .map is in lower case, so qbsp3 should no longer choke on animated brushes. 2. The surface window now reflects the current flags/contents settings upon opening (before it was not showing the udpated values). 3. The surface window has been decluttered of flags/contents check boxes that were unusued. 4. You can load a texture directory from the Q2 .pak file (set the path in the setup.exe program.). Hit the "p" key to do this. 5. A map can refer to textures in the .pak, e.g. e1u1/blah and if the texture has not been unpacked from the .pak and the .pak is validly set in bsp, bsp will load the .wal from the pack directly. If you don't have the quake 2 .pak file, then when prompted to find it, hit the "cancel" button. 6. The .c files in the game directory that are used for Q2 entities, I have made BSP parse the end of line characters and insert the carriage return where it was omitted in id's source files. 7. If a texture is loaded that has a default "warp" style, it should warp in the texture browser. Animations should work right, still assuming that the old style +nnTEXTURE naming convention is used. However, I fixed an anomoly in the code, so it should work better now. I may implement the animname chaining that is the techically correct way to do this in the next release. 8. .lin file processing will be in next release. 9. New logo thanks to Trebz. It was better, but I had to crop it down and lower the colors to 256 to keep the .exe size down. 10. Creating new brushes and then just exiting now prompts for saving before closing a .map. 11. Other stuff, as usual. 12/21/97 YWB