================================================================ Title : RCTF3: Fort Capture Filename : rctf3.bsp Author : "Remy" Horton Email Address : remy@broadway.compulink.co.uk Misc. Author Info : auther, RCTFx series Description : My third Q2-CtF level. It is a lot larger than my previous ones. It a LOT more detailed.It should be good for 18-24 player games, although there should be room for 32 players (it might need 'weapons stay' set for larger games tho). Main feature is a fort-like courtyard.. ================================================================ For those who are intrested (very few i suspect), Qbsp3 took about 3 minutes (mainly because i have about 80mb ram), while QVis/QRad took about 10 hours.. ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Legal kludge * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels (if its actually possible), or level collections.. You MAY distribute this level, provided you include all files, with no modifications. This level may NOT be used to make profit. ================================================================