NaprawdΩ £wetna muzyka dopasowana idealnie do filmu, kt≤rej dobrze siΩ s│ucha tak┐e w domu. Je┐eli kto£ widzia│ film wie o czym m≤wiΩ, je┐eli nie powinien jak najszybciej nadrobiµ zalego£µi.

1. Main Titles
2. Enemy Of The State Main Theme
3. Brill's Theme
4. Ferry, The
5. Hotel Chase Part 2
6. Zavitz Chase Part 1
7. NASA Research
8. Brill And Dean Meet
9. Free Ferry
10. Nanny Drive
11. Final Confrontation
12. Coal Yard Part 1
13. Face To Face
14. Tunnel Part 1, The
15. Coal Yard Part 2
16. Rachel's Found Dead
17. Wish You Were Here