This document is best viewed with word wrap turned on. iGrafx Share Media Readme INSTALLING THE APPLICATION ON A NETWORK Instructions for installing Share Media on a network are located on the root of the CD-ROM in a PDF file entitled NETWORKINSTALL.PDF. INSTALLING THE APPLICATION FROM THE CD-ROM 1 Start Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0 2 Insert the application CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive. The Setup program automatically starts. 3 Follow the instructions on the screen. The Setup program guides you through the installation. Note about virus checkers: Virus checkers installed with "strict" checking prevent you from copying files to the hard disk until the checker has gone over the file. If you have a virus checker on your system, disable the checker or set it to a different mode before installing iGrafx Share Media. UNINSTALLING THE APPLICATION "I have run the uninstaller for iGrafx Share, but I still have an iGrafx folder full of files on my machine. How do I uninstall this?" Check that folder to make sure you don't have any personal files, such as DSF or DRW drawings. If not, it may be that you have installed iGrafx Share Media to two different folders. If so, the second folder will still have program files such as IGXMEDIA.EXE. It would then be enough to delete that folder using Windows Explorer. All other references to iGrafx Share Media would have already been removed when you ran the uninstaller the first time. RECOMMENDED DISPLAY SETTINGS Graphics will operate on any VGA display. However, for best performance and usability, it is strongly recommended that you set your display resolution to at least 800x600 (i.e. more than 640x480). It is also recommended that you choose a display color depth of at least 16-bit, high-color, or better, depending on the abilities of your display adapter. To change these settings on your computer, select Start, Settings, Control Panel, and double-click on the Display icon. Changing certain settings here may cause the need to reboot your machine. KNOWN PROBLEMS · If you add a subject to a Private Media Collection using the shortcut menu, you should name the new subject before doing anything else in Share Media. For example, if you right-click a collapsed collection (its subjects are temporarily hidden in the Media Browser), point to New, and click Subject, a new subject appears in the collection with a highlighted temporary name (called New Subject). To avoid problems, either accept the default name (New Subject) or enter a new name for the subject immediately. · If all of your files do not appear in the Add Files dialog box, make sure the Show Thumbnails option is selected. To show thumbnails, click the Show/Hide Thumbnails button in the upper right corner of the dialog box. · After you initially insert a media CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive, you may have to click Refresh on the View menu or press F3 to view the contents of the CD-ROM. CD-ROM collections appear in your Private Media Collections.