3 Undo 4 Material Assign 5 Create Parent 6 Translate Material 7 Scale Material 8 Add Material 9 Command Stack Information 10 Sphere 11 Default 12 Copy Object 108 Editing Error 109 n 110 Twist 111 Envelope 112 Drop Deformation 113 Group Start 114 Push-Pull 115 Align Object 116 Extrude 1040 Group Stop 1079 Create 1080 Move Object 1081 Rotate Object 1082 Scale Object 1083 Reset Object 1084 Parent/Child Attach 1085 Parent/Child Detach 1086 Bend 1087 Horizontal 1088 Vertical 1089 Diagonal - Down 1090 Diagonal - Up 1091 Circle - Vertical 1092 Circle - Horizontal 1093 Arc - Down 1094 Arc - Up 3452 Full Page\nHalf Page\nQuarter Page 3453 100\n50\n25 3454 Render Dialog Message Text 3455 Render Dialog Progress Text 3456 Open 3457 Open 3458 Cancel 3460 Start Rendering View 3461 Rendering Shadow Maps 3462 Rendering Geometry 3463 Rendering Complete 3464 Removing an object's "Create" command stack entry is not allowed. If you would like to remove the object, select it and then hit the delete key. 3473 Redo 3499 SOFTWARE\iGrafx\Catalog\3d 3586 Please wait while iGrafx 3D renders your image. 3607 Remove Material 3612 Could not save file [%-s]. Check the available disk space and/or write permissions for the destination path 3613 Could Not Save File 3614 The selected compression codec is not supported at this color depth. Please save using a different compressor. 3618 - Parent 3656 Any 3657 User defined 3671 Pivot Point 3684 Light Movement 3705 None 3706 Clipboard Object 3707 Image Has Changed 3708 The image %-s has been altered outside of this program. Would you like to reload it? 3709 Default Front 3710 Default Back 3711 Add Animation 3712 Delete Animation 3713 Edit Animation 3714 Light Create 3715 Rotate Over 360 3716 Rotate Around 360 3717 Roll 360 3718 Fly In 3719 Circle In 3720 Up Down 3721 Rotate Over 360 (CHILDREN) 3722 Rotate Around 360 (CHILDREN) 3723 Roll 360 (CHILDREN) 3724 Fly In (CHILDREN) 3725 Circle In (CHILDREN) 3726 Up Down (CHILDREN) 3727 CHILDREN 3728 Orbit 3729 Orbit (CHILDREN) 3731 Windows Bitmap File (.bmp)|*.bmp|Tagged Image File Format (.tif)|*.tif|Targa File Format (.tga)|*.tga|GIF File Format (.gif)|*.gif|JPEG File Format (.jpg)|*.jpg| 3732 All Supported Files|*.bmp;*.tif;*.tga;*.gif;*.jpg;*.avi;*.flc|Windows Bitmap File (.bmp)|*.bmp|Tagged Image File Format (.tif)|*.tif|Targa File Format (.tga)|*.tga|GIF File Format (.gif)|*.gif|JPEG File Format (.jpg)|*.jpg|AVI File Format (.avi)|*.avi|AutoDesk Flic File (.flc)|*.flc|| 3733 All Supported Files|*.s3d;*.e3d;*.eye;*.ged;*.dxf;*.obj;*.drw;*.cdr;*.dsf;*.emf;*.wmf|iGrafx 3D Project (.s3d)|*.s3d|Micrografx Simply 3D Project (.s3d)|*.s3d|Instant3D Project (.e3d)|*.e3d|Renderize Project File (.eye)|*.eye|Visual 3D Geometry File (.ged)|*.ged|AutoCad DXF File (.dxf)|*.dxf|Wavefront File (.obj)|*.obj| 3734 All Supported Files|*.s3d;*.e3d;*.eye;*.ged;*.dxf;*.vbo;*.obj;*.drw;*.cdr;*.dsf;*.emf;*.wmf|iGrafx 3D Project (.s3d)|*.s3d|Micrografx Simply 3D Project (.s3d)|*.s3d|Instant3D Project (.e3d)|*.e3d|Renderize Project File (.eye)|*.eye|Visual 3D Geometry File (.ged)|*.ged|AutoCad DXF File (.dxf)|*.dxf|Visual Binary Object (.vbo)|*.vbo| 3735 All Supported Files|*.s3d;*.e3d;*.eye;*.ged|Micrografx Simply 3D Project (.s3d)|*.s3d|iGrafx 3D Project (.s3d)|*.s3d|Instant3D Project (.e3d)|*.e3d|Renderize Project File (.eye)|*.eye|Visual 3D Geometry File (.ged)|*.ged| 3736 iGrafx Drawing File (*.drw)|*.drw|Micrografx Drawing File (*.drw)|*.drw|CorelDRAW (*.cdr)|*.cdr|iGrafx Designer File (*.dsf)|*.dsf|Micrografx Designer File (*.dsf)|*.dsf|Windows Enhanced Metafile (*.emf)|*.emf|Windows Metafile (.wmf)|*.wmf| 3745 Set Text Path 3746 Group 3747 Ungroup 3748 Font Type 3749 Bevel Depth 3750 Bevel Type 3751 Change Text 3752 Animation 3753 Extrusion Depth 3754 Deformation 3755 Object Properties 3756 Light Properties 3757 Camera Properties 3758 All Supported Files|*.drw;*.cdr;*.dsf;*.emf;*.wmf| 3759 Sequential Targa (.tga)|*.tga| 3760 Separate Letters 3763 Separate 2D geometry 3764 Unable to open needed Clipboard file 3765 Change object parent 3766 Change number of materials 3767 Morph 3768 Light Move 3769 Box 3770 Cone 3771 Cylinder 3772 Torus 3773 Holebox 3774 Softbox 3775 Wall 3776 Floor 3777 Vase 3778 Light Edit 3779 Object 3780 Material Edit 3781 View Edit 3782 Object Edit 3783 Background 3784 The system temp path <%s> is invalid. Please change the system environment settings to point to a valid directory.