This document is best viewed with word wrap turned on. iGrafx Buiness Graphics Readme PRINTERS It is recommended that a printer driver be installed on your system before running Graphics. Certain multi-paged projects, such as animations and custom pages, will not work correctly without a driver installed. The exception is the HP PhotoSmart printer driver. If you install this driver as your only printer driver, Graphics can crash when opening a page or changing the page setup. To remove this possiblity, install another printer driver, such as the HP IIIsi. Then, you can set the HP PhotoSmart printer as the default. INTERNET BROWSER Some versions of Netscape Navigator 4.0x may not work correctly with Graphics when previewing web pages or using the "Home Page" link. It is recommended that you install a newer version of Netscape to correct any problems. RECOMMENDED DISPLAY SETTINGS iGrafx Business Graphics will operate on any VGA display. However, for best performance and usability, it is strongly recommended that you set your display resolution to at least 800x600 (i.e. more than 640x480). It is also recommended that you choose a display color depth of 16-bit, high-color, or better, depending on the abilities of your display adapter. To change these settings, click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel. Double-click the Display icon. Changing certain settings here may require rebooting your machine. KNOWN VIDEO DRIVER ISSUES iGrafx Business Graphics has some style problems with ATI video cards. If you notice display problems within Graphics, obtain the latest video driver from you video card manufacturer. ATM We support version 3.02 and above of Adobe Type Manager. With previous versions of ATM, it is possible that iGrafx Business components will not display Type 1 fonts in the font selection box. PRINTING BANNERS It is recommended that you do not change the page orientation of banners from the Print screen. For example, if you begin with portrait pages, do not change the printer setting to landscape when you print. This may cause some of the pages to be lost. UNINSTALLING THE APPLICATIONS "I have run the iGrafx uninstaller, but I still have a Graphic1 folder full of files on my machine. How do I uninstall this?" Check the Graphic1 folder to make sure it does not contain personal files, such as DRW drawings or address lists (TXT files) that you want to keep. If you want to save the files, move them to another folder. When the Graphic1 folder is empty, delete the folder.